Learn Ogham Divination: A Seven-Week Online Course

Lessons delivered to you by email. No need to attend classes.

Enrollment Deadline is June 8.

The course starts Sunday June 12, 2022 when you receive your first lesson.

This course shows you how to quickly begin doing divination with the Ogham tree alphabet, to improve your life.

Divination is the art of gaining information through messages from the other worlds. Just as Tarot cards, crystal ball, and many other items can be used as tools for divination, so can the Ogham alphabet.

Ogham divination provides empowering information. You gain an advantage, by learning more about what’s going on around you and in you, regarding finances, career, romance, life path, spiritual needs, creativity, and almost anything else. Thus you can make informed decisions and be more successful in all parts of life. You can also choose—and create—your own destiny.

I do divination with Oghams for everything from family issues to shamanic journeys to marketing plans to creative self-expression. Oghams even show me how to find mental clarity and serenity.

The Ogham alphabet is ancient. An early form had twenty letters, each one associated with a specific tree sacred to Druids. This course teaches you how to use the twenty letters for divination, so the twenty trees and Old Gods guide and empower you.

Some folks really want to learn Ogham divination but can’t on their own, with only a wee instruction pamphlet that comes enclosed with an Ogham divination set. Yet struggling through a big complex book, without support, is uninviting and uninspiring.

By contrast, Learn Ogham Divination is a brief course of easy lessons that guide you step-by-step through learning Ogham divination. There’s plenty of support. As you’ll see below, you can even phone me if you have questions.

With this course, the basics are covered! Plus more:

* Instructions on how to use Ogham letters as talismans are included.

* Lessons tend to be simple and streamlined, yet have layers, creating depth and sophistication.

* Concise divinatory meanings for each alphabet letter, along with simple instructions on how to do Ogham divination, are layered to impart a Druid’s way of life.

* This class is a prerequisite for advanced Druid training. Divination is part of the Druidic path.

* Lessons include Fey-touched material never published till now. The original Druidism was based in the Faerie Faith. That ancient Fey Druidry is imparted in the course.

* Many meanings provided for the Oghams are unavailable elsewhere. Though you’ll learn traditional meanings when relevant, a great deal of what you’ll receive is not from books. Instead, I learned it directly from trees, Gods, my past life memories as a Druid, and my channeling.

* When channeling and talking with the Gods, I’m often in Fey realms.  Because of that and other experiences, my original Ogham interpretations and teaching methods are grounded in the Faerie Faith. One of the many benefits that provides you is practical mysticism. The old Fey worldview does not always divide spirit and matter into two separate things. You’ll learn divination that is both mystical and down-to-earth, delivering relevant advice for everything from inner growth to great sex.

* Lessons reveal how the meanings for an Ogham letter serve as a jumping off point for brainstorming and exploration, so a reading you’re doing gives you information relevant to your personal situation.

Learn Ogham Divination has five powerful aspects:

1) A Weekly lesson, delivered by email, for seven weeks. The way I teach, you’ll learn quickly, so you only need to take the seven lessons.

Each lesson is a digital Book of Shadows entry (PDF), ornamented by my full-color, original, shamanic art that intensifies the text’s magic. Much of the artwork was created specifically for this course. The Book of Shadows entries will become cherished, enchantment-filled, lifelong possessions.

2) The Book of Ogham Meanings, which is a companion text for this course. This 5500 word PDF provides meanings for each Ogham, and is embellished with my full color, original sacred art.

So you quickly can access Ogham interpretations, I put them all in this one booklet, instead of spread throughout the weekly lessons.

3) A complete Ogham set to use for divination and talismans. This full-color digital painting has the twenty Ogham letters, set up so you can print them all on one sheet, then cut along its clearly marked cutting lines to create a twenty-piece Ogham divination set. I spent months painting magical art, to create a set specifically for this course’s participants, so they 1) have a set I hope they will treasure and 2) can start doing Ogham divination right away,  instead of having to find a set.

This is a mini-sized deck, easily kept nearby to use whenever you want and, since it fits on one page, you only need to print one sheet for a full deck.

Here’s a photo of the divination set after I printed it and cut up the paper, then arranged the cards to show most of my favorites. As the course progresses, I hope you’ll have your favorite cards:

The set’s artwork tickles me. It makes me happy, partially out of pride for my work, but also because looking at it just pleases my eyes and my spirit. In fact, I display the page, uncut, as a piece of art, in my home.

Detail and clarity of all the course’s artwork is excellent. Images in this post are blurred, by necessity, their lesser quality allowing this post to load quickly.

4) I’m available by phone, for up to 45 minutes. If you have questions about the material, need support because your commitment to doing the lessons falters, want to further explore a particularly tantalizing part of the curriculum, or have other concerns, feel free to phone.

You can divide the 45 minutes into two or three conversations. Conversations must occur during the span of the course or within a month after.

