Otherworldly Adornment

Otherworldly Adornment

Fey Camaraderie, a Luscious Word, and Flowers Sprouting from My Head


I made a teeny tiny hat for myself. (Later, I made a somewhat similar one you may have seen here: Wyrd Witch at https://www.outlawbunny.com/2017/04/03/wyrd-witch/.)

In 2016 ( 2015?), I started letting my bangs grow out and wanted a fun way to clip them back out of my eyes. I thought a trio of spikes on a tiny barrette might look cute, original, and … hm … phantasmagorical. Yes, that’s the word.

I sculpted wool into spikes, decided one spike needed a flower sculpted at its tip, attached the spikes to a base I also shaped from wool, then sewed the whole thing to a barrette.

I wanted to look like flowers and organic spiky things were sprouting out of my head … as if I were a Faerie … because I am a Faerie. On the magical plane, flowers, as well as organic spiky things of an indiscriminate nature, are growing from my brain!

When I clipped the construction onto my head, I realized my barrette is a fascinator. (“Fascinator” sometimes refers to a Lilliputian-sized hat.) That made me happy! I had a tiny wee Faerie chapeau!

Having never seen a fascinator that looked like this, I was grateful to be able to design and construct an unusual fascinator that “expresses me.”

So I just had to adapt my design to make two more. One is in the aforementioned Wyrd Witch post. I’ll post the third one soon because I just have to show it to you. I love wearing them.

I savor the word fascinator. It’s luscious. Plus, fascination is a term for magical spell, so fascinator kind of suggests I’m wearing a bit of magic on my head, LOL.

Do you find your own ways to adorn yourself with magic? Do you wear items that reflect the magic in you? Do you do it subtly so no one knows but you (having that secret is so much fun)?

I’m grateful my particular approach to Faerie shamanism draws students who are not put off by my eccentric dress since they too march to their own drum. We celebrate eccentricities.

Some people in my classes dress conservatively—I’ve been known to do it myself (it’s a magic of its own kind). We each have our own ways of expressing our individuality and our shamanism.

Goddess, thank you for the wonderful fellowship of such independent thinkers. During classes, we foster our individual magical paths, enjoy good company, and support each other’s journeys. … And dress however we want!


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Divine Art

An Interview with Kathy Crabbe

Kathy Crabbe is a soul reader, artist, writer, and teacher. She has been in business since 1993, which I think is a real accomplishment.

Kathy lives with her husband and two dogs in Temecula, Southern California surrounded by ancient oaks, native prickly pear cactus, and an elfin forest. Her equally magical home online is kathycrabbe.com.

I love the big grin in Kathy’s picture below. As her shamanic mentor, I’ve experienced her passion for her work, and I wanted to interview her today so you can feel how her inner beauty and her power to help others really shines through when she shares.

Kathy Crabbe

Francesca: Tell us something not commonly known about you.

Kathy: I was adopted as a tiny baby into the Crabbe Family. Determined to find my roots, I found my birth family when I was 27, and they became my family too. I was lucky.

Also, I know what it’s like to be an outsider. Along with being an adoptee and a geeky kid, I was a U.S. green card holder for many years after moving here from Canada.

Being an outsider has allowed me to view life in a myriad of ways.

Being an outsider is a good position from which to delve into creative and spiritual work. I have always looked for answers outside of the norm. I dig deep for secret knowledge, and I do not accept the status quo.

If you too feel like an outsider, it’s okay; you are not alone.

Francesca: Your newest project is a real example of going your own special, wonderful route and helping others do the same. Talk about it.

Lefty Oracle Card 87kbKathy: My Lefty Oracle Deck launched on the Spring Equinox, 2017. The deck is a 16 year labour of love that I began in 2000, when I first started painting with my non-dominant left hand.

The Leftys have led me into so many adventures. I’ve seen them change lives. In 2008 I began a writing group and had folks pose as a Lefty card while I snapped a Polaroid that they signed with their non-dominant hand. I encouraged folks to take a chance, be silly, and be in the moment.

I’ve experienced very heartfelt exchanges between lovers and friends as they partake in Lefty Games and Performances, eager to share their hearts with each other while on stage.

