I’m an Upcycling Queen! I invite you mega-upcyclers to boast here about your prowess. (Why should guys be the only ones who brag about their abilities to . . . oh, oops, I’m not talking about recycling anymore. Sorry . . . )
To win the Upcycling Queen Award:
* Post an upcycling tip in the “Leave a Reply” box at the end of this page.
* Your tip must be original – – not something you heard/read elsewhere, but an idea of your own. Not to worry: I won’t check up on you. After all, if someone else thought it up, too—great minds think alike.
* Use as few or as many words as it takes to express your idea.
* No tip is too small to help avoid more landfill garbage!
* Awards end May 15, 2011.
Sharing your tip here helps protect Mama Gaia. Every entry wins bragging rights! A tip earns you the privilege of putting the following banner on your site, letting everyone know you’re an Upcycling Queen. Guys are welcome to post tips, as honorary queens! (If you’re into drag, you might be the best queen.)
After you post, I send you the code to have this banner on your blog or anywhere else on your site.
But wait, there’s more! If you post a tip, you could win a deer antler pendant. It has a Tree of Life rune carved in it. I commissioned it from the artisan Lupa. Winner is chosen by random draw.
To get your creativity flowing, here are two ideas of mine:
1) The saucers under potted plants—that catch the water running out the bottom of the pot—cost too much and always break. My homemade substitutes were ugly. E.g., a leftover yogurt container has commercial print all over it. Old dishes under my pots always clash. Then I cut off the bottom of a huge plastic bottle that white vinegar comes in (I buy it to clean house) = a lovely, simple printless saucer. Fancy, lah!
2) Mushrooms and other produce often come in rectangular plastic containers (without holes). They’re great for flower arrangements made in Oasis: After you soak and cut up your Oasis, put it in that container. Then put the container in a basket and start adding flowers to the Oasis.
Ok, what’s your tip? (Admit it: We queens love to gather to show off!) Add your email addy so I can send you the award. After you give your tip, win a second award: I’m doing this contest with sister royalty, the Leftover Queen; check out her contest to be recognized as a Queen again.
An Upcycling Queen needs no jewels. Stars in the sky adorn her crown, to bless her care of Mama Gaia and her finding beauty in what already is.