My fey-touched friend,
Does your spirit insist our wild hearts and all Gaia’s children must be free?
It can be challenging to act on that belief.
Longterm action for change can result in burn out, depression, impotence, and feelings of hopelessness.
Or we might even refrain from taking any action at all because it feels overwhelming.
Do you feel deep down that it can be another way?
I’m going to facilitate an ongoing circle that will also provide lessons. I created rites so you have a way to 1) keep your spirits up and 2) make a positive difference for All Our Relations by combining your magical efforts with that of the other class participants.
You’ll have the chance for:
* ongoing support tailored to what you need as a unique individual, including self-empowering rites channeled specifically for you
* magical ceremonies with a group of wonderful people to create a better world.
Rituals will range from protection of people at risk, to self-nurturance so we can keep fighting the good fight, to evoking Divine guidance that shows what actions on the mundane plane each of us as individuals can take to make a positive difference. During meetings, I welcome suggestions for additional issues the rites can address.
Every session, I’ll give direct spiritual transmissions that tailor themselves to what you need that week, e.g., having your hope restored or gaining confidence. (If you don’t know what a direct spiritual transmission is, you could think of it as a blessing.)
The circle will be mixed level: no prerequisites needed, but adepts will find real power here. I’m a big believer in advanced practitioners and beginners working together. I facilitate such a group in a manner that respects and empowers everyone involved, creates effective magic, and provides substantive lessons for everyone.
Right now, real change requires the collective power of different types of people who want to create a better world.
Enrollment limited to sixteen people. This way, everyone can receive individualized attention, so you get whatever you need. And we’ll be a small enough group that we can cooperate as unique individuals to make powerful magic.
Classes are group meetings by phone: just dial the phone to participate.
For six months, we meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month, 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST, starting Wednesday August 2. Reserve Wednesday Jan 24, same time, for a makeup session, in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned meetings.
Six months allows real work for your well-being and the well-being of All Our Relations, instead of just temporary Band-Aids, and also facilitates powerful lessons about whatever magical, ethical, and personal issues arise. I’m committing to making a difference.
Total cost for the six months is $450. As always, scholarships, partial scholarships, payment plans tailored specifically to you, and trades are available. Your particular phone carrier may charge you for the call. Charges appear on your phone bill. The event’s area code is a U.S. #.
Pay securely with PayPal. Which of the following options work for you?
1) Use the Pay Now button below to send me $450, and you’re taken care of! You don’t need a PayPal account.
2) Or use the Subscribe button to make two equal payments of $225, one now and a second one automatically three months later. Easy! Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account. This option is available if you have a PayPal account.
Upon receipt of payment, your place is reserved. You receive event phone number, etc., by email. No refunds. For more info, or to discuss scholarship, trade, or payment plan, call me: 814-337-2490.
The world needs your magic. Enroll now.
Thank you! Goddess, stay with us in the union of all things.
Completely agree that we need many types of perspectives and diverse people to solve the problems the world faces today…it’s our differences that teach us understanding and dispells ignorance…as long as we have ignorance in the world there will always be poison somewhere in someone. B*B *)0(*
Wow, Karen, that is beautiful. Thank you.