5) Bonus feature: a digital file of a second Ogham divination set! If you want to try divination with a completely different style of artwork, here it is. I myself like trying different divination sets. Your bonus mini-sized deck:

A personal story about the second set: to practice painting with watercolors, which I hadn’t done for a while, I created this set in only a day. So the set is nowhere near as polished as the one I spent months on. I’d planned to use the watercolor Oghams exclusively for my private divination, knowing that quickly-rendered art can have its own type of power, joy, and beauty. Then, to my surprise, the watercolor touched several people’s hearts. I realized many folks who are drawn to the highly personal energy I put into all my work, including the set I spent months on, might find using the second set as dynamic as I do. I hadn’t planned on offering the watercolor to anyone, so turning it into a shareable item took digital maneuvering. The painting was so large that I had to scan it in pieces, then digitally resize them to all fit in one graphic, then painstakingly reassemble the pieces—it took time to digitally line up pieces precisely with each other—then even more painstakingly digitally paint their edges so they blended back together. It was worth it because I love sharing my sacred art. I hope you enjoy it.

The course starts Sunday June 12, 2022 when you receive your first lesson.

If an unexpected event makes me unable to send one week’s planned material, I’ll extend the course an extra week.

Full cost for lessons, The Book of Ogham Meanings, two decks, and one-on-one support is $400. Scroll down to pay securely with PayPal:

If you prefer two monthly payments of $200 each, click the Subscribe button below:

No experience needed. But even advanced practitioners should find worthy material. If you need more information, or want to discuss scholarship, trade, or a special payment plan, phone me. My number is below the next paragraph. No refunds. This online course is not a transcription of an oral tradition class (which I teach by phone). My online courses are special unto themselves—magic tailored to be spectacularly useful, exciting, effective, and safe when learned online.

Decades of doing divination professionally and teaching others how to divine taught me a lot about the best ways to develop this course. My family tradition also honed my teaching approach: I was raised to be a creator of new, otherworldly material.

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Prosper in All Ways

Prosper in All Ways

Prosper in All Ways

I’ll cast a spell for you.

I’ll cast a spell for you.

The spell will be money magic, good luck mojo, a protection spell, and lots more.

The spell will be money magic, good luck mojo, a protection spell, and lots more.

This Three-Month Ritual for You to Prosper Begins March 7, 2022

Enroll by March 2.

You don’t need to attend an event, meditate, or do anything else. Just go about your business, while I do the work for you.

Most people immediately feel substantial results that increase over the three months, continue to build afterwards, and are long-lasting.

Money money money money money
Joy Joy joy
Self-expression self-expression self-expression
The chance to be of service to be of service to serve
Love love love

There are many ways to prosper. There’s an abundance of abundances.

Abundance of love
Abundance of satisfactions
Abundance of goals met
Abundance of physical health
And all other possible bounty

To help you prosper in all ways, I’ll even cast a three-month-long love spell for the exact love(s) you need—romance, self-love, the Fairy Gods’ loving generosity, or another love altogether. The energy of the spell adapts to what you most desire.

For three months, five days a week, I’ll perform your ceremony. Five days a week for three months is a lot of magic done on your behalf. This is big.

Are things going well for you? You still deserve magical support.

You deserve the best life.

You deserve all possible goodness.

Maybe you’re optimistically and wholeheartedly creating bounty. And you have plenty of plenty.

You still don’t need to go it alone.

You deserve magic that supports your efforts—adds good luck to your day, strengthens your resolve, adds some money magic so you needn’t work as hard, or gives you whatever else you need, inside and out, to create abundance and all the types of abundance you truly desire, whether financial, spiritual, creative, or …

Heck, nowadays, some folks are doing everything possible to improve finances, despite feelings of hopelessness. The transmission can help boost your morale, for an abundance of emotional happiness.

I have your back.

The ritual consists of direct spiritual transmissions, also called spiritual transmissions or, in the case of my work, blessing ceremonies.

Here’s an explanation of my transmissions:

I was born generating a beneficial field of energy. It adapts to your needs, e.g., financial well-being, soul-healing, great physical health, joy for your wild heart, safety on the mundane and etheric planes, the strength to get back up when life’s knocked you down, personal growth, peace …

So my transmissions can be protection spells, money magic, love spells, and more, all rolled into one.

It’s an abundance of abundances. The transmissions (again, sometimes it helps to think of them as blessing ceremonies) do not focus on one benefit only but bless you as a whole being. They also bless your life overall, adding luck to your day.

For clarity’s sake: someone else’s direct spiritual transmission is not necessarily carried out the same way mine is or might have different goals than mine.

My spiritual transmissions are congruent with the ancient Faery Faith and the precious, loving Faerie secrets.

When I do a direct spiritual transmission, the Great Mother Goddess is like the wind at my back. The Old Fey Gods believe material happiness is holy beauty. The Magna Mater, Great Mother Goddess, is known worldwide as the Fairy Queen in various traditions. She loves you, holds you sacred, and wants you to enjoy a bountiful life to the max. She will bless my work for you by contributing Her power to my magic.

Click the subscribe button to pay securely with PayPal: three easy, automatic monthly payments of $150. You receive mega-support each month for that amount. Total cost: $450. Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account.

If you do not receive an email confirming your payment within a few days, please check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email is not there, please call me. Also feel free to phone me to discuss another payment plan, scholarship, partial scholarship, or trade, or if you want additional info. No refunds, but you may cancel your subscription any time.

