Wet Felted Shetland Vessel


Wet Felted Shetland Vessel
Wool: One of Nature’s Simple Magics

Wool roving has enchantments in it, being close to nature still. I feel the magical blessings the vessel holds.

I made this vessel for my altar, using my friend Jenn’s gorgeous undyed Shetland roving.

I bought it at a really great price. If you want some, go to her Yum Queen Facebook page and message her for info: https://www.facebook.com/theyumqueen/

Undyed roving has so much character that a simple felted project will be gorgeous.

I accented the vessel with natural white Lincoln locks. I’m finding a bit of curly locks added to vessels that are made from undyed fiber can make all the difference in making a vessel look wonderful.

Lincoln locks were perfect because they have the same matt quality (aka not shiny) as the Shetland. It was a real match, so they suited each other perfectly, giving an overall raw, earthy look.

For example, had I used white mohair locks, which are very shiny, I wouldn’t have liked it. Mind you, it’s a matter of taste as well as the look I want for a given project. On another vessel, I might enjoy the contrast between matt and shiny surfaces.

Or I might not need any accent at all. A simple hat I made from nothing but Jenn’s exact same Shetland roving is a perfectly adorable Faerie chapeau. Yup, every project is different.

Nature has such a variety of magical beauty to inspire us, delight us, and infuse us with Spirit.


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Trickster Wand

Perhaps making a good trickster wand requires going with the flow.

Hiya, I made a student of mine a wand in trade for her artwork. Below I share my process.

A branch fell from my backyard’s huge oak. The wand is from that. I didn’t cure the wood. That tree helps my Druidic practice.

One can think of the wand’s tip as two pronged, though one prong is tiny. Or if one does not think such a small protrusion constitutes a prong, one could think of wand tip as crooked. After I chose the piece for the wand, I decided I wasn’t happy with its crooked/pronged tip. I was in trance, and here’s what came to me:

* Of course it’s crooked—this wand is for a trickster.

* A wand does not need to be straight for energy to come out of the wand straight. In the same vein, the bend won’t make the magic bend, going awry, off-target.

* The curve is a reminder Trickster has Her hand in all endeavors, including magic, making things curve this way and that, even when the path overall moves in a straight line.

* Thus a curved tip creates a spell powerful.

* Plus the curve reminds us we can’t control whether we reach goals through magical or mundane means.

I anointed the wood with organic Bulgarian Rose Essential Oil, which cost me about 180 bucks for 1/8 oz. No surprise I’m possessive of it, but spirits told me to anoint the wand with it. Also anointed with essential oils of Peru Balsam, Spruce, and organic Lime Peel.

I left the handle end bare, so you’re touching oak when doing ritual.


Peyote stitch beading is labor-intensive, providing lots of hands-on time to bless the wand. During the initial beading, I held the wand upside down, which I intuited as good for a trickster’s wand. In one peyote stitch tube, I free-form beaded to add larger beads here and there. Felt the wand’s power building.

Upcycling silk from a gorgeous hand-me-down skirt, I built a silk tube around the wand. Felt important this practitioner have silk on her wand.

The cord is waxed cotton. As two photos show, I knotted it so its two fringes are on opposite sides of the wand, repeating the two prongs’ energy.


However—I love this!—the two fringes go in different directions from the prongs, making the wand’s end represent the sacred four directions. The implications of that are awesome. Don’t you love how magical realizations happen if you go with the flow when making a magical object? It’s like with the crooked tip: had I rejected that crookednees, I never would’ve had all the realizations about it.

And isn’t learning by going with the flow such a trickster lesson? … Perhaps making a good trickster wand requires going with the flow.

Hanging from wand:

* a coin because it’s Irish, money, gorgeous, and has a peacock and harp on it

* a little bell because a trickster needs a bell. I think the natural beads are rose quartz and goat horn, and the bell silver, but all three items are upcycled so I’m not sure. I don’t mind being uncertain because the wand’s nature doesn’t rely on labeling the items in question but on energy I felt in them.


A few note to my student:

I’m excited about our trade!

I wanted to add Dentillium shell and coral, but Dentillium is fragile and coral felt wrong. I was told they’d bless the wand by being kept near it. I put them in an organza bag for you, if you want to keep them in a bag.

