Two-Week Healing Ceremony
Starts July 17
Do you want a powerful, effective healing for your body? I perform a shamanic ceremony for you five days each week, for two weeks!
This shamanic treatment is a distance healing. No meeting required, not even by phone. Just go about your daily life as usual, and I’ll do the work for you.
You don’t even have to tell me your health problem(s). My style shamanic treatment addresses whatever your body most needs for health.
If you’re already healthy, this ceremony builds maximum health, so you avoid illness.
Clients use words like “amazing” in their feedback:
“My blood pressure readings were suddenly amazing, like an athlete’s.”
“Francesca, my 2 week experience was awesome. … the first time in many years the pain from my herniated discs in my neck didn’t bother me.”
“Amazingly, I awoke yesterday totally pain free in my knees and shoulders.”
“Helped heal a gallbladder issue I’d had for years! I was told I’d need surgery, and was in pain, but not anymore!”
“After 40+ hours labor, the contraction were not coming steadily. Then I heard a very clear voice say, ‘Call Francesca.’ … Soon after the call the contractions were coming strong, and we could all feel the magic in the air.”
“Francesca healed my warts. What more can I say? :-)”
“I suffer from seasonal affective disorder and Jan is the worst month for me. [Francesca] helped me to feel more energetic and enthusiastic and to be much more productive.”
Total cost for your two-week ceremony is $125.
Starts July 17.
Want this healing done for you? Scroll down, give your phone number, then click Pay Now. Easy!
If you have questions, or want to discuss scholarship, semi-scholarship, payment plan, or trade, call me: 814-337-2490.
My treatments may not work for some individuals. No refunds. A shamanic treatment is not a substitute for medical care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation.
Hi Francesca,
Thank you for the two week transmission. The first week food issues became very clear, and I was able to pull myself away from the sugar and begin cleaner eating. I am more aware of my connection to my body. Anyone who has experienced the mental tug of war with food can understand that. When I’m nervous or anxious and I want to eat, I stop and assess my breathing. I’m getting really good at breathing my way through an uncomfortable moment, instead of running to a carbohydrate. It is wonderful to be connected to an awareness of muscles and joints because it all feels good, not because of the toxic effects sugar can have on the body. Also, I am more aware of the different ways I can take better care of myself overall. And, I’ve managed, what I call a second ‘Purge’ of all my belongings. I’m becoming more organized, more assertive, and illuminated from the heart outward. I’m showing up more for me, instead my responsibilities. I simply was unaware of a victim mentality that had taken root. My mind is far less argumentative, and I am very aware when it goes there and I’m able to stop it now. It was a pretty thorough transmission, Francesca! Thank You!
Barbara, I am so happy for you. I feel privileged that I was able to help. Thank you for supporting my work by sharing how it facilitated your healing process.