Wow! 100 People Update #2

If you missed the first update, check it out. A lot of folks, including moi, posted their experiences:

Now that the 100 People direct spiritual transmission is over, I hope we continue to feel internal shifts for months—if not years—whether or not the movement seems related to this community project overtly.

But I took to take a couple of weeks to absorb the initial effect and let it carry me. Now that I’ve digested it, here are a few thoughts. I hope you will post your own experiences, in turn, in a comment field below.

imageIt would take a whole book to discuss the blessings I received from the hundred people project. But I want to touch on one thing.

Backstory: One of the great gifts of my life was learning that I always have the power to handle life. The even greater gift was learning that I cannot handle it all on my own. My gods taught me that no matter what comes, I am up to the challenge. Sometimes, I rise to the challenge through support from my fellow seekers.

The backstory continues: When I function as a guide in my shamanic consultation and classes, I do not have the notion of, “You are a poor pitiful thing because you need my help. I am so much better than you.”

Instead, I’ve learned over the years that we all need each other’s help, we are all powerful and beautiful, and my particular job as a shaman (I would not presume to say what your job as a shaman or anything else is) is to help you know your power and beauty better.

My students and clients are so clearly my fellow seekers, walking shoulder to shoulder with me. As are many other individuals. End of backstory.

The hundred people project strengthened both my sense of how wonderful people can be, and my commitment to reach out for support when I need it.

This happened from two things:

1) Your support of the project brought the need for mutual help home to me in a whole new way. The generous love you gave by your announcements of the project wrapped around me, lifting me up, filling me, adding so much beauty to my life. I learned more than ever that we’re all in this life together.

image2) As I said in the original announcement, we’d each receive something different from the transmission, suited to our own unique lives. One thing I received was an opening of my heart and mind, an opening to give and receive love, more than ever before, an opening to acknowledging more than ever the love that humans and the rest of the cosmos bestow on me. So I was able to feel your love in deeper ways than I might have previously. (Since I am the one who sent the transmission, the Gods sent it first through me, which means I received what I personally need from the Gods, just like everyone else who received the transmission.)

I’ve seen the disasters caused by people who think they are Oh-Great-Shaman-Who-Doesn’t-Need-Help-from-Anybody. A truly great shaman knows when they need help. So I’vr been asking for more support, and it has * really * helped me.

I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, because your support of the project helped give me one of the most important of all the lessons and powers I received during the 100 People project.

If you want more about my experience with the transmission, check out my blog, The Faerie Queen’s Innocence. It details another lovely blessing I received

I know the transmission and your loving support for the project will fuel my work and personal life for months, if not years.

Yes, good energy is not over yet, tada!

The energy I sent will continue to reach out a goodly while. And my transmissions nudge internal shifts that continue long after the transmission.

I would love to know your experience. And if you already posted how the hundred people transmission impacted you, what is it like now that it’s been a few weeks? Post below.



Posted in Classes, Books, and Other News, Community, Giveaways and Contests, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Wonderful Personal News

I need to express my gratitude and share wonderful personal news.

If you’re a close friend, or have read “Share My Insanity: It Improves Everything,” you know 2001 began ten+ awful years for me. (“Share My Insanity” might be misleading in this context. The dismal years did not include the hell of mental illness. Thank my gods! And to anyone trolling for gross injustices, the book and its title was supported by many members of the mental health community. In fact, writing the book probably helped me not go insane! Back to my point:

I’ve had a miraculous turnaround over a period of months. When it comes to the light at the end of the tunnel, I’ve gotten through a decade-long darkness, and am reveling in light. Financially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically I’ve been doing great for a substantial time now. (So I figure I can trust it enough to mention it publicly.)

Francesca De Grandis, 2013

Francesca De Grandis, 2013

My enormous physical improvement is relative to how I have been. I am still seriously ill and weak. But some friends did ceremony with me to end that, so mote it be!

I thank my gods for the power to keep working my spiritual and magical tools the past 10 years so that I overcame my challenges.

There is one particular spiritual discipline I need to mention: Serving the community. Despite everything that was going on, the gods continued to use me as a channel. It blows me away. Apparently, my deep inner turmoil did not disqualify me from being their vessel. I continued my work as a shamanic guide.

Had I not continued working, my soul and body would not have healed. I am grateful my gods gave me the ability to serve despite tremendous illness and spiritual pain. When we serve, we ourselves heal.