Dentillium was money in ancient California and is deeply sacred to me. I only pass it on when Divinely guided. And this shell is even more special: in the photo is a note from the vendor.

The coral is dyed so can run if wet.

You could add items—e.g., herbs with magical properties you like—to the bag, if you want.

Your wand has been blessed and empowered, but I think most wands need power and blessing added by their owner.

The fabric in the photos is from a huge swatch of a silk two of my married initiates dyed and gave me. When I send the wand, I’ll wrap it in a piece of that silk. It is unhemmed.

If you don’t like the wand, no problem; I’ll know it’s for someone else.

To ensure the “price” is comparable to your artwork’s, I’ll throw in the other wand you like, which should more than do it.

My beadwork is strong. This one-of-a-kind useable art is made to last, but beadwork is inherently fragile. This isn’t a wand to make snapping motions with, or wave around in a ritual hard, or anything like that. In that vein, though the bead tubes can move up and down the wand, I’d not move ’em.

Same goes for the macramé: if it twists around, e.g., aligns with the directions the prongs are in, leave it. You have to treat the wand gently, let it shape as it will, and then it’ll make good magic for you. Heh, trickster stuff.

This handmade wand is designed by the power that flows to it from its parts, the earth, and an artisan-shaman. Aside from that and what I said above, I can’t explain what was in my soul when making the wand. However, it’s in the wand itself, which can explain itself. After all, it is your wand, made for you (unless you decide otherwise). And if you feel it is yours, but it doesn’t explain itself, that may not matter—if it is yours, it is yours.

Guarantee: if the wand breaks within two years, I repair or replace it.

Respond here or by email.

Love, honor, power, FDG


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Handcrafted Faerie Good Luck Charm

The info below is for a client, but I thought other folks might enjoy it. For information about your own talisman, email or call me.

My dear, thanks for your patience. Took me a while to make you something wonderful. Felting by hand is labor intensive—which provides plenty of hands-on time to bless the felted objects—then I did additional ritual on them.

I posted here to make it easier for you than receiving a bunch of emails with photos. But I’m careful to not identify you. To maintain your privacy, respond to my post by email or phone. Otherwise, respond in the comment field below.

I snapped the following pic of luxuriously soft Merino top fibers, as an example of the wool I turned into felt for your handcrafted, faerie, good luck charm.


I felted wool around six stones. Though that resulted in six separate objects, they’re not separate magically; together they constitute one talisman. In other words, they work together as a whole, the whole being a good luck amulet. Another way of putting it would be to think of them as adding up to one magical piece.

Reminder: It is an amulet for good fortune in all areas of your life, for as long as you own the stones. As an overall charm, it’ll make you lucky in whatever you go through in your life.

Here’s a photo of the exact stones I felted wool around, except for the round bead. I’d already felted an identical bead in wool colors I think are perfect for you, but put this bead in the photo for you to see what’s concealed beneath the wool, like Fey Folk hiding in a forest.


I’m not 100% sure, but think the stones are—left to right—rose quartz, amethyst, lapis, quartz crystal, and obsidian. If not, it doesn’t matter because the power of this talismanic set relies not on the stones but on my work. I used the stones as a jumping off point, but the effectiveness of my magic did not rely on them.

I also included the type of smoothed rock I love finding at the beach or on a walk. Its weight and heft counterpoint the wool’s softness, providing a lovely tactile experience.

I tried to choose wool colors and gems you like.

For three stones, I hand blended different colored wools to represent the stone inside the wool. I used white wool on the quartz crystal but, after felting it awhile, decided to layer a lot of other colors over the white, to represent glimmers seen in crystal.

Might’ve also blended wools for the larger stone.

Carefully selected wools were used: if memory serves, a good portion if not all of the wool is Merino top; the white wool I blended in is either Merino top or lovely Corriedale.

Here are photographs of the talisman. I took a couple of pics so you can see different sides of the stones.

FeltStonsCharm2The photographs might not show that the felted quartz crystal is egg-shaped. I think a crystal hidden within that multicolored egg is magical.

Mother Earth created the talisman’s mojo: the innate magic of stones, beautiful energy of wool, and blessings from me—a child of the earth.