I’ve also given over 1000 Soul Readings with the Lefty Oracle Deck.

I ask clients to self-interpret the Lefty cards they pull, to prove to themselves that they are intuitive too.

In Moon Circles and classes, I’ve had many students discover new sides of themselves. Once a group of us ‘became’ our favorite animal and made sounds to go with it.

Francesca: Animal noises, yay! It’s so awesome that you’re able to evoke that, not to mention help people become comfortable enough to really share openly onstage.

One reason your work is effective is that you put your whole self into it, all the different parts of you. I really want you to talk about how your art, spirituality, and intuition inform each other. You know from studying with me that I feel it is important to honor all of one’s aspects and bring them together. Your journey combining your mysticism and creativity might interest my site visitors a lot.

Kathy: I recently realized that my soul readings and artwork are one. They are both creative processes.

I often felt like I had to distance myself from the psychic side of my work because so many folks disapproved. But my clients LOVE their readings, so I need to LISTEN to my clients! Thank you, Francesca for always encouraging us, your students, to listen to our clients first.

Francesca: Thank you, I feel honored by that comment. What’s your next big project, Kathy?

Kathy: My dream has always been to certify others in leading Moon Circles. I’ve been teaching my eClass “Awaken Your Divine Feminine Soul” along with the Lefty Oracle material at the Wise Woman University since 2010 as well as in Moon Circles, college classes, art classes, museum exhibits, and art shows, and I’m ready to share this with others.

So many of you out there want to start facilitating creative, Goddess, moon circles so that you can build community and make some extra income. I’ve got all the material, and I love teaching the teachers so stay tuned for my Moon Circle Leadership Certification program.

Thanks for this interview, Francesca.

Francesca: Kathy, thank you. For more about Kathy and her projects, check out kathycrabbe.com.


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Upcoming Class

Sacred Professions in 45th America:
Earn your living doing good
despite a whacked-out societal system!

ClassBarAfter the 45th president was elected, did you experience less income as a spiritual healer, psychic, shaman, or other agent of positive change in the spiritual community?

Earning your living as a spiritual helper suddenly requires a different approach.

If you want to serve your community’s current needs and pay your bills, take this class.

PinkDotYou receive practical information:

* I’ll delineate the recent shift in many spiritually-oriented buyers’ spending patterns, so you know what they’re buying and what they’re not.

SunnyDot* You’ll learn ways to address those needs of your potential clients/buyers when communicating with them.

* You’ll be shown how your particular professional skills as an ethical, loving, and unique practitioner can be tailored to what folks need—and therefore buy!—now.

LuckSqrYou are in a field in which it can be difficult to earn. Right now, all the more so. Therefore, lessons also include shamanic tools to work through your particular personal obstacles, whether they’re internal or external, and whether specific to the current climate or not.

Enrollment limited to ten people for everyone to receive individualized attention, so you get what you need regarding the curriculum topics.

Every session includes direct spiritual transmissions that empower you to apply the lessons successfully. (If you don’t know what a direct spiritual transmission is, you could think of it as a blessing.)

LuckSqrStarts June 6, Tuesday noon, EST.

Classes are group meetings by phone: just dial the phone to participate.

SunnyDotWe meet seven Tuesdays, noon to 1:00 EST, starting Tues June 6. These meetings are consecutive weeks except we skip Tues July 4, then resume the next week. Reserve Tuesday August 1, same time, for a makeup session, in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned meetings.

Tuition is $250. Long-distance charges may apply. If so, charges appear on your phone bill. The event’s area code is a U.S. #.

LuckSmSqClick here to pay securely with PayPal:

Upon receipt of payment, your place is reserved, and you receive event phone number, etc., by email. No refunds. For more info, or to discuss scholarship, trade, or payment plan, call me: 814-337-2490.

I’ve paid my bills and kept serving community as a professional shaman for three decades. I’m well qualified to teach this class.

I passionately hope you take this opportunity because the lessons will be awesome, and the spiritual community needs your work. Weather the storm to keep serving. Enroll now.


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Susan Cooper Is Amazing

Heart2I’m almost done reading what has proved to be one of my favorite fantasy novels of all time: The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper, published 1973.

