Your Throne

Have you rejected parts of yourself? E.g., child, Goddess, God, fattie, loser, quitter, matriarch, whiner, sissy, artist, sorceress? Place those parts of you on the throne. Bow down before them.


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Blessing You

NightJoyStar-Filled Faerie Blessings:
I’m excited to announce a new service.

In traditional native culture, each person was taken care of by her tribe’s shaman. My mother trained me to do this work from childhood, as part of the family’s shamanic tradition going back hundreds of years.

A tribe member would regularly receive blessings from her shaman, through a five-day ritual to bring well being—e.g., prosperity, peace, and protection. The shaman chose a propitious time in nature and performed the five-day blessing, empowered by this special time.

I’ll do this ceremony for you, once a month, for six months, starting October.

Every shaman has their favorite times in nature. I love the witchy powers that come forth when there’s less moonlight. Night stars!

Every month has a New Moon—a night when no moon appears above. About five days before and after this, the moon shows far less than half its full sphere, revealing only a bright narrow sliver.

I’ll choose five consecutive days, from this dozen or so darker days of the month, to do the five-day ceremony. During it, you receive
* a healing and empowerment of your spirit,
a healing and strengthening of your body,
* good luck overall in your life.

FDGBlessingThe blessing shapes itself to your needs. It’s not intrusive, controlling, or otherwise “off.” I can’t know what’s right for you. Only you and your Gods fully comprehend you. My magic supports your unique being, adapting to your essence as it manifests moment to moment.

It’s easy to receive this blessing. You don’t have to do a thing. I do the work for you!

If you like doing magic for yourself, my work has the added benefit of supporting yours—even if you’re a magical master. My past life memory is, doing these rituals when a tribe had more than one shaman, I would bless them as well; we are all tribe.

You deserve high quality support and ongoing loving care:

Choose a six-month subscription, with easy, automatic monthly payments of $130.

Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account. Use the Subscribe button below.

I encourage you: Open to long-term support. Imagine the improvement in your life from a half year of ceremonies. Imagine star-filled Faerie Blessings for six months. In fact, subscribe and receive an additional magic each month:

During every five-day ceremony, I’ll create a mystical document you receive as a PDF by email. This page, which you can put it in your Book of Shadows, is not run-of-the-mill Paganism seen over and over online. It’s my channeled material—eg prayers or insights—relevant to the five-day blessing.

In the same vein, there’s no clip art. The page is ornamented by full-color art I paint in trance, which blesses the page.

IrisFancySpirit tells me that your opening to ongoing succor—AKA subscribing for six months—helps energize the documents, so they function as talismans for you. The effort I put into the pages, plus your commitment to the six-month blessing, generates sacred artifacts—digital style: Each of the six pages is a talisman that increases your star-filled Faerie blessings, bringing further well-being and success, with no effort on your part. You don’t even have to print a page for its power to work!

I retain full copyright of my art and writing. Sharing the material without permission from its creator is prohibited by law; it is also bad mojo.

I always tell you by email when the ritual will start. If you need more info, can’t afford payment, or need reduced payment, phone me: 814.337.2490. I also am open to trade. No refunds but, if for some reason you must drop out, cancel your subscription, and I won’t expect further payments.

Enrollment deadline: October 2.

Special Note: The five-day rite does not pollute Gaia through the manufacture of lots of objects. Mind you, using magical tools can be powerful, and I make altar tools myself. But capitalist “Pagans” try to sell sell sell us a endless stream of stuff stuff stuff, by implying that littering our lives with purchases makes us “real” Pagans. Acquiring a magnitude of “stuff” doesn’t produce a magnitude of power.

Instead, you receive nothing but straight ahead pure magic from me! Magic like you might’ve dreamt of as a child or hoped for in wild fantasies. Be with me in this magic.


A shamanic blessing does not substitute for medical care by a physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatment. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation. This spiritual treatment is extraordinarily effective, but may not work for some individuals.

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Upcoming Book

Hiya, I’m excited to have finalized the book’s cover so I can share it with you:


Though untrained as an artist, I felt compelled to do the cover’s art and overall design. I wanted to put my heart in this book, every way possible.

The manuscript is dear to me. Its shamanic approach to the marketplace will help people do what they love for a living. The text also shows how professional self-fulfillment inherently helps build an economy no longer based in war and hate but in love and community service. I’m over the top happy: together, we can work toward creating a world of beauty, moral decency, and human dignity.