To celebrate, I’d love to hear what *you* are grateful for. Please post!

Posted in Classes, Books, and Other News, Community, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Hundred People Update

The direct spiritual transmission can happen because we have 100+ people! Thank you! Thank you!

After I announced the project, your enthusiasm about my “weird” proposal touched me deeply!

imageYou added immense love to the project by sending the announcement out into the spiral of life and community.

I’ve received a lot, without even giving the transmission yet. Other folks said the same.

Some free events garner no response. I don’t think folks became part of 100 people simply because there is no cost. Instead, there was a profound response of “We’re all in this life together.”

I thanked most of you individually. I apologize for missing a few of you: Personal events made it impossible to know who I missed.

I took time with each post on the 100 People page:
* Many of you are new to me. If your post linked to your website, I enjoyed checking it out.
* Others of you I knew but hadn’t heard from in a while; it was deeply touching to see your post.
* Others are immediate in my current spiritual journey. Continuing that is a spiritual lifeline for me.

imageHere’s an example of how strangers and friends from different communities worldwide joined to support 100+ people:

Between checking out websites, and already knowing some participants, I learned that the majority of the 100+ are healers. This shows healers who, devoted to growth, want to cooperate with another healer’s work. Wow, stunning love!

There’s a theory: When enough people make the same shift, a critical mass is hit whereby many other people automatically make an identical shift, whether or not they’re in proximity to anyone in the original group or have knowledge, even by example, of the original group’s transformation.

You created a possibility whereby, when I finish the direct spiritual transmission on we hundred, hundreds more may also experience new wholeness. Be proud of you. You did this.

I’m available by phone if you want to discuss the 100 people project. 814-337-2490

imageDrumroll! Details of the 100 People direct spiritual transmission:

I’ll start the transmission Thursday October 17 and continue it over the course of a week. I’ll take two days off from it at some point during the week, then start up again. The last day of it will be Oct 23.

To receive the transmission, you don’t have to show up at an event. You don’t have to meditate. Just go about your business. This is solely about you having a chance to simply receive whatever would make you more whole. (Which means, you don’t have see this post in order to receive the transmission!)

No matter how far or little one has come, one is capable of greater wholeness. That will come in different forms for each of us. It might be peace of mind, freedom from longterm illness, confidence, or anything else. For some people, greater wholeness might be a combination of things—e.g., trust of their own wisdom, money coming in, and a resurgence of hope.

Disclaimer: My treatments may not work for some individuals. A shamanic treatment is not a substitute for care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation.

A few suggestions (not requirements):

imageDon’t expect a spiritual transmission to feel a certain way, even if you’ve received them previously. Even if you received them from me, this one is unique unto itself. Open to new experiences.

Acknowledge small gifts. Don’t tell yourself, “That’s too small to be important.” Small gifts can be the beginning of large ones or might prove vital in themselves.

Let me do this for you instead of you feeling you always have to struggle to grow. As I said above, you really get to just receive.

Worrying about whether you’re in the “correct” state to receive or are “worthy” might block the divine flow to you.

Remind yourself on awakening that this practice is being done for you.

Post-transmission suggestions:
* Sit with experiences you had/have, letting them sink in deeper.
* Eat well and get enough rest.
* My transmissions can bring you to new places, return you to places you’ve lost, or deepen experiences of familiar places. Only you can keep yourself in those places. Do/learn the spiritual practices needed; take the spiritual journey needed.
* Don’t kick yourself if you regress, it can be part of the process. Love heals us, not harsh judgement. If the transmission does not seem to “hold,” you might need to love you exactly as you are for a time before change can fully “take.”

Below, you are welcome to post experiences you had leading up to, during, or after the transmission. Or ask questions. I’d love to hear from you, and am sure it would help others, too.

In gratitude and awe of you, Francesca De Grandis

Posted in Classes, Books, and Other News, Community, Giveaways and Contests, Spirit | 37 Comments

100 People

The update about the 100 People project—the date of the transmission and other new details—is here. You made this happen, check it out.

Below, I left the original 100 People post, in case anyone ever wants to see it:

100 People
Help 100 people with only three minutes of your time.

imageOne-hundred people is a lot.

Imagine them all in the same room, to see how many people that is.

Imagine each of them given greater wholeness.

You can make that happen, with 3 minutes of your time.