The woman is a genius. I’ve devoured fantasy books since I was a child, but I’d never heard of her work until recently. Her writing is not mentioned anywhere near as often as it merits.

The two books of hers I’ve read so far have a quiet elegance that many fantasy writers could learn from.

I also experienced an understated, humble tone that eases the soul (but still has potency at conveying the story), in contrast to current brash fantasy. Don’t get me wrong, I love—for example—the wild exuberance of the revisioned Doctor Who show, with its charisma and dash and … brashness, I love its brashness! Am a huge Dr. Who fan. (Oops, Doctor Who is science-fiction, not fantasy, but I experience comparable endearing and thrilling qualities in much of the current fantasy I love.)

Nevertheless, I hadn’t known I also need the gentleness of Cooper’s writing. Until reading Over Sea, Under Stone, I had not noticed that most current fantasy, stuff I absolutely love, has a razor edge scraping my skin and nerves.

That edge is part of its power, and I do not mean only the aforementioned thrill and dash and passionate emotion. There is also the sharp edge created by portraying the raw states of both brutality and devastation. We need this rawness acknowledged. Goddess knows, it has meant the world to me to find books that reveal it. I eat them up. Still, they had become too strict a diet for me personally. I needed Cooper added to it, both for her gentle language and the quiet, powerful love subtly underlying the tone of her prose.

The two books I’ve read are part of a five-part series. The first in the series, Over Sea, Under Stone, brought me back to my childhood, when I spent hours curled up reading magical tales; the book’s grace, simplicity, and trust in humans touched my heart, like a healing balm perfect for me in our crazy times.

If Over Sea, Under Stone soothed a heart scraped raw by our current society, The Dark Is Rising stole that heart and made it more whole: It has some authentic messages, and I’m one of those people who wants her light reading to bear an important message or two.

(Psst. If you’re a witch, there are a few subtle bits well worth your time. Well worth it.)

Reading The Dark Is Rising, I was aware Cooper’s soft style is by no means tantamount to a milquetoast story. She confronts darkness. I feel kin to her as a writer, because I believe a voice that understates its message can be a powerful force against evil.

I should mention, though I enjoyed the first of the series, I far prefer the second. As I said, it’s one of my favorites. But I’m glad I read them in order.

I definitely liked the first one enough to want to check out the next in line, which is saying a lot, because I’m super fussy about what I read right now.

I look forward to the rest of the series.

Addendum: this was written about February 2016, then was lost in my stack of articles I had no time to post. It feels vital to finally post the article, both for the sake of Susan’s work and in honor of all the women whose remarkable work is not fully acknowledged.


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A Pinch of Faerie Dust

Elder Flower Witchery


I’m an empty-my-cupboard-into-a-bowl-and-see-how-it-comes-out sort of cook.

OK, I don’t cook that randomly. But I do often look through my cupboard to see what’s there and experiment with it.

So today I’m making a custard of milk, eggs, bananas, raisins, lemon zest, grated nutmeg, and … a sprinkling of elderflower. What the heck!

I love elder flowers and hoped their sweet delicacy might perfectly complement the light flavor of custard and the richness of banana.

Also, adding them felt like adding a pinch of Faerie dust. Kitchen witchery!

(If I added anything else to the mixing bowl, I’ve already forgotten it, LOL.)

Above is a pic of the custard ready to go into the oven. Here’s hoping the custard tastes good. If not, it is fun to experiment. And it almost always creates a wonderful dish … or at least a good one … or at least a palatable one.

… Later: the custard was Fey ambrosia. I’m so glad I feel the freedom to experiment.

I might not ever be able to duplicate this dish, because I wasn’t writing down what I put in it, but to have tasted it just once is one of those things that makes life worth living. So glad I experiment!

… Oh, wait, I made a big bowl of this stuff. I’m going to get to taste it a couple of times. Thank you, Goddess!


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Green Bowl



Inside my head, I screamed,
“Somebody pay attention to me!”
I looked down and saw
the barbecue sauce I was making
was beautiful in its green bowl.
Someone was listening.
But it was not me,
not until I demanded my due.