After years of work, the manuscript was supposed to be published late 2013. There was only about a month’s work left to be done on the manuscript. Then there was a big delay, and I only could get back to work on the project recently. But now I finally finished the manuscript. Here’s a photo right after completing the last edit:


Rather than getting tangled with a profit-hungry corporation, I’m trying to walk my talk regarding the book’s philosophy, by formatting the manuscript into an e-book myself. It’s a big learning curve for me, for two reasons. 1) I’ve never done this before. 2) Being print disabled, most of my leisure reading relies on audiobooks, so I haven’t read tons of e-books. I want to do this job right for you, which leads me to a question:

What format e-book do you want this book to be: PDF, ePub, or mobi? I’m not asking what you think other people read, because I already have statistics for that. I don’t make decisions based only on statistics—I care about you as an individual. What format do you read? Put your preference in the comment field below, or tell me in social media if that works better for you. Though not sure I can accommodate everyone’s preferences, I am going to really try.

I expect the book to be available in a few weeks. Stay tuned for more info.

Love, peace, and self-fulfillment to you,

Francesca De Grandis

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Classes, Books, and Other News, Community, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 43 Comments

Stealing Women’s Work

StlngWmWrkHave you ever noticed how the first line of many female artists’ mini biography is mention of the male artist who influenced her? That does not tend to happen in male bios. Their first line usually states their most important accomplishment. Apparently, what’s most important about a woman is whatever man she happened to stand next to.

The same dismissal of genius and innovation happens to women authors, philosophers, inventors, and so on.

I wonder how often the woman in question was the actual influence and was robbed of credit so men could be the ones to profit from her innovations. I believe it happened a lot. In any case, our society, by rote of sexist biographical structure, dismisses and hides the innovative brilliance of many women.

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How Do We Market World Peace?

WrldPaxThere are incredibly fine minds in advertising, people using their amazing talents to bastardize innovative political and social movements into “If you want to be free and express yourself, buy this dress that everyone else will also wear!” I wish these people, with all their mental prowess, could get paid to market world peace.

—from Share My Insanity: It Improves Everything

SMI Button

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DIY Tshirt Cloth Flower

Homespun, but Boldly Elegant

I’ve got five new brooches, made from scraps.

There’s something spiritually earthy when you upcycle to create beauty.


The above T-shirt flower is my variation on this tutorial:

Do try the original variation as well. When you make flowers with cloth other than tshirts, following that blog’s instructions, the “petals” have fabulously ragged edges. I love them and made a handful. Here is one:


Here is another:


After making a few like that, I couldn’t stop, LOL. So I came up with my variation. It goes in a totally different direction, using T-shirts scraps, instead of fabrics that will “rag.”

T-shirt material rolls, creating a very different effect—still homespun, but boldly elegant, if you choose the right palette and center piece. Note that most “petals” curl lengthwise, and a few at the other edge:


Its center is a beautiful brass piece from Vintage Jewelry Supplies.

I’m wearing my tshirt blossom as I type, love it so much.

If you catch the bug I did, and can’t stop making cloth flowers, here’s another variation: When dyeing clothing for myself, I tossed a ragged flower into the dye, so it would match my outfit.

The flower had different fabrics types and colors, which I wanted to peek through the dye. So I removed the flower from the dye sooner than I did the clothing. A more thorough dye job might have obscured fabric variation.

Check it out (I could not manage a photo that shows the different fabrics very well, sorry):

As an experiment, I ironed the dyed flower, which is kind of ironic, because the beauty of these flowers is their mussed up look. But that particular flower looked better to me ironed.

I sewed jewelry pins to all the backs. Instead, you could sew a flower to a hat or a blouse. Also, I’ve seen a lot of shabby chic flowers sewn around a neckline or hemline for an opulent Lagenlook.

There are endless ways to use these gorgeous, inexpensive, and easy to make adornments. And homemade adornment is innately magical.


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Compassion and Moral Superiority


After hurting someone, I might cut myself some slack, if there were mitigating circumstances.

Hopefully, I make sincere efforts to never repeat the injurious offense, while simultaneously being compassionate to myself.

However, when someone hurts me, it’s easy to attribute the worst possible motive, and therefore condemn that person, in a wrongful fit of moral superiority. Compassion has fled.

So I usually try to cut people who wrong me some slack. I’m not saying I’ll be a doormat, but that condemning someone tends to only fuel hostility and wrongdoing.

Compassion bestows dignity, allowing someone to recognize and cease their wrongful action.

Condemnation fosters conflict.

Compassion nurtures mutual understanding and positive change.


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What Constitutes Easy?

WhatIsEasyI have spent two and a half years preparing to move across country. It has not been easy.

When I told my spiritual advisor I wanted to move because I hate it here, she responded, “I don’t want you leaving till you’re happy there. I don’t want you running from something; I want you running toward something.”