Since the transmission adapts to your needs, it not only sends more abundance your way, it also helps provide what you need, inside and out, to work toward abundance.

This blessing ceremony can even act as a healing for you if you need it. Examples:
* You think you don’t deserve abundance so can’t get yourself to work hard toward it.
* Or you despair of ever getting ahead financially, so can’t even imagine a better life.

My spiritual transmissions help shift your energy so you can be more proactive about financial well-being, inner nourishment, and an ideal life.

Receiving these transmissions is a way to say yes to the Goddess’ love showering bounty upon you and opening doors to all good things. Click the subscribe button:

Francesca De Grandis is the bestselling author of Be a Goddess! Her work couples Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. Raised in a traditional Strega family tradition that has Celtic shamanism in its heritage, she practices an ancient European witchcraft that is a form of multicultural Fairy shamanism.

Magic is not a substitute for psychiatric counseling, medical care, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are responsible for the consequences of their participation. This shamanic ceremony is extraordinarily effective but may not work for all individuals.

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A Surrender: Diving into the Void

My latest animation, 24 seconds long, no audio.

Please note: At about 11 seconds, movement stops. That is a pause—intentionally—but not the end.

I’m proud of the piece. It represents improvement in my relatively new animation skills. And, as someone who relies on word-crafting more than on visual art to communicate, I was happy that I could represented a truth that is important to me without using words except the piece’s title. In the same vein, to give a substantive message within seconds felt empowering to me as a visual artist.

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | 2 Comments

Grief Can Lead to Blessings

The Power in Mourning
Releasing the Old Me

This post is a personal account of three somewhat disparate themes that came together experientially for me over the course of decades:
* It is okay—even normal and healthy—to mourn the loss of that which hurts us.
* Looking for a magic bullet is a way to avoid responsibility for oneself.
* The grieving process can draw joy, power, and all other blessings.

I hope sharing my personal journey reveals more aspects of these themes than theoretical exposition might, and that some of the lessons I learned through my experiences are useful to you.

Letting Go of the Old Me

Forty years ago, I started putting the old me to rest. The old me:
* None of my problems are my fault.
* Circumstances dictate my happiness or lack thereof.
* Poor me, nothing I can do about it.
* I expect society or someone to rescue me from life.

The New Me Is Happy

A new me began:
* I admitted that, while I don’t cause every problem that comes my way, I sure the heck cause some of them.
* I admitted I sure the heck can exacerbate problems that are not originally my fault.
* I rose above circumstances to thrive, even though the situations would’ve crushed–if not killed—most people.
*I am proactive, taking command of my life.
* I began daily self-examination that allowed me, among other things, to spot when I was not fully participating in life, co-creating the cosmos, but was instead needlessly centered in inner turmoil (explanation about this is below).

A Magic Bullet Is Part of Death Culture

Expecting someone to save me from life was subconsciously wishing for death. Numbness. Life is inescapable as long as I breathe. Life includes hardship and misery. Life is also beautiful and joyful. Expecting a person or circumstances to be a magic bullet robs me of life’s beauty and joy. The idea of a magic bullet is death culture.

Subtle Self-Sabotage

Recently, I found the old me is still here, in subtle ways I had not spotted:

* I felt that if a certain friend would only love me, would only see how much I love him, would only accept my love, would only see the lengths I go to, to do every last thing he asks of me, then I would feel okay. Ha! (Argh, the hoops I jumped through! Good grief, yes, the old me remained.) If my feelings do not seem subtle to you, I agree. But they were operating in me subconsciously for a while.

* My moods were swinging from a sense of security and contentment to despair and rage when he would disparage my efforts, belittle my expert opinions, or assign negative motives to my positive actions. (His way of doing all this was also subtle, at first. So I didn’t recognize it initially.)

I am grateful that I was taught a life of self-examination.

I am grateful I was taught that self-examination had to include looking for selfishness.

I am grateful I learned that, when I let myself be emotionally bounced around by circumstances or someone’s opinions of me, I am selfish, in that my inner turmoil robs me of time, energy, and focus needed to contribute to community, participate in life, co-create the cosmos.

I am grateful I have tools to change myself. It is a wonderful thing.

Mourning the Old Me

So here I am, letting go of the old me more deeply.

I grieve her passing.

I cry.

It is not enough yet, more tears will spill.

Enough will spill.

My tears will be the pyre from which my Phoenix new self will rise again with new powers, including the power to leave my friend behind, soon.

I don’t want to face the pain of weeping, but it will end.

Avoiding Mourning
by Shedding Tears with the Wrong Person

I want to avoid the pain of mourning and the scariness of self-reliance by crying in my friend’s presence, hoping that my pain will motivate him to change his behavior.

The old me believes that my happiness depends on him changing. Hah!

I see no evidence he would change. Besides, he has a right to be exactly as he is.

My tears with him would be attempted manipulation. My tears would be shed in the expectation that he would take responsibility for my happiness. But only I can step up to the plate to meet my needs.