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Leave a comment

I Suggest



Deep inside me, a voice screams, terrified.
I suggest she screams, “The Goddess loves me!”
We both feel better. The Goddess does too.

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Leave a comment

Wyrd Witch

Wearing something weird wyrd in my hair makes my heart expand. This is what I’m wearing in my hair today:


I couldn’t get a good photo of it on me this morning. Hence photos of it on a manikin (in 2016, when I made the piece).

I sculpted the piece from wool, added Swarovski pearls and crystals, then attached a barrette.


I love being weird/wyrd. It’s part of my magic. … Heh, I guess you could call me a “wyrd witch.”


Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Creative Jenn and Roberto Campus

DOY KS - Title Spread BasicMy friends Jenn and Roberto Campus are a husband and wife creative team, inspired by mythology, the Fantasy genre, and the Old Gods. Since they met, they’ve worked together on projects they are passionate about. They dream about living a life off the grid and working by natural light and candlelight. Check out their new project on Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ydalirpress/dreams-of-ydalir-the-illustrated-fantasy-novel-har.

I know Jenn well because she’s trained with me for years in shamanism. I’ve gotten to know Roberto since we are both painters. And I can tell you they pour immense love and caring into their work. So I’m delighted by their new project and wanted Jenn to tell you about it. Here’s our conversation:

Francesca: Your new project is a book called Dreams of Ýdalir. What is it all about?

Jenn: In a nutshell, it really stems from our devotion to our Gods and telling Their unknown and untold stories. Our underlying reason for doing so is to try to add beauty and richness to those stories as a way to facilitate the return of the Old Gods into the everyday lives of Their people. By writing the book, we have started to create a rich world where mythology and fantasy meet. This also led us to design an evolving line of products for Etsy that are inspired by the story and the mythology surrounding the story and its characters.

Francesca: So you have a Kickstarter for the book running right now. Tell me more about the story and who might want to read it.

Jenn: The year is 1794, Fawn is a seventeen-year-old orphaned girl, living in the Scottish lowlands. When she begins having strange dreams of a flame-haired woman named Elen who appears to be part human, part deer and Wuldor, a mysterious dark-haired woodsman gifts her with a magical deer mask that allows her to travel to other worlds. So she believes she has the resources to finally find her own fey-touched mother. As her relationship with these mythical beings deepens, she writes it all down in her journal. Through this coming of age tale, she is gifted with their divine stories and learns her true origins. Where Norse Mythology and Mists of Avalon meet, this is also the untold love story of the Gods, Ullr (Wuldor) and Elen of the Ways.

The book is getting attention from Fantasy fiction fans, Fantasy art fans, Norse mythology buffs, comic book readers, young adults, people who love strong female leads, Pagans, and a lot of other readers.

Francesca: What is your personal connection to the subject?

Jenn: This story has my heart and soul wrapped up in it. I am honored to have Wuldor (Ullr) and Elen of the Ways as my patron God and Goddess. Elen first came to me in the mid ’90s, and it literally took me 2 decades to understand that others also knew Her and worked with Her. She is a mysterious Goddess of the Wildwood, and Her story is heartbreaking and powerful. Then there is Wuldor who has wanted His story, this story told for the past several years. There is not much known about Him in “the literature” beyond that He is son of the Goddess Sif and the Stepson of the God Thor and that He is tied into hunting and winter sports. But He has an amazing story that I have been able to patch together to create a rich tapestry, and so the book also includes fundamental truths spoken by the Gods themselves to help us understand our own place in the cosmos.

Some other personal parts of the story is that I love journaling, and so creating a book that is also a young woman’s journal has made the writing much more intimate. I have been through many struggles that are similar to those of my heroine, Fawn, and that is why a lot of my heart and soul is in this book. I have even included a little of my family history by including some peripheral stories about my Scottish Clan, the Boyds. There is even a cameo of one of my favorite writers, Robert Burns!

Francesca: What is it like working on this project with Roberto, who is both your husband and the artist for the book?

