The Gifts of Solitude: A Seven-Week Faerie Ritual

The Gifts of Solitude:
A Seven-Week Faerie Ritual

Possess the Freedom and Joy of Solitude

Avoid the Trap of Isolation

Begins Wednesday September 7, 2022.
Enroll by Wednesday August 31.

We will do Faerie shamanism rituals that help you
* Move past anything that keeps you from the solitude you want,
whether the block is inside you or external.
* Embrace solitude and its many gifts.

Solitude and isolation are not synonymous.

In solitude, I experience deep satisfaction in simple activities and notice the small wonders of everyday life. I find joy and freedom. My trust in myself and in my wisdom is renewed. I wander on shamanic journeys led by the Fey folk. Paradoxically, solitude fosters my connection to all of Gaia’s children. The list of gifts from solitude has many more items.

I experience isolation as lonely, painful, and confining. I feel disconnected, not only from people but also from my ancestors, the cosmos, and myself. My self-esteem lowers as does my trust in myself. My awareness of Fairy Gods being right by my side diminishes. I have less willingness to go on a shamanic journey, even though I know it will improve everything radically. That only begins the litany of isolation’s harmfulness. For one thing, isolation can negatively impact your health.

Isolation can be forced on you. For example, your community, family, or significant other rejects you, withdrawing what’s required to survive physically, emotionally, or spiritually, Even when physically present, someone can reject you.

The Gifts of Solitude Seven-Week Ritual includes Faerie Shamanism ceremonies that heal wounds caused by forced isolation. This enables you to enter more fully into healthy, satisfying times of solitude.

We’ll examine how self-imposed isolation can be beneficial for healing from trauma and how to use isolation for what it’s worth.

We will do ritual to free you if you are, to any degree, stuck in self-imposed isolation when it no longer serves its purpose but instead hinders you.

Society currently portrays getting stuck in isolation not as a response to trauma but as a healthy social norm. In other words, often isolation is not being named as such but incorrectly portrayed as a perfectly normal, healthy ongoing lifestyle.

In the process, impulses to isolate can be mistaken as introvert traits, even by introverts.

Oppressors falsify the nature of trauma-induced isolation to hide it, so people won’t overcome it. Western culture is greatly one of disconnection from nature, community, and self. Thus, much that is alienating seems a given, making isolation in response to trauma all the harder to spot. Oppressors foster alienation because connectivity is power.

The Gifts of Solitude exposes the details of these misrepresentations and alienating “givens,” how they could easily have leaked deeply into your subconscious—whether you’re an introvert or not–and the full extent of their damaging impact.

We will do Faerie ritual to uncover and heal ourselves from these misrepresentations and to strengthen and free ourselves to live however we choose. Celtic and Strega magic have traditionally been used to overcome oppression. The magic of both Strega witchcraft and Celtic shamanism is Fey, in the ancient European witchcraft tradition my mother taught me from birth.

We’ll also discuss how to spot the differences between solitude, isolation as a useful response to trauma, and being stuck in isolation.

Many of us have been pressured to go without time for ourselves. For example, maybe you were shamed and called selfish when you wanted time alone.

During our ritual, you’ll have the chance to see if you’ve been pressured to deprive yourself of solitude.

We’ll look at how you might have internalized this pressure and people-please by forsaking much-needed alone time, during which you would get to, for example, rest, emotionally recover from caretaking of others, and think about your own needs.

We will perform magic that helps you be unaffected by pressure to deny yourself solitude, whether the pressure comes from someone else or is self-inflicted.

We’ll look at the lie that having boundaries negates our love for someone. We will do ritual to heal the wounds that lie has caused.

We’ll see how boundaries help maintain our love and will do ritual that empowers us to follow through on that idea.

Honoring your desire for time to yourself can help make romance, friendship, and an active social life healthy and fulfilling. Otherwise, relationships might be terribly disorienting—a loss of self and one’s core goals. Or relationships feel lonely. Loneliness despite being in a relationship is a horrible experience.

The Gifts of Solitude is a chance to join together ritually in the paradox of community honoring our needs for solitude.

Humans can be wonderfully tribal. We’ll join in sacred ritual circle to joyfully embrace and empower our solitude. Ecstasy!

Experiencing this pleasure strengthens the resolve to create happy relationships that respect solitude.

Enrollment is limited to 16 participants to allow old-style oral tradition, including magic that works powerfully and safely only in a small group. This magic helps immense headway happens quickly. A small group also allows participants to receive individualized attention, should they want that support. This tailors a lesson so you receive the exact help you need.

Instead of this event being a class, we get right down to what’s needed for a deeply transformative ceremony. I teach how to do the rituals. You receive other pivotal information because I go over the ins and outs of solitude, isolation, and related issues. There are opportunities to ask questions. You are free to discuss your situation, so I can create rituals that meet your individual needs.

You also can phone me between meetings if you have concerns that might take too long to address during meetings or that you prefer to discuss privately.

You receive direct spiritual transmissions in every meeting. In other words, you receive blessings that deepen the healing, empowerment, and pleasure you find in the rituals.

You also receive digital talismanic art: an amulet to empower your solitude and move through blocks to it. I painted a piece that I imbued with magic. You receive a digital version of it with instructions on how to use it as an amulet.

Suited to all levels of experience: accessible to newbies, yet adepts experience depth.

This event can be applied as one of the two qualifying electives required for advanced shamanic training.

We meet seven consecutive Wednesdays, 3:00 to 4:00 pacific time, starting Sept 7.

Reserve Wednesday October 26, same time, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned dates.

The class meets by phone. To attend, simply call the event’s phone number, which you receive after enrollment.

Full cost for seven weeks of ritual, direct spiritual transmissions, one-on-one private support, and an original talismanic piece of art is $400. Your carrier might charge you for phone calls into the meetings.

Pay securely with PayPal. Use the Pay Now button below.

If you prefer two monthly payments of $200 each, click the Subscribe button below:

If you do not receive an email confirming your payment within a few days, please check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a payment plan, trade, or scholarship, or you need additional info about the event, please call me. Upon payment, your place is reserved. Refunds unavailable. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details.

Photo of Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis is the best-selling author of “Be a Goddess!” Her work couples Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. Raised in a traditional Strega family tradition that has Celtic shamanism in its heritage—the family is originally from France—she practices an ancient European witchcraft that is a form of Fairy shamanism. She has worked professionally as a community shaman for four decades.

The ritual is likely a one-time event. Take advantage of the opportunity.

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