So, I have to shed tears free of expectations and face my grief over the loss of my old self, my closeness to my friend, and my foolish dream of being rescued from life.

I will cry alone and with those who respect my grief. Good for me!

Avoiding Mourning by Living in Anger

Though I will move away from my friend, the old me would prefer to live in anger at him, at me, and at the world instead of facing loss and grief and striking out on my own. Anger feels safe because it provides me a false sense of control. Grief feels wild, untenable—my Dictionary app defines untenable as “not fit to be occupied, as an apartment, house, etc.”

My grief is without walls, tumbling me in to a void, the impossibility of false ideals coming true, the futility of old selves remaining.

But I do not have to live in anger, and I need not live in grief, with its emptiness of uncertainty.

I have to enter, visit, and move through grief—enter, visit, and move through its emptiness of uncertainty.

Avoiding Sorrow Would Make Me Lose Myself

I reject escape from grief. Sorrow avoided would become a stone in my heart, stone growing until I became Richard the Lionhearted—ever-militant, with pretenses of superiority, instead of admitting that my crusade is simply rage and the desire to control the wild.

I choose life.

I would lose myself if I did not let go of—and grieve—my old self.

If I do not let go of—and grieve—closeness to my friend, he will continue to rob me of myself.

Moving through Grief into Joy and Power

So I will mourn my losses, face the emptiness that grief pulls close to me, and embrace that wild void. It is life.

Hence, a home worthy of occupancy will come:

I will know my Gods and myself more fully, more than ever give myself over to life that I might serve life, and more than ever allow the feral void to bear abundance and all other blessings to me, if it will.

So mote it be!


If you resonate with my above sentiments about self-sufficiency and facing emptiness, please check out my event that starts January 16, 2021—Shamanic Rituals that Fill the Spiritual Void: https://outlawbunny.com/2021/11/03/shamanic-rituals-that-fill-the-spiritual-void/

Posted in Spirit, The Whole Thing | 2 Comments

Absolutely Nothing

There came a point when there was nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Not the rug pulled out from beneath me
but the floor gone,
nothing holding me from falling
into endless irredeemable deprivation.

There came a point when there was
absolutely nothing except the nothing to which
I had to surrender
if I was to find more power, beauty, and joy than ever,
and if I was not to live in fear.

Terrorized by the possibility of no security,
I had grasped at magic bullets
—the right friend, enough money, the perfect solution,
feeling utter connection to my Gods—
though no substance, image, or Divine elation
could replace diving into the floor-less flawless depths
of my unknowing and the future’s uncertainties.

I had to understand this eerie fall is not necessarily
into the aforementioned abyss of hardship.

There came a point when there was nothing,
absolutely nothing
except the nothing into which I dove—
instead of dangling perilously from
substance, image, or bliss—
because the barren vacuum had become the place I could
know my Gods and myself fully,
give myself over to life that I might serve life,
and allow the void to bear abundance and all other blessings to me, if it will. Hah!

Dear reader, if my above thoughts about spiritual surrender resonate with your belief system, please check out my event that starts January 16, 2021—Shamanic Rituals that Fill the Spiritual Void: https://outlawbunny.com/2021/11/03/shamanic-rituals-that-fill-the-spiritual-void/

Posted in Spirit, The Whole Thing | 4 Comments

Shamanic Rituals that Fill the Spiritual Void

Overview of upcoming class: Even a spiritually-evolved individual can unknowingly suffer from a spiritual void inside. And they might mistake it for loneliness, fear about finances, or other feelings. Mistaking the source of the problem, a person might turn to the wrong places to fill the awful emptiness, desperation driving them into relationships with inappropriate people, unfair expectations of loved ones, lessons from unkind spiritual teachers, or other destructive behavior.

My class shows you how to change all this. You’ll learn rituals through which you and your Gods can fill that emptiness—only you yourself and Divinity can accomplish it. You’ll find fulfillment, happiness, and power that do not rely on other people or your circumstances. And you’ll become more able to follow your star.

I don’t make these promises lightly, oblivious of the tragedies people face, but am informed by my own traumas. For example, despite fearing for my life when racists made ongoing threats, some of them face-to-face, I found enduring happiness and productivity.

End of overview.

Faerie Shamanism Course:

Shamanic Rituals
that Fill the Spiritual Void

You Can Be Happy Regardless of Circumstances

This seven-week teleseminar begins January 16, 2022.

Enroll by January 12.

What Is a Spiritual Void?

Some individuals feel a spiritual emptiness that cannot be filled by someone’s affection for them or opinion of them. Nor can that emptiness be filled by food, money, possessions, prestige, or anything else except your own efforts and those of the Divine.

Humans are wonderfully tribal. The longing for love, support, and companionship is healthy. As is the instinct to be respected and even treasured. Interdependence empowers us to thrive materially and spiritually. However, being too dependent actually leads to alienation and isolation. Distinguishing between being interdependent and overly dependent can be difficult.