The witch’s five elements—earth,water, air, fire, and ether—empowered the charm:

1) Wool and stones are the earth.
2) Water is used in felting.
3) Fire is included because I use hot water when wet felting. The Goddess tends the flame in my water heater.
4) As to air: when the stones reach you, they may still be fragrant from essential oils, added for their magical properties and to keep moths from the wool.
5) Ether is my creativity and blessings.

Receive the rocks’ blessings effortlessly. Simply put the rocks on your altar, or display them anywhere in your home. That’s all you need to do. If you don’t want to display them or have no altar, you can just tuck them in a drawer.

Let me know if the set suits you. If you do not love it—I mean absolutely love it, 100%—I’ll know it is for someone else and make you another talisman, no problem. I want you to have something that’s right for you.

I offer my love with this talisman.


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Wet Felted Talismans

Felted Rock Talismans
Amulets Made of Wool and Semi-Precious Gems

I’m entranced by the idea of making felted stones as talismans. Here’s a bit of my process with them.

My recent blog about Cormo wool has a link to an excellent felted stones tutorial: https://www.outlawbunny.com/2016/06/09/felting-cormo-wool/

Once I started making felted stones, it was only a matter of time before I was viewing them as amulets. I’ve a penchant for turning everything into talismans. Shamanism is integrated into my whole life. Mysticism being woven into my meals, my artwork, and the rest of my life feels natural—as much a given as breathing.

I wonder if that last sentence sounds pretentious. I’m not saying I’m more spiritual than other people. For all I know, I’m less spiritual than others, and maybe the reason I’m so integrative with my shamanism is because I need the constant boosts to keep from falling down the spiritual toilet. All I know is: magic’s in everything and every moment, and I can’t ignore that anymore than I could forever ignore eating, sleeping, or singing.

So, as someone who sees magic in a plastic fork, I certainly see enchantment in felted stones, because they’re close to nature.

Wool is a lovely earthy fiber. I feel Gaia’s love in it, and Divine love is definitely magical. This makes it easy to add more blessings. And stones … well, whole libraries have been written on the magic of stones.

Plus hand-felting takes a lot of time, all of it hands-on, which is perfect for blessing a piece. In other words, as I felt stones, I bless them.

For a while, I wondered if it’s possible to felt around really small stones, because I wanted to felt around semi-precious gems. Yup, it is possible. The photo above shows my first three wee, felted stones, which I sent my friend SnowStar (that’s my nickname for her). I used flattish oval beads I believe are obsidian, though I’m not 100% sure. I love their energy.

I made nine more in various styles, with various wools, using those obsidian beads:


In the photo above, one is missing. My cat George probably knocked it away somewhere because, right after I saw George running maniacally from the stones, two were missing. Cats being kin to Faeries, I suspect George gave the stones to Fey Folk. I think they liked the offering, because they gave me one stone back. All is well.

Before I got to make felt more semi-precious gems, I went to Lake Erie, where I gathered beach stones. Since my health usually keeps me from going on outings, you can imagine how special the beach trip was. The stones are fabulous, so had to be the next thing I felted and blessed.

For the first three, I hand-blended merino tops—if memory serves, the colors were Fir Green, bright pink, purple, and cobalt blue—with Cormo wool to make patterns on the stones.

As I was felting, the stones started to remind me of amethyst or fluorite. That’s a funny coincidence: I went from felting semi-precious gems to making felt that looks a bit like a semi-precious gem.

As their felting continued, the stones reminded me more of fluorite than amethyst. Here they are, finished:


I’m an empath, which is valuable to me as a shamanic guide. But I have to watch that I’m not overly empathic. I don’t want to take on other people’s anger or other troubling emotions. Fluorite helps me with this.

I imbued the three stones with a bit of mojo that’d keep me from being too open an empath. I didn’t drench them with that type of power because it wouldn’t suit my present needs. I already have awesome tools I rely on heavily to protect myself as an empath, and wanted the main energetic focus of the three stones to be overall luck.

Inspired by my accidentally fluorite-looking felt, I mixed Cormo with bright pink merino top, hoping for three beach stones that look like rose quartz. Whether they look like rose quartz or not, I imbued them with some self-love energy, along with other mojo. I might make a few more of these as talismans for friends.


Then I dug through a batch of stones SnowStar had sent me. I chose five. Good chance they are—top to bottom in the photograph below—obsidian, two amethysts, one rose quartz bottom left, and a tiger’s eye bottom right.