Here’s the story. The Goddess asked I give a direct spiritual transmission of greater wholeness to one hundred people simultaneously. And She said it should be free of cost.

imageTo be one of the 100, you don’t have to show up at an event. You don’t have to meditate. Just go about your business. This event is solely about me giving and you having a chance to simply receive whatever would make you more whole.

That might be peace of mind, freedom from longterm illness, confidence, or anything else. For some people, greater wholeness might mean a combination of things—e.g., trust of their own wisdom, money coming in, and a resurgence of hope.

Be one of the 100, make it happen for 100:

Step 1) Share the URL of this page you are on. Here it is:

Give it to at least one person. Or gift it to as many people as you want! Copy and paste the URL into Facebook, an email, or use any other way to tell folks the URL.

Step 2) After you share the URL, post the words “100 people” in a comment field below. You need not add anything else to the comment.

Do both steps by October 15 for the event to happen because:
1) My vision was clear: We are of a whole; unless this gift goes to 100, it cannot happen for a few individuals.
2) Planetary currents allow this empowerment now but not later.

imageIf 99 people post by October 15, I’ll post here that I’m about to do the transmission of wholeness. (I am #100, since I always receive back whatever I give. I love this!) So come back to this page October 16 to see what’s what!

If you’ve received a direct spiritual transmission from me, you know it’s life-changing. Now Goddess is sending me power to do one simultaneously for one hundred people. But I cannot get word out on my own. Please create a spiritual gift for 100 people—by simply telling folks about it.

If you back burner this until you’re less busy, will you ever do it? Right this sec, help 100 people be whole: Give someone this link: Then post “100 people” in a comment field below.

In loving service (I am so excited!), Francesca De Grandis

imageFrancesca De Grandis is the bestselling author of Be a Goddess! A Shamanic guide, poet, and painter, she is a very busy elf. If you want, click here for feedback about her spiritual transmissions or here for an explanation of them.

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Heart-Based Promotional Copy

Updated June, 2020

Heart-Based Promotional Copy: Tips for Writing Ethical, Effective Marketing Copy

Four Tips for Writing Ethical, Effective Marketing Copy

Note: for our purposes here, marketing copy and promotional copy are synonymous and mean material written for the purposes of promotion and creating sales.

Some individuals want to earn a living doing what they love in a way that makes a positive difference in the world.

Such caring individuals, whether potential entrepreneurs or long time ethical business owners, can become confused or otherwise stymied by marketing. Their services or products are good, but they don’t always know how to put them out there. Perhaps they only see unethical promotion, so don’t know ethical ways to promote. So they procrastinate or try to sell their work only a bit.

If you relate to what I’ve said so far, this post was written for you.

Whether you are offering your services as a doula, shaman, psychic, or other support provider, or you want to sell art, jewelry, handmade vintage style aprons, or another product, whether you’re selling online or not, I have good news:

The same tender, caring sensitivity and sincerity that makes you recoil from unethical marketing or shady business practices is exactly what you need to promote yourself.

Love creates sales.

Love is sales magic.

You are coming from the heart: your work springs from a beautiful place inside you, and you really want to help people. Here are four tips for using your beautiful loving heart to write great promotional copy. Every single tip is about being sincere and coming from the heart. That’s right up your alley, so don’t be intimidated. You can do this.

1) Spell out the ways you want to help people.

In some ways, promotional copy is simply saying, “I want to give you something that will add value to your day,” and then spelling out what that value is. In other words, you’re telling folks you want to serve them! Marketing can be heart-based.

Be specific. List benefits they’ll receive from you. It’s not bragging. It’s letting folks know what you can do for them, so they can take advantage of it. If you don’t tell them what you have to offer, how are they gonna know that you can help them?

2) Don’t worry about “doing promotion right.” Write sincerely, from the heart.

Ethical, spiritually beautiful marketing is tantamount to reaching out from your soul. And that’s something that you already know how to do, at least in some ways. Draw on that, to the best of your ability, when writing copy.

This tip is practical. If you want to sell your art, spiritual classes, psychic counseling, healing work, handcrafted lampwork beads, one of a kind hats, or anything else that springs from your spirit, then promotion includes making authentic human connection. Why? Because the folks who are the right buyers for you will feel that connection. If they do not feel it, they won’t want heart-based services or products from you.

They may purchase auto parts from you, but they’re less likely to buy your art.

3) Risk: express yourself from deep inside.

