If you missed the first update, check it out. A lot of folks, including moi, posted their experiences: https://www.outlawbunny.com/2013/10/15/hundred-people-update/
Now that the 100 People direct spiritual transmission is over, I hope we continue to feel internal shifts for months—if not years—whether or not the movement seems related to this community project overtly.
But I took to take a couple of weeks to absorb the initial effect and let it carry me. Now that I’ve digested it, here are a few thoughts. I hope you will post your own experiences, in turn, in a comment field below.
It would take a whole book to discuss the blessings I received from the hundred people project. But I want to touch on one thing.
Backstory: One of the great gifts of my life was learning that I always have the power to handle life. The even greater gift was learning that I cannot handle it all on my own. My gods taught me that no matter what comes, I am up to the challenge. Sometimes, I rise to the challenge through support from my fellow seekers.
The backstory continues: When I function as a guide in my shamanic consultation and classes, I do not have the notion of, “You are a poor pitiful thing because you need my help. I am so much better than you.”
Instead, I’ve learned over the years that we all need each other’s help, we are all powerful and beautiful, and my particular job as a shaman (I would not presume to say what your job as a shaman or anything else is) is to help you know your power and beauty better.
My students and clients are so clearly my fellow seekers, walking shoulder to shoulder with me. As are many other individuals. End of backstory.
The hundred people project strengthened both my sense of how wonderful people can be, and my commitment to reach out for support when I need it.
This happened from two things:
1) Your support of the project brought the need for mutual help home to me in a whole new way. The generous love you gave by your announcements of the project wrapped around me, lifting me up, filling me, adding so much beauty to my life. I learned more than ever that we’re all in this life together.
2) As I said in the original announcement, we’d each receive something different from the transmission, suited to our own unique lives. One thing I received was an opening of my heart and mind, an opening to give and receive love, more than ever before, an opening to acknowledging more than ever the love that humans and the rest of the cosmos bestow on me. So I was able to feel your love in deeper ways than I might have previously. (Since I am the one who sent the transmission, the Gods sent it first through me, which means I received what I personally need from the Gods, just like everyone else who received the transmission.)
I’ve seen the disasters caused by people who think they are Oh-Great-Shaman-Who-Doesn’t-Need-Help-from-Anybody. A truly great shaman knows when they need help. So I’vr been asking for more support, and it has * really * helped me.
I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, because your support of the project helped give me one of the most important of all the lessons and powers I received during the 100 People project.
If you want more about my experience with the transmission, check out my blog, The Faerie Queen’s Innocence. It details another lovely blessing I received
I know the transmission and your loving support for the project will fuel my work and personal life for months, if not years.
Yes, good energy is not over yet, tada!
The energy I sent will continue to reach out a goodly while. And my transmissions nudge internal shifts that continue long after the transmission.
I would love to know your experience. And if you already posted how the hundred people transmission impacted you, what is it like now that it’s been a few weeks? Post below.