For each of them, I blended matching wool, except for the obsidian which I felted in black only. Most if not all the wool on these five is from Living Felt. Living Felt’s wool is in a lot of the pieces pictured in this post.

Here’s a pic of those stones felted:

Now I’m felting a set of talismanic stones for a client. Most stones in the set will be semi- precious. Once I finish the set, I’ll blog about it. Subscribe to my free email newsletters to stay up-to-date on my blogs: https://www.outlawbunny.com/newsletter/

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Secret Angels

The info below is for a client who commissioned a spirit portrait. I posted it in case my poem or the rest of the post interests other folks. For information about your own portrait, click here: https://www.outlawbunny.com/2012/03/16/fantasy-portrait/

My dear,

Here is a gift. I wrote a poem from a vision about you:

Magical beings move among humans unseen.
The Fey-touched pay taxes,
sit in movie theaters,
and comment online.

Goodness is often hidden:
an angel standing next to us at a counter,
waiting to get his coffee.
He is an innocent bestowing acts of kindness.

Ancient enchantment appears unexpectedly:
an unaffected Fey warrior running to us,
she will fight the good fight by our side.

Sometimes, these otherworldly beings are almost see-through:
you might not notice them,
or they may be so loud that you notice everything in them
except them.

If you really look—really look—
you see flowers in their shadows,
love in their eyes,
mischief in their quiet affect,
and power in their atoms.

I’ll put the poem in a suitable Book of Shadows frame I painted a while back, and send you two digital versions—a png if you want to print it and a jpg for digital viewing.

Usually my spirit portraits are overtly otherworldly, e.g., I turn someone into a fairy or mermaid. But the “normal” photo of you was already so magical that I wanted to capture the subtlety of a magical being walking among us unseen. You’re like an angel incarnated in a physical body, a true innocent.

To me, the portrait looks very mystical, but if you want its magic to be more overt, let me know.

I titled it “Secret Angels.” Scroll down to see it. It’s nowhere near as sharp or large as the final version you receive via email. Otherwise you’d have waited forever for this page to load. Your final piece won’t have my URL across it, LOL.


If you approve the sample, here’s the link to send the rest of the payment: https://www.outlawbunny.com/your-soul-portrait-second-payment/

If you don’t like the sample, phone or email me to discuss changes. I want you 100% happy.

Mind you, as a perfectionist, I’d offer this only when I saw nothing to improve. (When I paint, I take breaks to let the piece sit so I can see it with a fresh eye, then tweak it, then let it sit, then tweak, sit, tweak…).

A change can necessitate more changes. E.g., if I lighten the mouth color, the hair color can appear too dark so also need lightening.

If it’s relevant: you know my portraits don’t always portray mundane appearances but a person’s hidden essence. I tried to depict your actual physical eyes because they show great sweetness, caring, and mysticism. Then I enlarged them in proportion to the rest of your face, to emphasize their power. If you prefer, I can try to return them to their original size.

Thank you again. Painting your spirit portrait was a wonderful way to get to know you more, during meditation as I painted.

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Felting Cormo Wool

All Hail Cormo Wool!
Felt Stones, a Felted Vessel, and a Neck Warmer

A friend introduced me to Cormo, by sending me a bag of it.

I wrote her, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love wool and had no idea there could be such a wool as this!”

Soon as I touched the amazingly soft fibers, I had to felt some around a stone. Sure enough, Cormo’s texture is perfect for felted stones—I’d decided to make one stone for my friend and one for me, but we ended up with three each because I had to indulge us.

The above photo shows the stones I made for her. There’s an actual rock in the middle of felt. The luxurious white Cormo wool is accented with a bit of lovely green or extra soft pink merino top.

When I first heard about felted stones, I thought, “This is stupid. It’s the sorriest excuse for creativity I’ve ever seen. Why would anyone felt a stone?”

Then one morning I woke up and thought, “I want to felt a stone.”

I cannot stop making them.

I love looking at them.

They give me peace.

They embody serenity and simplicity.

And they’re a fabulous tactile experience when forming them and after they’re formed. Cormo brings the tactile experience yet an incredible new level. Heavenly to hold: imagine the softest possible wool cushioning juxtaposed with a stone’s weight and heft and hardness.