Spiritual emptiness can be mistaken for loneliness, isolation, or other ways we might feel unfulfilled or bereft. So we might turn to the wrong places to fulfill the soul. This can drive someone into
* relationships with inappropriate people
* unfairly high expectations of loved ones
* obsessions about relationships
* addiction
* compulsive work habits
* overwhelming sadness
* hopelessness

The upcoming course helps you avoid that pain and lost opportunities for abundance and happiness. I’ll channel transformative rites especially for that purpose. I will also channel rituals to meet your specific needs if you desire.

Fill the Soul to Create Spiritual Wholeness

In the course, you’ll learn:

* spiritual practices in which Divinity and self fill the emptiness

* practical mysticism that breaks the pattern—perhaps compulsion—of trying to fill the void with people, money, prestige, or anything else that won’t work

* ways to spot the difference between spiritual interdependence and spiritual independence

* how to integrate interdependence with independence

Instead of looking to people or circumstances to fill the soul, you’ll find fulfillment, happiness, and power that do not rely on circumstances. Changing circumstances won’t devastate you emotionally or otherwise.

Fill Your Soul
to Improve All Parts of Your Life

The shamanic practices in these lessons increase all goodness, from prosperity to creativity to sexual satisfaction. Here’s how:

Perhaps you experience mood swings caused by your reactions to other people’s feelings about you.

Or you lose time, energy, and focus because you’re preoccupied with what people think of you.

Or maybe you’re so busy taking care of others that you don’t meet your own needs.

Or perhaps you support everyone else’s goals but don’t pursue your own.

Or people’s ideas, problems, or emotions send you into hopelessness, heartbreak, or another emotional tailspin.

If you suffer from anything I’ve described above, the course will help you stop changing circumstances—including other people’s reactions and lives—from eating up your time, thoughts, and emotions. Nurturing such independence creates ripples throughout your being and your whole life. Centered in the richness of your soul, you are able to:

* Focus on self-care.
* Follow your star—e.g., your dream career.
* Enjoy deep satisfaction from the small wonders of everyday life.
* Create worldly success in many areas of life.
* Trust in your deep self and its wisdom.
* Experience the ecstasy that comes from wholeness.
* Feel immersed in care from the Divine.

Stephen R. Covey said, “People can’t live with change if there’s not a changeless core inside them.”

Finding that core during life’s constant changes is a challenge. I’ll show you how to conquer that roadblock. At the end of the seven weeks, you’ll be able to say with confidence, “I know how to fill my soul so I can live in my true self, with all its power, wisdom, and joy. The internal void provides an opportunity to flourish!”

The Internal Void Is an Opportunity to Flourish

Responding with knee-jerk denial to the idea of having a spiritual void is easy for any of us because society has gone to great lengths to create blindness to this soul wound.

Society wants us emptied of ourselves so we become
* needy enough to be easily influenced
* overly reliant on our oppressors
* and no more than consumers

Even insightful, independent thinkers can unwittingly have a degree of emptiness that hurts them.

I’m not preaching from on high. Though the decades have allowed me to grow lightyears past this problem, I’m not exempt from it. I still recognize—and overcome—patterns in myself.

Before your busy day requires you leave this page, please consider whether this prevalent soul wound should concern you personally. Don’t miss a chance for incredible empowerment.

Psychological therapy can be an insufficient solution (though it can be helpful) because the spiritual void is not psychological, but spiritual and energetic, hence the effectiveness of shamanism at filling the soul.

In this experiential learning process, you are blessed by the Cosmos’s otherworldly healing powers, and connectivity to Divine love and guidance infuses the class meetings.

Fey Witch mysticism is soul healing, solves real-life problems, and otherwise helps you create an amazing life on the spiritual and material planes.

Suited to all levels of experience: accessible to newbies, yet adepts experience depth.

Spiritually-evolved individuals who are independent overall and have a rich inner landscape can still occasionally—or often—find themselves fruitlessly looking to people and circumstances to fill the void discussed here.

Shamanism offers both adepts and beginners connectivity—union with the Cosmos, the Earth, and all Her children. Shamanism also creates an inner union, all aspects of the self weaving together harmoniously. This course provides steps toward a personal wholeness that allows us greater connectivity with everything else. Each step toward wholeness within ourselves allows a more satisfying and beautiful connection with other people.

This course can serve as one of the two electives required before advanced Third Road training.

The class meets by phone. Just dial your phone to attend.

You receive spiritual transmissions in every meeting, which increases your ability to fill the spiritual void.

Enrollment is limited to 16 participants so we can perform ceremonies that can only happen in a small group, allowing old-style oral tradition in which immense headway happens quickly. A small group also allows each participant to receive individualized attention, should they want that support. This tailors a lesson so you receive the exact help you need.

You can phone me if you have a concern that might take too long to address during class or that you prefer to discuss privately.

Starting January 16, we meet Sundays 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST, for seven consecutive weeks. Reserve Sunday March 6, same time, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned dates.

Full cost—for seven classes, direct spiritual transmissions, and one-on-one private support should you desire—is $200 a month for two months. Your carrier might charge you for the phone calls into the meetings.

Pay securely with PayPal. Choose one of two options:

1) Use the Pay Now button below to pay tuition all at once one, and you’re taken care of!


