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Book Description:
A Sacred Marketplace:
Sell without Selling Out or Burning Out.
Mysticism + Marketing = Sales.
Marketing tips from best-selling author, spiritual guide, and solopreneur Francesca De Grandis.
From the book: “Imagine earning a living doing what you love for clients you love. Imagine your big-hearted joy creates sales, automatically making our culture more ethical, serene, and giving. It’s an economy based in love.”
This lyrical ebook helps make that vision your reality. You’ll market with your own style, in a relaxed self-caring way. Spirit will guide you in a business that becomes sacred space. Your inner blocks to marketing and prosperity will heal.
With marketing advice for both newbies and successful marketers, Francesca’s spiritually-based little guide gives more value than seminars that cost $1000s. And you’re spared years of heartbreaking dead ends.
Francesca’s strategies work in any part of your marketing process—social media marketing, face-to-face sales, phone sales, email marketing, and more.
Artists, coaches, and you, A Sacred Marketplace informs you as a heartfelt entrepreneur and shares a philosophy that informs your entire life. Support yourself—the whole you.
Francesca De Grandis AKA Outlaw Bunny—spiritual teacher, humorist, mystic genius, best-selling author of the classic Be a Goddess!, innovator, artist, and super independent marketer. Renaissance woman. Busy elf.
“I have always found Francesca to possess a rare combination of creativity and marketing savvy … What is most impressive is her fundamental humanity, her determination to make a difference in the world—and to do it with spirit, wit, and insight.”—Mark Chimsky, Editor in Chief of Books, Sellers Publishing
“Her insightful research in anthropology led to her innovative work in the modalities of spiritual healing.”—S.S. Kush, Professor of Anthropology
“Francesca De Grandis is genius—she develops cutting edge methodologies in mysticism, marketing, art, and more. A thought leader in marketing and everything else she’s devoted herself to. She’s the real deal, often copied, never equaled. De Grandis innovates with style and integrity, in both the corporate and indie worlds.”—Beverly Macy, author, The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing
“Francesca teaches us what we already know but are too stressed out and spread around to remember. So she helped me see the ability to market was already in me.”—Julie Harrington
“Francesca sees the world through the eyes of a wise spiritual master, a sadhu, a shaman.”—Donna Henes, author The Queen of My Self
I’m working through A Sacred Marketplace, & finding the (fun style) rituals & inner work helpful for shifting my inner mind space (imprecise words, but that’s the basic feeling or sense of what’s happening!)
Much appreciation… thank you, Francesca, for sharing your wisdom, experience, and Faerie inspiration~
Thank you, I appreciate your support bunches. Absolutely bunches!
“A Sacred Marketplace”, from the always inspirational Francesca De Grandis, is another great addition to her work. There are few (if any) books out there, touching the subject of marketing AND spirituality the same time. And most of them are very one-sided and promote nothing more then the usual coaching and money 101 they seem to teach in everywhere.
Here we got a book with heart that dares to leave the regular path and truly inspires you to work with dedication, love and a good sense of self-worth. I opened my business (a small witchcraft-store) in 2001 and sometimes, especially in “those” times we experience now in 2020, one sometimes forgets the spark that started it all.
When reading “A sacred Marketplace” I remember every time to ignite it again, and so I still read some passages during personal crisis and doubt (self and society) as it gives me the tools to get my mojo back, creating a resonance that is lovingly and more daring.
I highly recommend it to everybody who needs techniques and inspirations to get or keep the business AND the love for it going…
Oh my gosh, William, you put so much thought into this review. And I am grateful that you understand what I was attempting to do in this book. Many blessings and much gratitude to you
This is still the best book on marketing that I’ve ever read!
Wow, Jenn. Your initial review three years ago meant so much to me because you have such marketing savvy. And, for you, three years later, to still feel so powerfully about the book means a lot to me. Thanks for letting me know!!!
Here is an updated version of my original review:
People should buy A Sacred Marketplace whether they think it will help them as an entrepreneur or not. I didn’t read it for a long time after I bought it because I was sick of everything else I’d read being the same old marketing lessons.
I wish I’d read A Sacred Marketplace sooner. Once I opened it, I realized it was unlike anything else and would help in ways nothing else had. It changed everything.
I should’ve known better because I’m familiar with how original your insights are and how amazingly well your methods work. So, if it was hard for me to understand how this book would be different, it might be impossible for anybody else until they just start reading it. So just buy it. It is amazing.
Jenn, thank you thank you thank you!
This book is a unique approach to a not well liked topic of mine.
Made me realize that marketing doesen’t have to be
complicated or stressful.
I actually feel like reading it again and again ?
Simone, thank you so much for the support. I’m delighted the book is working for you.
I loved this book. It helped to change my relationship with money and inspired me to reframe my view of business within the context of the spiritual marketplace (such as the notion that marketplaces can be sacred and ethically aligned). Francesca has empowered me to stick to my values and ethics in business and helped me recognize the importance of self-care in attracting right livelihood. Thank you for offering such a much needed and refreshing view of the spiritual marketplace.