Two of my stones are the same wools as my friend’s. The third is Cormo accented with curly white locks. Here’s their photo:


Hand felting is labor-intensive, providing lots of time for joy and, as I said, felting a stone is a physical delight. Add Cormo to the mix: on and on, handling the Cormo as I needle felted it, then wet it, then handled it … and handled it … and slid it around in my hands … and tossed it back and forth between my palms, all the while the touch of it … then the touch of it … then the touch of it filling me with more … and more … and more delight.

(Um, that above paragraph came out way sexier than I meant it. I was honestly describing making a felted rock.)

I used lilfishstudios felted rock tutorial, which is very inexpensive and made things easy: http://lilfishstudios.blogspot.com

Lisa Jordan created the tutorial and is queen of felted rocks. Had hers been the first I’d ever seen, I never would’ve scoffed at felted rocks as an artform. Check out her over-the-top beautiful work. She embroiders her stones! Mine are a pale shadow of hers.

No, I’m not displaying low self-esteem. There are things at which I excel and can do better than almost anyone. And acknowledging her artistry does not lessen the immense enjoyment I get making felt stones.

Another thing I love about felting stones is it’s a nice lil retreat from the big bad world. It even serves as a meditation sometimes.

If you know me, I turn everything into talismans. So it didn’t take long for me to start brainstorming about how to turn felted rocks into amulets. Wool is wonderful for blessing, being a lovely part of nature. And hand-felting being labor-intensive means plenty of hands-on time to bless a piece. That brings us to something I do excel at: applying shamanism to all parts of life, so that shamanism isn’t separate and holier-than-thou but living, breathing mysticism.

After making the pieces in this blog, I really got into felted stones as talismans. I’ll blog about my process making them, so stay up-to-date on my blog by subscribing to my free email newsletters: https://www.outlawbunny.com/newsletter/

Cormo sent me on a felting binge. I want a house made of Cormo. Here is the small Cormo bowl I made. I used a large yogurt container with the lid on as my mold:


I added a bit of Border Leicester white natural locks for visual texture. While being felted, they looked like they might felt into the Cormo so much they’d be indistinguishable. So I added some white Mohair locks. They’re bright and shiny—a good contrast. Plus, since I added them at a later stage, they didn’t sink into the Cormo as much, so stood out. Though adding them so late meant I needed to needle felt them in a bit.

The Mohair made all the difference. I think, if the vessel had been plain white with no textural differentiation, it would’ve looked blobby but came out lovely instead.

I think the Leicester added a bit of subtle visual texture, though what I’m thinking is Leicester might be some Mohair deeply felted in.

Next I wanted something that’d let me feel Cormo against my skin, I love Cormo so much. I debated between a neck warmer or a little tiny sheet of felt to put under my head at night. (There was no point making a Cormo pillow case, because I don’t sleep with a pillow under my head.)

I made a neck warmer, which came out smaller than planned. While I’m trying to figure out how to enlarge it enough for a neck warmer, I’m using it as the aforementioned headrest. Yum. Had I made the neck warmer big enough to wrap round my neck, here’s kind of how it’d be folded:


I’ll definitely buy more Cormo. It immediately became my favorite wool. It is perfect for us sensory epicures.


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Upcoming Direct Spiritual Transmission

LoveCalOpening to Love:
A Direct Spiritual Transmission
starting June 20, 2016.

You are held safely and securely in the branches of the World Tree, in a universe comprised of the Goddess’s Divine Love and all the gifts She wants to give you.

Receive a month-long direct spiritual transmission that supports your ability to open to Her blessings. The transmission helps you:

1) Let go of fear, ego-based goals, and other inner blocks that separate you from the Divine and Her beautiful gifts for you.

2) Live in service to the Goddess’s plan. Why do I want to help you do that? When you serve Her, you also put yourself in Her Divinely capable and immeasurably loving care.

3) Surrender to life and the Goddess. Why? Surrender allows the cosmos to make miracles for you. Surrender opens us to gifts from the Divine—love, wisdom, happiness, health, and more.

4) Trust Her love all the way down to your bones. She is a Pagan deity, so She wants you to enjoy life. Your trust helps your dreams come true.

Mrbld150BIf you don’t believe in the Goddess, the transmission will work in terms of whatever you believe is Divinely loving.