Someone sincere about their work might have to write from their deepest place to describe that work. Making such personal disclosures can be scary. To alleviate fear, try pretending you’re writing to someone who needs that deep part of you. Then, you’ll more likely be able to communicate what your work offers.

I put myself out there 100% when writing copy, and the clients right for me resonate with it. Everyone else will find what and who is right for them. I want students (or call them clients if you prefer, or even better, call them my community members) with whom I have an authentic connection because the particular spiritual work I do can’t be one-size-fits-all. It has to be done in a heart-to-heart way.

4) Write in the spirit of service.

Despite my previous tips, in some ways you have to selflessly forget what you want to express, and instead focus on the needs of potential customers. Your self-promotion should be about what they’re going to get from you. You are all about giving. If you write in that spirit, your copy addresses what potential customers might need from you. My previous suggestion to list benefits of your work is a good example of focusing on their needs. When you write that list, try to think of everything they might need, whether your product or service gives it, and if it does, add that benefit to the list.

As to expressing yourself in promotional copy, yet putting yourself aside, you might try going back-and-forth between the two approaches. It’s a bit of a balancing act. But the more you do it, the more you figure out how to navigate it. Plus, when I forget myself to focus on the needs of potential customers, it is a form of self-expression, because one of the reasons I was put on this planet was to be a service.

The proof is in the pudding. The info in this post has repeatedly helped my clients who couldn’t previously get on top of marketing. And, if you want to go even further, for your work to reach as many people as possible, which means you could be of maximum service and earn the maximum amount, keep reading.

More Shamanic Resources for Ethical Marketing

I get excited about helping artists, healers, and other world-changers promote their services and goods. Using my shamanic philosophy and skills to support my fellow seekers to sell well feels important because heart-centered services and goods are crucial.

Want more marketing support from a mystic who understands the soul journey of doing what you love as a business? And who can guide you through it shamanically? Or give you straight-ahead marketing tips? Here you go:

* If you find it hard to offer your professional services, because you worry someone’ll assume you’re making a sleazy sales pitch, or that they might otherwise think poorly of you, check this out:

* Get my spiritually-based marketing book. This little guide gives more value than typical seminars that cost $1000s. And you’re spared years of heartbreaking dead ends. A Sacred Marketplace: Sell without Selling Out or Burning Out. Mysticism + Marketing = Sales.

* Book an appointment with me. I can channel a marketing plan, help you move through inner or outer blocks to career success, or otherwise guide you about work:

* Be kept abreast of my upcoming marketing and other courses: subscribe to my free newsletter. Even my shamanic courses that do not focus on business boost your career: the shamanism I teach helps you keep growing, keep showing up for life, and keep being of service, all of which helps with all your life goals, big time. Subscribe here:

Do it, now—support yourself by marketing from the heart. Pax.

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Not Fractal Art #4 & #5

imageimageClick on a painting to see it larger and clearer.

Merlin Lives and What a Feeling are part of a small series called Not Fractal Art.

Faerie mysticism is mine. But not mine alone. It is for all who desire it.

What a Feeling is another attempt to represent a vision of myself that I mention in Not Fractal Art #2. What a Feeling better shows the visual and emotional experience I had during the vision, while This Kachina Came to Visit embodies a subconscious part of the experience that came to light only later, when I painted it.

Check out Not Fractal Art #1, Not Fractal Art #2, and Not Fractal Art #3 for more info about the series. Also check out subsequent blogs; I have a few more paintings in the series. I have not brought them to fruition but, if I do, I hope to post them as I get the chance.

Thank you so much for looking at my painting.


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Lilies of the Field

A Direct Spiritual Transmission, starting August 19, 2013

imageToday I channeled this message to someone: “You need to become more open to receiving gifts.”

Afterwards, I was guided to offer you a spiritual transmission exactly for that purpose.

One of my favorite spiritual thoughts is (King’s James Bible), “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap…yet your heavenly Father feeds them…Consider the lilies of the field…they toil not, neither do they spin. And yet…even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

Yet we can become convinced that we must toil forever unto exhaustion, and suffer with very little in return.

Meditating on it, I was guided to offer a month-long direct spiritual transmission that helps you:
1) Receive instead of struggle uselessly.
2) Consistently open like a flower, to life’s gifts—love, wisdom, happiness, health, and more—thus supporting the cosmos’ ability to make miracles for you.
3) Let go of doubt about receiving help from the Universe.
4) Replace that doubt with trust in your Gods and joy in Their love.