2) Or use the Subscribe button to make two payments of $200, one now and a second one automatically a month later.

If you do not receive an email confirming your payment within a few days, please check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a payment plan, trade, or scholarship, or you need additional info about the course, please call me. Upon payment, your place is reserved. Refunds unavailable. A few days before our first class, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details.

Photo of Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis is the best-selling author of “Be a Goddess!” Her work couples Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. Raised in a traditional Strega family tradition that has Celtic shamanism in its heritage—the family is originally from France—she practices an ancient European witchcraft that is a form of Fairy shamanism. She has worked professionally as a community shaman for four decades.

The course might be a one-time event, and enrollment is limited. Take advantage of this opportunity now.

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Pagan Pastoral Counseling

Upcoming Faerie Shamanism Course:

Learn Shamanic Counseling

Pastoral Counseling—Pagan Style
Lessons on Witchy Counseling Techniques

This seven-week teleseminar begins October 19, 2021.

Enroll by October 13.

Though I use the word client below for simplicity’s sake, the course is equally useful to professionals and non-professionals. Examples of the latter: someone who wants to increase the solid, down-to earth advice they give, co-counsels in their coven, and/or receives intuitive guidance for friends and family.

What is Shamanic Counseling?

Valid definitions vary widely. Some gifted practitioners supplement a psychologically-based treatment mode with shamanic techniques, while I prefer a shamanically-based treatment mode. Here’s what that consists of, for me:

Shamanic culture and techniques, well-rooted in the shamanic training of the counselor, are the core of my counseling (as opposed to shamanism being an adjunct to other approaches). The upcoming course will reveal the details of my process. But for now:

A client is guided into an experientially mystic session (as opposed to being led solely toward a left-brain understanding of their issues). Mysteries come alive in the sessions. In this experience, the client is blessed by the cosmos’s otherworldly healing powers, and connectivity to Divine love and guidance infuses the moment.

The client’s experience of wholeness, connectivity, and peace re-patterns their cells, nervous system, and DNA, creating miraculous shifts in themselves and their lives. The counselor, as a channel of these benefits, also receives them, including:
* ecstatic wholeness
* a sense of empowerment
* increase of magical, spiritual, and worldly strengths
* worldly success in many areas of life
* respite from life’s sorrows
* immersion in Divine Love
* trust in one’s deep self.

The counselor’s Fey Witch mysticism combines with a down-to-earth, practical wisdom, the combination of which addresses and solves real-life problems and otherwise helps clients create amazing lives on the spiritual and material planes. Head in the sky, feet on the ground.

Inherent is a worldview and system that supports a Pagan ecstatic spirituality, instead of intentionally or accidentally suppressing it. However, a traditional shamanic counselor forgoes Pagan sensibilities, if the client’s beliefs are otherwise.

While this definition skims the surface, it suits our purposes in this post.

Alternative Definitions of Shamanic Counseling

Some psychologists treat clients through a psychologically-based modality supplemented by shamanic rites, as opposed to a modality that is shamanically-based. The psychological focus is legitimate and effective, though I cannot speak to its specific results since it is not my approach.

Other guides base their work on Christian pastoral counseling, supplementing it with witch rites. These folks may not recognize their approach as Christian because Christianity is such a dominant paradigm that many of its aspects are society’s default spiritual positions. Even if you strip the dominant pastoral counseling model of overt Christian beliefs and practices, they’re so ingrained in the model that they inevitably convey Christian beliefs and influence a session’s outcome. There’s nothing wrong with that unless the counselor or client dislike it.

There are yet more definitions. Some guides prefer shamanism that works on an intellectual, instead of experiential, level. Someone else told me she saw shamanic counseling as synonymous with the peer-counseling that happens in 12 step groups. And there are other definitions, but the important thing is:

Whatever shamanic counseling means to you, this course supports and strengthens your approach.

This is not training in psychic-reading. It is far beyond. You learn universal principles that anyone can use to counsel.

This course suits a variety of seekers who want to strengthen what they already know and do:
* People confide in you and, without any training, you know exactly what to say to help. You have no desire to become a professional, but everyone turns to you with their problems, and you want to do your best to support them.
* Or you’re trained in psychology and want to involve spirit more in your work.
* Or you read tarot—with or without training in it—professionally or for free.
* Or you priest(ess) a coven.
* Or you’re a healer of body and/or spirit, using physical, psychic, and/or spiritual means.
* Or you have other reasons this class is relevant.

Come join me. As a professional spiritual counselor, raised by a Sicilian witch who trained me in shamanism from birth, I’ll share what I’ve learned, including techniques only spoken of among pros.

Learn the techniques, strengths, and limits of the witch as spiritual advisor, as well as rituals and meditations to heal friends and clients, and help them follow their star.

We’ll discuss shamanic counseling methods to guide people through life’s everyday challenges, as well as secrets witches use to heal alcoholism, heartbreak, and trauma.

You’ll discover how to:

* Practice traditional shamanic counseling.

* Gain confidence in your innate wisdom and ability to counsel, comfort, and inspire.

* Be the high caliber spiritual guide that people seek out.

* Express your inner Goddess or God.