The advice was sound, despite years of my working hard at being happy here. So I set about finding more happiness. Mind you, this place hadn’t made me completely forlorn. I’d had immense joy and self-fulfillment. And I’m aware that happiness is an inside job. There’s just a lot here I loathe. I needed to make peace with it.

A year later, I’d reached far greater contentment, acceptance, and fulfillment. I still hate it here, because it’s not a healthy nurturing environment for me, but my advisor said I’d done the needed work. I agree! No matter how much inner growth we achieve, some circumstances do not suit us, and we’re not spiritually mandated to stay in them.

I put a move into the works. It was going to be slow going, what with the multiple sclerosis. For example, I can’t pack boxes, so my caretakers did it, bit by bit, when they had time after washing the dishes, etc.

Move ahead a year and a half of pushing forward, despite illness. Last week, my house was days from be putting on the market. (Note: This blog was written first week of March. For the record, things have progressed since I wrote it. For example, I’ve taken more steps to overcome the challenges discussed.)

Long story short, two (not one but two!) major roadblocks to the move manifested last week. One involved a best friend throwing me under the bus. After a good cry, I called my realtor yesterday, and told her I need to delay showing the house for a week or so, while I figure out what to do.

I’m a person willing to face difficulties and take risks. I do not expect everything to be easy. But the sudden unforeseeable roadblocks created unhealthy risks, should I move. Not that I’m giving up the move. I’m just trying to figure things out. Unless God makes the road easier, by removing those two roadblocks, there’s too much risk.

Let me be clear, I’m no quitter. It took 10 years of starts and stops to produce my Goddess music album but, when it came out, SageWoman magazine dubbed it an album every Pagan should own. I’m good with follow through over the long haul.

I just need a little break, some clarity, and a smoother road. I need the move to, after all this work, become easy.

I prayed for a sign to guide me.

Ready for this? Here I am, my house days from being on the market, everything set up to showcase it, and my roof started leaking last night. What?!

It may need major repair. Plus, it leaked in the room that holds most of the packed boxes, so they had to be hauled into other rooms, messing up the lovely showcasing that took immense effort. Plus, I expect a bunch of repair guys today in muddy boots traipsing over my newly washed wall-to-wall carpeting.

Sometimes God’s messages are just too weird and too clear! God’s made it obvious my decision to delay putting the house on the market for a week or two is right.

But a leaking roof does not make things easy. Quite the opposite. After being emotionally thrown to the ground by someone I trusted more than almost anyone else on the planet, and everything else that happened this past week, last night’s drip drip drip so overwhelmed me that I felt devastated.

God, I wish You could’ve chosen a pleasant way to convey your message! I asked for a happy sign—some ease, a cleared path—not another burden. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know God doesn’t always tell us what we want to hear, but it’s been an awful week.

I wrote this blog because writing is a way I find solutions. I also wrote it because I need the sense of camaraderie that occurs when we tell our problems.

I also wrote it in hopes that delineating current challenges would provide a spring board for me to create a positive message for you. If I’m going to blog about my angst, I try to use it as a jumping board to empower the reader and myself. But, when I got to this point in the blog, I thought, “I have nothing to offer a reader. I’m just an emotional basket case, who is angry at God.”

Then anger kicked in. That changed everything: I remembered I’m a warrior.

I remembered that Exu, a God who owns my head, is considered so dangerous that Brazilians will not put an altar to Him inside a house. He loves explosions.

I remembered the other African Deity who owns my head is Oxala. She clears the way with the power of a blizzard, the weight of a mountain, and the ease of talcum powder blown from my fingertip.

I remembered my magic is so strong that I earned the Faerie title Master of the Arts.

I remembered I’m a De Grandis, descended from a line of shamans bred for their psychic powers over centuries’ time. We are proud dragons wearing purple and aged leather.

I remembered I know so many secret magical techniques and powers—information near impossible to find—that one greed-ridden Pagan tradition goes to great lengths to discredit my knowledge, so they get students instead of me.

I remembered that, no matter how many spies they send to my home, they’ll only learn the smallest bit of my power, let alone glean the pure love that radiates from its center, making me unstoppable.

I thought, “Making things easy it’s not the same as being a doormat. God is showing me a clearing. One mighty blow from Thor’s hammer can sweep away obstacles, to make the path easy. As can one explosion from Exu, one snowstorm from Oxala.

But my Gods require one decisive spell from me. (They don’t usually require this before clearing the way. For reasons there is not space here to explain, my Gods require it now because of my current external factors and inner landscape.)

Keyword decisive. Long story short, decisiveness is dangerous in my current circumstances, unless my heart is pure, my intent free of wrongdoing intent.