During the month, the spiritual transmission will happen five days of each week. Again, it starts August 19. If you want to receive this transmission, it is easy and sliding scale, simply pay what you can honestly afford, whether that is high or low. Scroll down.

Sliding Scale
Please enter your phone number

* Upon receipt of payment, I’ll send you email confirmation of registration. No refunds.
* If you can’t afford payment, not to worry. Phone me. I only can give scholarships to someone I speak with. 814-337-2490
* If you need more info, do not email me; my disabilities do not allow enough time at the computer. Call 814-337-2490.

Francesca De Grandis, Oct 2011

Francesca De Grandis, Oct 2011

No experience needed. But even advanced practitioners are deeply impacted—for example, no matter how strong previous headway, it can be strengthened or regained.

You do not have to attend an event, just register for the transmission, and I do the work for you. Receive!

A shamanic treatment is not a substitute for proper medical care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation. This spiritual treatment is extraordinarily effective, but may not work for some individuals.

Grant me the privilege of serving you, because you deserve to receive the gifts of magic, miracle, and love.

Posted in Classes, Books, and Other News | 2 Comments

Not Fractal Art #3

This Is My Brain on Art is part of a small series called Not Fractal Art. Click on the painting to see it larger and clearer.

Faerie mysticism.

Check out Not Fractal Art #1 and Not Fractal Art #2 for more info about the series. Also check out subsequent blogs for info; I will post more of the series as I get the chance.


Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Leave a comment

Not Fractal Art #2

imageNot Fractal Art #2
See Fractal Art #1 and subsequent blogs for more info about the series, which I am posting as I get the chance.

The piece above is part of a small series called Not Fractal Art. I was surprised bc, thru nothing I consciously did, it looks like a kachina.

In other words, I was trying to create a winged figure of myself I had seen in a trance, which did not look like a kachina. As i created this painting, I did one thing then another then another, on and on, and it still did not look like a kachina. Then I did one more thing and, blam, a kachina came to visit.

I do not know who this is, in terms of any lore I have read, but it is me, and it is also a kachina of pollen and greenery. Not a bee kachina, I think. Closer to a Green Man. I am so glad to meet it and this aspect of me. I want to dance with it soon.

If this spirit is speaking to you, please share what it is saying with me. I am not so presumptuous as to think I am in this Faerie journey alone, and we all need fellow travelers.

imageTo the right is my drawing from which the series is being produced. In other word, each painting is mostly a composite of this drawing.


Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Not Fractal Art #1

imageThe piece above is part of a small series called Not Fractal Art. Check out subsequent blogs for more.

I have felt like some of my artwork is unintentionally moving toward a look that one would expect to have been generated via fractal technology, but I am arriving at the look organically instead. For example, I love to draw spirals, and spirals upon the spirals, and leaves based in spirals upon spirals; and the more I do it, the more some of the leaves look like they are fractal art. It feels like a weird—but also wonderfully wyrd and based in my faerie sight—process to come at this independent of the technology. But I am just seeing nature’s patterns and painting what I see, and was thoroughly surprised one day when I saw some fractal art and realized how much its appearance has in common with what I create. But I paint what life looks like for me. It is a very happy way to see life. Science and magic really are not at odds.

And arriving at this place through meditation on Gaia has been done before. Just look at Celtic knotwork or Tibetan mandalas. This is such an interesting experience to be having.

This series represents a deeper portrayal of my meditative visions of nature, when they resemble vector art, while also consciously working with the concept of arriving someplace that looks somewhat like vector art but is instead reached organically.

I want to be clear that, though I say I am doing this independent of vector technology, it’s surely subconsciously influencing me. After all, I do not live in a void. But it is not either/or; I also want it clear that I am mostly coming from a place of personal internal vision, not external influences. So, though Celtic knotwork, Tibetan mandalas, and other influences are definitely there, they do not dominate the experience I am having in meditation and therefore do not dominate the paintings either. This might seem impossible and, thus, my saying all this might make me appear so oblivious of my internal process that I do not see its influences.

Quite the opposite is true, I have enormous self-awareness, which is allowing amazing visions, visions of such primary aspects of nature that they are affirmed by other mystical art traditions. My visions are a culmination of decades of my shamanic practices, and I feel so blessed to be having these experiences and to see them affirmed.


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