* Better apply your existing tools to help friends/clients.

* Reap self-fulfillment, joy, spiritual growth, and self-healing by serving others.

* Use shamanic counseling modalities to augment your own counseling approach, whether you work in a shamanically-, psychologically-, or Christian-based mode, or another modality.

Suited to all levels of experience: accessible to newbies, yet adepts experience depth.

This course serves as one of the electives needed before advanced Third Road training.

The class meets by phone. Just dial your phone to attend.

You receive spiritual transmissions in every meeting, which increases the lesson’s power and your ability as a counselor.

Enrollment is limited to 16 participants so we can perform ceremonies that can only happen in a small group, allowing old-style oral tradition in which immense headway happens quickly. A small group also allows each participant to receive individualized attention, should they want that support. This tailors a lesson to you.

I commit to my students. You can phone me, should you have a concern that’d take too long to address during class or that you prefer to discuss privately.

Starting October 19, we meet Tuesdays 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST, for seven consecutive Tuesday, with the exception of Tuesday Nov 23 (Thanksgiving week), which we’ll skip over. Reserve Tuesday Dec 14, same time, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned dates.

Full cost—for seven classes, direct spiritual transmissions, and one-on-one private support should you desire—is $200 a month for two months. Your carrier might charge you for the phone calls into the meetings.

Pay securely with PayPal. Choose one of two options:

1) Use the Pay Now button below to pay tuition all at once one, and you’re taken care of! Half price if you’ve attended this class before. The drop-down menu has a half-price option.


2) Or use the Subscribe button to make two payments of $200, one now and a second one automatically a month later. Easy!

If you do not receive an email confirming your payment within a few days, please check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a payment plan, trade, or scholarship, or you need additional info about the course, please call me. Upon payment, your place is reserved. Refunds unavailable. A few days before the first meeting, you receive event phone number and other details by email.

Wee witchling Francesca De Grandis,   1961

Wee witchling Francesca De Grandis, 1961

Francesca De Grandis is the best-selling author of “Be a Goddess!” Her work couples Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. Raised in a traditional Strega family tradition that has Celtic shamanism in its heritage—the family is originally from France—she practices an ancient European witchcraft that is a form of Fairy shamanism. She has worked professionally as a community shaman for four decades.

Lynn Andrews, author of Medicine Woman: “Francesca De Grandis has given us an inspirational bridge between ancient wisdom and our current life.”

Patricia Sullivan, Director of Clinical Services for U.C.S.F. AIDS Health Project: “Training with Francesca has had a significant impact on my work as a therapist, teacher, and administrator working within the HIV epidemic.”

Francesca De Grandis, 2013

Francesca De Grandis, 2013

Cathy: “Francesca, Thanks for the spiritual counseling and support. I’ve gone to many different “spiritual advisors” and gotten lots of junk. Everything I got from you was pure quality and I truly appreciate it. Looking forward to another session, Cathy”

It’s been six years since I’ve taught this, and it may be that long before I teach it again. Take advantage of this opportunity.

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Upcoming Shamanic Event

I have your back: receive blessings for your life, body, and spirit for three months.

A Three-Month Direct Spiritual Transmission,
starting October 11, 2021

Have constant shamanic support tailored to you.

A direct spiritual transmission is a ritual I perform to give you powerful blessings:

I was born a good luck charm, generating a beneficial field of energy that adapts itself to fulfill your specific physical, spiritual, and emotional needs, even when they change from moment to moment. Perhaps you need
* more money
* spiritual strength to get back up after life’s knocked you down
* creativity
* safety
* a soul healing
* other blessings
* or numerous blessings all at once.

You don’t have to attend an event or do any work. Just sign up, and I do the work for you! Receiving this transmission is easy. I have spent decades honing my natural-born gift. Serving you is my privilege, joy, and sacred profession.

Even if you’re a shaman yourself, you deserve a constant ally who has your back.

No experience needed. But adepts are deeply impacted.

I send you this spiritual transmission five days a week, every week for three months. That’s a lot!

Most people feel improvements immediately. And they tend to be cumulative and continue to snowball after the three months have ended. Whether you’ve already made significant changes for the better, are only beginning to improve your life, feel completely stuck, or are on top of the world, major shifts can happen at any moment.

The magic I do helps you whether you’re using all your power or feel you’re not using it at all:
* Even if you have enormous power, you still profit greatly from my services. The transmission builds on your achievements, goals, and dreams, helping you soar even higher than the possibly huge flights you’ve already had. And if your magnificent flights hit stormy challenges, I help keep you aloft.
* If you feel you are not powerful, the transmission helps you see—and use—your enormous powers. You have them even when you don’t know it. The transmission also furthers your goals and dreams, helping you survive and soar, flying higher and higher.

Click the subscribe button to pay securely with PayPal: three easy, automatic monthly payments of $150. You receive mega-support each month for that amount. Total cost: $450. Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account.

If you do not receive an email confirming your payment within a few days, please check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email is not there, or you can’t afford payment, need reduced payment, or want additional info, please call me. No refunds, but you may cancel your subscription any time.