Last week, someone told me the wall of thorns surrounding Sleeping Beauty could be penetrated by someone “of the purest intent…Those whose hearts were not so pure and whose intentions were less than honorable, found themselves snared in … vicious spines with their flesh torn.”

For months, I’ve hacked my way through the wall of thorns to get to the beauty of my new home. I ain’t stopping now! It’s time to further purify my heart. And then take the decisive act that will finally move through the thicket. It will be easy. Easy as one decisive exhalation of my breath. So mote it be!


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How to Choose a Teacher

Whether you want a teacher of magic, marketing, or anything else, check out these seven cautionary tips:

1) When a teacher has a site, consider the following. If the site’s graphics speak to your heart, the offerings sound perfect, the sales pitch is passionate, and the testimonials rock, that is great. I hope it describes my site! But it is not enough. The truth is in the pudding: Is there content on the site, such as a blog that helps you achieve your goals? If not, the classes may be just as empty.

FeatherSquareS2) “$3000 worth of services for only $200!” might represent a great buy. Or it can mislead. What’s the point in spending even $10 on a lot of stuff, if all of it is garbage?

3) Beware cheap and free offers. There are many good reasons people give freebies and low cost services. One reason I give freebies is that I adore my clients, LOL. But some folks’ low cost or gratis items and services are the same ol’ info and tools that never helped you reach your goals.

4) Look beyond credentials to the person and lineage behind them. Degrees and certification might represent immense knowledge and experience, or they might indicate nothing of value. Even some prestigious credentials are worthless. We’ve all seen curriculums that receive a lot of positive attention that is undeserved. Trust your fine mind and gut reaction to determine whether a teacher and their material are worthy of you; your opinions—not credentials—are the final measure.

5) Use common sense regarding negative feedback about the teacher. On the one hand, ignoring others’ experiences can lead you down a path that you later regret. On the other hand, the brightest lights often attract the most attacks, including outright lies. Note whether bad feedback hints at its writer being on an ego trip or having a hidden agenda.

For example, some publishers hire writers to write negative reviews about competitors’ books. I’ve read Amazon reader reviews that refer to remarks and premises in my books that are not actually in my books. The reviewers argue so cogently against what I supposedly said that, had I not known the book’s actual content, I would’ve thought I am a creep who writes dangerous texts. In the same vein, people who want to monopolize and control the conversation in whatever field they teach will slander other teachers; their sheep-like students pile on more slander.

6) Beware the teacher who says—or even implies—that your own insights and experiences are invalid or second rate compared to what she can give you. A good teacher respects your experiences and insights. Some teachers think they are the only gate to knowledge, power, and victory. Ick! Do not bow down to any Grand Poobah of magic, marketing, music, or other field of study! Yes, a teacher might have unique material not available elsewhere. But that is not the same as stating or even implying that other approaches, including their potential students’, are invalid. A good teacher shares her insights and techniques, while also honoring your own, and helping you both deepen them and find more of them.

7) The newest is not always the best. For example, new rhetoric can hide the same old useless—and even oppressive—tools and ideas. Trust time-tested material: Go with someone whose work you trust because you benefited from their books, blogs, or previous services.

Bottom line: Your time and money are precious. Don’t waste either on false promises, dubious bargains, manipulative web design, and haughty leaders.

Hmm, there is an additional bottom line. I do not want you, years from now, to suffer by looking back and thinking that, despite everything you’ve spent on innumerable “amazing” items and services, your life didn’t improve. There is no need to spend years frustrated, spinning your wheels.

Instead, use the above tips. You deserve someone who meets your needs and respects your worth.

If someone you love is looking for a teacher, please share this post with them to spare them heartbreakingly mediocre teachers and Grand Poobahs.


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2015 Faerie Beltane

Mayday2015#2BunnyNewsIf you cannot see the above graphics, here is their text:

Please join me for a May Day ritual, Sunday May 3, from 4:00 to 5:00 EST.

Mayday is a perfect time to find and honor joy. The World Tree blesses us with immense joy, if we can only discover it.

Mayday is a perfect time to become aware of and honor possibility. The World Tree blesses us with immense possibilities.

Ritual celebration aligns us with those possibilities, and in that alignment we become magical.

Come celebrate the magic around us and within us. Let it create joy, possibilities, abundance, and fulfillment for you.

The event is a group phone call. Free and open to all. (Your usual long-distance charges apply, and appear on your phone bill).

No experience needed.

To participate, call 1-712-775-7000. When prompted, enter 1095248#. Dial three to five minutes before 4:00; it can take a bit to connect, and latecomers are not allowed.


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