During the month, the spiritual transmission will happen five days of each week. Again, it starts June 20.

Total cost is $130. That covers the whole month.

No need to attend an event, meditate, or do anything else. Just enroll for the transmission, and go about your business, while I do the work for you.

Receive! Scroll down to enroll: enter your phone number and pay securely with PayPal.

Please give your phone #.

* Upon receipt of payment, I’ll send you email confirmation of registration. No refunds.
* If you can’t afford payment, not to worry. Phone me to discuss scholarship, partial scholarship, or trade. 814-337-2490
* If you need more info, call 814-337-2490.

Mrbld150CNo experience needed. But even advanced practitioners are deeply impacted—for example, no matter how strong previous headway, it can be strengthened or regained.

A direct spiritual transmission is not a substitute for proper medical care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation. This spiritual treatment is extraordinarily effective, but may not work for some individuals.

Relax into a loving world that cherishes you and brings you goodness and delight. Enroll for your direct spiritual transmission now.


Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Classes, Books, and Other News, Spirit | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Afraid of Being Edited?

Afraid of Being Edited?
Seven Ideas for Successfully Working with Editors

Whether you’re confused by an editor’s feedback, your editor is a creep, or you won’t even get an editor because your ego isn’t strong enough to withstand criticism, these seven ideas help you use an editor successfully.

FDGOB2FR1) Years ago, an editor gave me advice that helped me a lot: After editorial input, do no rewrites for a week.

Writing is so personal that editorial suggestions can be taken wrong. Example: When editing was done on paper, a good editor working on even an excellent manuscript might make so many red marks that a single page would look like it was bleeding. That abundance of corrections can make you feel like your manuscript sucks. A week of ignoring both the feedback and manuscript can mend that feeling. Otherwise, your rewrites might ruin good material.

SmPnk2) What also helps me, when edits are expressed orally (as opposed to in writing), is to just listen, not respond. There are two reasons:

A) An author’s writing can be like their blood spilled on paper. Opening to feedback makes you vulnerable. It’s easy, initially, to view an edit as an invalidation or other attack. Holding silence stops any initial defensive reaction I might have. Defensiveness will blind me to valuable input.

B) Holding silence, instead of trying to figure out a response, lets me thoroughly assimilate feedback, one piece of it after another, so that I really grasp the editor’s input. If they’re going through all the effort of editing, I want to listen closely, both to learn and to be respectful of their time.

SmPnk3) I used to love it when editors created those “bloodied” pages. Thorough feedback rocks! But be careful. Some people’s feedback is destructive. If they, for example, do not give feedback in a supportive tone, do not listen. Their negative tone has a message—e.g., utter invalidation—that may be stronger than their words. It can have a larger destructive impact than any positive impact their words might offer.

SmPnk4) Here are other common types of villainous editors:

A) Self-important people might try to make you feel less capable as a writer, in order to ensure that you’re impressed with them. Sometimes you can recognize their self-importance by the prose style of their written feedback or in their tone of voice when they speak.

B) Editors who give angry feedback are surprisingly common. It’s no fun to be picked on under the guise of editing. Just refuse such dubious help.

C) Avoid anyone with a bone to pick, because they will likely do it at your expense, refuting the actual merit of your work, in very believable ways. Unfortunately, writers themselves often are like that when editing.

SmPnk5) Trust your gut instinct—if it tells you to run away, run fast. Don’t let someone’s erudite pretense make you doubt your instinct, intellect, and creativity.

SmPnk6) When you’ve worked hard to express yourself, you deserve an editor who’ll work just as hard to give you a useful critique, and do so in a manner that helps keep your self-respect intact. You have the right to feel good about your efforts. An editor should know “how to handle the talent” aka how to respect a person’s deep emotions.

Mark Chimsky, a developmental editor who worked with me at HarperCollins, embodies the combination of hard working editor and loving person. Mark analyzed my manuscript word by word, so his feedback was unusually thorough, with innumerable, detailed suggestions for revisions. His thoroughness was a gift to me and, despite such a mountain of criticism, I felt supported throughout our process, and he made his admiration for my writing clear, in ways that could not be feigned. (We had the old-fashioned bond between author and editor that is based in shared literary values and high ideals. These relationships are rare in publishing now, but used to be part of the literary life. I consider Mark a friend.)