Abundance, power, serenity, love, and compassion permeate every atom of existence—for you to receive. Imagine what it would be like to have constant, loving shamanic support tailored to you for three months. Whether you need help with romance, career, health, or anything else, I have your back.

A direct spiritual transmission does not substitute for medical care by a physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatment. Participants are responsible for the consequences of their participation. This spiritual treatment is extraordinarily effective, but it might not work for some individuals.

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Mother Bear California Is a Home in Eternity

Mother Bear California
Is a Home in Eternity

Sept 10, 2021

In the cab of a 26-foot truck.
The closer to California,
the closer to home,
my bones know this.

Cross the state line,
see California’s flag,
Mother Bear, I’m home.

She takes me to Her bosom
immediately and immeasurably.
I’m home.
I’m whole.

Moving to Pennsylvania 17 years ago,
I thought it’d be permanent.
But not a day passed that I didn’t miss S.F.

I couldn’t admit, even to myself,
till I was back in the City by the Bay,
that when I’d first entered the Pennsylvania house I’d purchased,
I felt rootless, bereft, in exile.
An outsider.

I could never lay down roots in Pennsylvania soil.
No matter how much I tended the land,
how much I healed the land,
how many rituals I did to heal my refugee heart,
my roots remained in California—
for 17 years, I felt like my legs had been torn off,
left in the earth of the West coast.

Years of insomnia.
Then, my first night on the bedrock of Nob Hill,
I fall asleep within 15 minutes.
I know it was 15 because
my audiobook shuts off after 15,
and usually I turn it on for another 15, another 15,
another … but I didn’t hear the audio stop
my first night here.

Three days in my new apartment, I feel at home,
was never at home in Pennsylvania,
but now Mama Bear California holds me
holds me holds me holds me.

The town is filled with gorgeous, young
Hispanic and East Indian men,
their heartfelt eyes smiling at me
above their KN95 masks.

Other youth, artfully shabby
and loose-limbed after their yoga classes,
stalk past like professional predators, each after another.

But Mother Bear fuels the humans
whose hearts are moored to this sandy stretch.
Kush, one of many refugees from S.F.,
phones from New York
to tell me I’m “in eternity. Nob Hill is sacred.”

He adds that my living here “intensifies the sacredness.”
Decades back in S.F., I told him of my sorrow,
sad that, as a shaman,
I did not have a piece of land to tend.
He responded, “The place you used to live on Ellis Street
burned down after you left.”
Oh, I tended it without knowing.

He adds in his recent phone call that “S.F. needs healing.
This is Dreamtime Beach.
San Francisco has the vision, those who have it have it.”

He also explains I am “destined to be in San Francisco.
Think Communitas. Constellation. Ecosystem.
Be attentive to all and weave.”

My friends near and far weave the dream with me.

I do not reject the predators but wrap my heart around them.
There is only we. That is part of the dream,
a piece of eternity. So mote it be!

A mystical rendition of the California flag by Francesca De Grandis

Dear reader, the first recorded image of a Madonna with child was a bear with Her cubs.

She is the primal Goddess, Mother of all Who manifests as mighty currents sweeping throughout the universe to carry us to our dearest goals.

She also reveals Herself as a living, loving presence in every rock, blade of grass, and human heart.

She is Eternity in every rock, blade of grass, and human heart.

I feel Her no matter where I am but find it much more challenging to nestle into Her love and Living Eternity in some places and circumstances.

Always journeying with Her, running toward Her, running away from Her—even when I’m stationary—life is a travel adventure.

For freebies, classes, and rituals that support your special path, click the banner below:

Click here for my newsletter. Fairy freebies, upcoming events, and stardust.

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People Like Us, Demons Like Them

Soon-to-Be-Released Fantasy Novel

Book cover titled People Like Us, Demons Like Them, Francesca De Grandis

My fantasy novel will be released soon. Eek! I’m a little scared but am mostly happy, excited, and smiling. This is fun.

Above is the cover’s final version hopefully.

2004 and the few years immediately following were difficult for me. During that time, I wrote this book for sheer escapism, running from my problems to play in a fantasy realm.

The book’s ceremonies, spirits, and other portrayals of otherworldly matters aren’t meant as authentic depictions. This is a work of imagination, written to entertain me. Use a ritual in this book, and your head might explode. For authoritative otherworldly information, see my non-fiction work.

I’m grateful the Muse brought me the book’s characters during one of the hardest periods of my life. I moved on to happy days, partially because working with these characters to create their personalities, motivations, and stories entertained me so much that I did not get utterly lost in my problems.

The manuscript languished on my computer all these years, for a variety of reasons. Now, the book’s characters want to be out in the world. It’s their time. So mote it be!

I’m reading the manuscript again, after years. It’s lovely to visit with these characters once more. Both heroes and villains are like friends to me, I love them all, and they entertain me even now, after all our time apart. I soooo want to introduce them to you.

People Like Us, Demons Like Them will be available only from the author.

More to follow, soon. Don’t miss the release announcement. Subscribe to my newsletter by clicking this banner:

Click here for newsletter. Fairy freebies, upcoming events, and stardust

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