Oh my gosh, Chad, I am so happy that the book was able to do that much for you.
You’ve inspiring me in return. Knowing the value you received from the book is giving me the boost I need to keep going at my work to empower people both in their professional lives and the rest of what they do. Oh my gosh, thanks again.
I just finished reading the book and I am SO BLOWN AWAY. Thank you! Now that I am finished reading it , I can’t wait to dig into the exercises. It helped me really identify with why I HATED marketing. Not that I haven’t always been authentic, but before I felt like I had to appeal to the masses, instead of just truly being myself and showing many aspects of myself and attracting the right people to me by doing that. In a way I neutered myself to try to be more mainstream. I don’t need millions of people to love my work (but I’m not ruling it out either!!! ) in order to make a living doing what I love. Seems so simple, but yet it is life changing. I don’t LOVE marketing now, but I definitely don’t HATE it. Thank you for writing this book, you are awesome.
Yay!!! Thank you so much. Your comments mean a lot to me—more than you may know—because they support me generously and also because I am so happy for you. I look forward to seeing how this changes your marketing. This is going to be wonderful fun. YOU are awesome.
I have found A Sacred Marketplace to be a powerful guide for me in moving forward in my business in clarity, from my heart, with consciousness and purpose. Most importantly to me, is that Francesca, the quintessential mentor, provided me with a template for living my life more fully, from my heart with consciousness and purpose.
Every aspect of my life has been enriched through applying myself to the exercises and rituals Francesca so selflessly shares in this book!
I know this book will help anyone who follows her teachings whether they are just starting out or desiring to grow their business.
Your business will grow and your life will glow if you commit to the spiritual truths which Francesca embodies and illuminates in this book!
Marianne, thank you. Your comments so accurately point out the book’s benefits; you clearly spent time writing your review, which I appreciate. I should hire you as a publicist, LOL! Love and hugs.
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Dear Francesca,
Your work has meant so much to me over the years and continues to help me in so many ways. I recently bought the Sacred Marketplace and I am loving it. I am still reeling from the book, so different from the way I’ve been thinking or even programmed to think. I literally read a paragraph and have to go for a walk. I love that, it’s like a monkey wrench in the hamster wheel of my thinking and it breaks me free to create with abandon. Thank you for all you do. Blessings, Katherine Manaan
Katherine, Thanks for all your kind words. You are really really making my day.
I am delighted to know that A Sacred Marketplace is so different from how you’ve been thinking, because my goal was to bring new perspectives.
I think you’re wise to read a bit then go for a walk. Like I say in that book, it’s really packed, and that is good, but can be overwhelming unless you pace it. Good for you!
Rock on!
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Hi Francesca
when I downloaded it, it went straight to my Google Books App on Android. And it looks great there …
Very convenient, easy going and practical.
I am very happy that I could purchase your new book in the E-Format. Would buy your older works again, if it ever gets a release as E-Books…
Cant wait to read it and send best wishes and bright blessings in your direction
William, hi, as an author, it’s so cool to picture one’s eBook on various devices.
I’m delighted to hear it was convenient.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Blessings on your day!
Dearest Francesca,
I am enthralled to embark on my philanthropic journey with you by my side. Your beautiful book “A Sacred Market Place”, could not have come at a better time in my life. I have three more chapters to finish from “Be a Goddess”! Your guidance and teachings have taught me how to re-train my brain to think in a more assertive and positive light, as well as help me heal negative belief systems from my past experiences. The epub file is easy to upload by just clicking on the icon that you included in the proof of purchase. I am currently reading it on iBooks on my apple mac laptop. Honestly, I have had the best experience with apple appliances which make everything accessible and easy to use, anyone can do it. The technology has progressed so much that even someone like me who is “computer illiterate” can upload and read your book. This is my second ebook beside the Art History book that I downloaded for school. I usually only like reading had held books but, I have to embrace the future as well as technology. I know that your book will direct me on the path to achieve my aspirations instead of just dreaming about my goals.. I HAVE BEEN STUBBORN ABOUT USING THE COMPUTER BUT WHEN i found out your new book was an ebook I realized that I have to conform to technology. Here’s to 2016 I’m ready to become the business woman of the future!
Much Love Always,
Mary Louise Herman
Mary, thank you for your enthusiastic support and feedback. Good for you for moving past being “computer illiterate”—to use your words— and instead jumping in to embrace your dreams. You have such a positive upbeat outlook! Thank you for bringing that into my day, it is lovely for me to experience. I wish you the best of luck as a businesswoman!
The more people that know about your book the better for the world! I’m enjoying it immensely and really savouring the experience as I do. Goddess Bless for all your sacred work Francesca.
Kathy, thank you for your supportive comments. I appreciate you posting them.
I just started reading A Sacred Marketplace, and it’s already opening up possibilities for me professionally and helping me produce more art.
Thanks Francesca for your brilliant book!
Jenelle, thank you, I’m excited by that feedback bc am glad the book’s helping you, plus with the book newly out, you’re one of the first people to give me feedback.
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