Jenn: Roberto and I have been working together on projects for the past decade. He is the most talented artist I know and has listened to my stories about Wuldor and Elen for years, so he knows them intimately and has really brought them and the other characters in the book alive. He had a career creating illustrations for many famous publishers like Marvel and DC Comics, the Game of Thrones and War of Warcraft TCGs as well as Dungeons and Dragons and Gurps, so he has an immense passion for Fantasy.

We work so well together because we have complimentary skills and very similar interests. Every writer needs an amazing illustrator, and every illustrator longs for the stories behind their images to be told. We make a great team.

Francesca: Well, I always enjoy the work you too do. It is filled with heart and utterly without pretense. Thanks for giving me the chance to tell my website visitors about Dreams of Ýdalir.

Jenn: Thanks for telling them! Great to talk with you!

Click here to learn more about Dreams of Ýdalir: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ydalirpress/dreams-of-ydalir-the-illustrated-fantasy-novel-har

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Upcoming Event

Survive … and Thrive … in All Ways:
A Shamanic Empowerment

Starts May 1.

Worry, fear, and resignation are not the default.
Hope, confidence, and victory can be the norm.


Are you facing immense challenges? Or want to improve an already great situation?

Want support to survive physically and spiritually, and to thrive every way possible?

Enroll in this two-month event to live abundantly and beautifully, spiritually and materially both. Receive two services combined for maximum mojo:

1) For two months, three days a week, I send you direct spiritual transmissions. They improve both your circumstances and abilities the exact ways you personally need to survive and thrive on all levels.

Your shamanic empowerment is unique to you: without you giving it a thought, the transmissions tailor themselves to you. Whether you require better skills, better luck, or a variety of improvements, the transmissions cultivate them.

You don’t have to do anything for the direct spiritual transmissions to work. I do the work for you.

2) Shamanic lessons: over the two months, receive seven lessons by email—teachings you can apply despite your busy day.

Five of the lessons strengthen your spirit, focus your energy, and create happiness. You receive instruction in shamanic wisdoms and simple, metaphysical practices. These lessons are brief, to the point, and effective. Use them at your own pace.


These five lessons are digital Book of Shadows entries adorned by my witch art. Enjoy adding them to your personal Book of Shadows and expect lifelong value. Return to them when you want power and inspiration. You receive 12 pages of ornamented metaphysical tips! This post’s two large graphics are adapted from the paintings.

Many participants are shocked and delighted when a lesson addresses exactly what they need, without them having previously told me their situation.

You also receive two lessons—in the body of an email—on how to take maximum advantage of spiritual transmissions generally speaking.

However, check this out: if you use none of the email lessons, the transmissions still work—full tilt! The transmissions stand on their own! I usually charge the price of this event just for the transmissions alone, because they’re great.

But when I reach great, I want to go further. So I offer these lessons. Most people drawn to my work are also drawn to being proactive, so they enjoy the lessons. Rock on!

If you choose to use some or all of the lessons: All seven lessons weave with the spiritual transmissions, creating a shamanic empowerment that is greater than the sum of its parts. Example: the more the transmissions center you into power, the more the lessons work for you. Another example: when the two months end, your inner shifts caused by the spiritual transmissions remain part of you, which makes the lessons remain powerful.

Pay securely with PayPal. Which of the following options work for you?

1) Pay now using the Pay Now button below, and you’re taken care of. Total fee: $250. You don’t need a PayPal account.

2) Use the Subscribe button below to make two automatic monthly payments of $125. Easy! Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account.

Heart4Shamanism was never meant to be pie in the sky. Shamanism is down-to-earth. Ancient shamans focused on keeping the tribe safe physically and spiritually, making crops and hunts bountiful, and helping the tribe live in beauty. You are my tribe. As a community shaman, my happy focus is supporting you in all of life’s basics, from the ability to earn your living to having beautiful experiences. My tribe has many shamans in it, so if you’re one yourself, I want to support you. We’re all in this together. Choose hope. So mote it be!


Magic is no substitute for medical care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation. My magic may not work for some individuals. Refunds unavailable.

For more info about this event, or to discuss scholarship, partial scholarship, or trade, call 814-337-2490.

Posted in Classes, Books, and Other News, Community, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Leave a comment