SmPnk7) You also deserve an editor who will not try to make over your piece in his image, but will recognize the essence of your own message and help you make it shine.

I’ve been on both sides of the equation, being both a writer and a developmental editor, also known as a “literary” editor. (I’m not available as a copyeditor. Copyediting is not my strength.) My own writing schedule does not allow me to edit many projects, but I choose a few now and then. Email me if you want info about my editing: outlawbunny at outlawbunny.com

When I posted this material on Facebook, Peter Silverman noticed the material’s underlying principles. He insightfully dubbed the seven points “Good advice on accepting and giving any form of feedback, on written material or life’s many relationships.” Often, when I write about a specific part of life, I hope readers will see its relevance to other issues. Yay, Peter!


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Spiritual-Material Schism in Business


Spiritual-Material Schism in Business
Micro and Macro Combine for a Better World

The schism between spiritual and material has horrific consequences in business. People work three jobs but still do not earn enough to feed their children. Corporate cronies foster war to profit from mass murder. Clearly money and Spirit need to become joined in the contemporary business paradigm. We can all help create this shift, each in our small way.

Trying to do my part, I felt driven to write A Sacred Marketplace, my vision of micro and macro combining to help remedy the fractured business world. Here’s the link: https://www.outlawbunny.com/2015/10/15/a-sacred-marketplace/

There are gifted people in the arts, spiritual healing, and many other areas. The world desperately needs the benefits they can provide, but financial obligations trap many of these individuals in jobs other than their life’s work. This requires they pursue their true calling in the few meagre hours left over from the rat race. Their communities suffer as a result.

Some of these loving, ethical people are additionally stymied about their dream career because they’re put off by the greed often seen in marketing. A Sacred Marketplace teaches the marketing skills to make their dream careers financially viable, without having to lose moral integrity. I know they can earn a good living doing what they love.

Another division of material and spiritual: many individuals have been crushed by the systemic belief that they could not or should not earn their living doing what they love. A Sacred Marketplace has shamanic material to heal that schism in a reader’s psyche. Other inner blocks to success are also addressed.

More talented, ethical people engaged in commerce will automatically shift the dominant business paradigm from uncaring and greed to love and ethics.

Doing what you love for a living will improve the world for everyone, not only because your services or products will make a positive difference, but also because your presence—along with that of other caring individuals—in the marketplace will automatically shift society’s business paradigm, without any of you even trying to do so. Your sheer presence in the marketplace will create the shift. If you believe in following heart and soul in business, A Sacred Marketplace will provide you loving support.

Only in the micro of our own lives can we change the macro of the world, because our lives are not actually small. We each contain the universe.

I’ve always felt strongly about doing my part as a priestess to help shift the marketplace’s rift between the spiritual and mundane. It feels wonderful to have put material I developed for clients over the years into A Sacred Marketplace, and to be getting word out about the book.

If you only have a bit of reading time, get A Sacred Marketplace regardless. Its powerful text works even if you only read a few lines quickly now and then, without even trying to absorb them, analyze them, apply them, or memorize them. Third Road shamanism is experiential and energy-based, which means you absorb on a gut and energetic level, by making no effort except reading.

Also, by simply reading, you take in a lot of the material on a cognitive level subconsciously; that material will rise up from the subconscious, so you can apply it.

Casually reading a page when you can also helps ready you to use all the great stuff in the book.

Change starts today, with the first small step: https://www.outlawbunny.com/2015/10/15/a-sacred-marketplace/

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Magic Top Hat

Magic Top Hat
DIY Felting


The crowning glories that are hats, tiaras, barrettes, bows, hair ties, scarves, wreathes, and other head adorments! I love ’em.

Of all mainstream accessories, the hat has an impact beyond any other, revealing its wearer to be a Goddess or God.

I’ve been learning to felt, to make myself wool felt hats.

Above is the first top hat I made. Felting aside, it might be helpful to your creative process in general to know that after I finished the hat, it did not quite suit. But adding one more thing turned it into my magic Faerie top hat. So if you don’t like your designs, an addition might change that.

In my case, a button I’d designed was the right touch. (Plus I feel faaahhncy wearing a hat I designed ornamented by a button that’s also my design.) If you want to make buttons, I sent my graphics to excellent Deborah, who laser-engraved them on wood discs. Her shop is at https://www.etsy.com/shop/AlaskaLaserMaid

Okay, on to felting. The white fuzz on the hat is not fuzz, it’s glimmering strands called Angelina, which I worked into the wool. I couldn’t get a photo to catch the glimmer.

If you don’t know what felting is, you start with a relatively raw form of wool, such as roving. Basically, you aggravate that wool to form a flat felt sheet or to sculpt it into a shape such as a hat.

I wanted a wool top hat, but couldn’t find much online about felting a top hat shape, at least not anything viable in terms of my income or physical disabilities. Started experimenting and brainstorming. It worked, voilà top hat, I’m jazzed!

Here are a few of my steps. I hope they help you make a top hat. If you know basic needle felting and wet felting, and are adventurous in your creative process, what I figured out should take you a long way.

But first, another pic, because it shows a happy accident: the hat reminds me of one I saw in an old photo of a witch. I feel witchy!


I have a foam hat form meant for making hats by combining needle felting and wet felting. The form includes a crown form, a crown extender (in other words, it lets you create a higher crown), and—if you purchase it separately—a brim form.

The form’s crown and extender combined were not high enough for a top hat, but I started getting ideas. I asked Marie, who sells the form, if I could purchase an additional crown extender. The answer was no, because crown and extender are manufactured simultaneously. (But she did ask to see pictures if I figured out how to use the hat form to make a top hat. Marie, I hope you enjoy this blog.)

So I bought an additional crown form with its extender, figuring I might need both anyway to get a high enough hat.

This photo I took has nifty captions to make things clear:HatForm

For my first top hat—the one pictured and discussed in this post—I used two crown forms, one extension, plus the brim form. For my second topper, which I’ll blog about down the line, I used both crowns and both extenders.

Speaking of blogging, I made the hat in dec 2015, making notes for this post as I worked, but it took four months to actually finish this post. That’s not a bad thing. As a blogger, I had to learn that if I always posted about creating, I’d have no time to create. Have you had a similar experience? I’d love to know.

The crown form has a beveled edge on one side, if you want a curved top to a hat. I didn’t place the beveled edge at the top, preferring to use the flat edge there, because toppers tend to have flat tops.

However, that put the beveled edge in the body of the crown. The resulting crown creases a bit in that place, and I felt okay about that, since I wasn’t trying for a formal top hat. I enjoy organic shapes.

To buy a hat form and tutorial with full directions on using it, go to http://www.livingfelt.com. I’m sharing some basic instructions in the most limited manner, and only those that relate to what I figured out. (In any case, full instructions are probably Marie’s intellectual property, and I respect that. Marie, if I used anything you don’t want me to, please let me know.)

Once you’ve laid wool on the form, you are supposed to do a good amount of needle felting, aka repeatedly jab a multiply-barbed needle into the wool to aggravate it until it mats somewhat into felt. Here’s the partially felted wool, shaped into a hat, and still on the form:HatOnFormThen you’re supposed to remove the partially felted hat from the form. Since the felt isn’t strong yet, removing the hat has to be done carefully or it will rip. This is more the case making a top hat; it was challenging to remove such a tall shape without it tearing too much.

Next, you’re supposed to turn the hat inside out, put it back on the form, and needle felt again. I skipped that. Per my previous remark, repeatedly getting a high brimmed hat on and off the form was going to destroy the felt. Instead, I found other ways to needle felt inside. I did put the hat back on the form once, right side out, to needle felt more.

This pic shows the hat after needle felting but before wet felting shrank it. Yes, it was so big it swallowed my head:

Before attempting a top hat, I’d made at least two hats on the form. A tall unwieldy crown might’ve been unmanageable without lessons I could acquire only by the hands-on experience of making smaller crowns on the form. (I’d made tall crowned hats by wet felting alone, but that’s quite different from needle felting on a form.)

In any case, the form is a good investment, because it is an inexpensive way to make all sorts of hats.

Let me know if this tutorial was useful, so I know what sort of tutorials you want.

I’m a freak for hats. Clothing is magic to me. Are you like me? Everything I come across in life seems to be a talisman or altar: pebbles, clothing, web pages, the kitchen table.


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