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How to Name Your Magic Familiar

How to Name Your Magic Familiar

Nothing in this post is meant as a rule about how to name a familiar. Magic has endlessly diverse expressions. That includes how to name a familiar. My experiences naming familiars helped lead me to a magical relationship with my pets. That, in turn, helped lead to doing powerful magic with them. So perhaps my experiences might be useful to witches other than myself.

Before we get to that, let’s look at a few basics about familiars in case anyone needs them to understand the main topic.

What Is a Familiar?

A familiar is a witch’s magical companion, helper, and even guide. A familiar can be any animal. Witches tend to be attuned to nature and its sacredness. So animal companions often suit witches. Animals have a wildness and innate magic that they are happy to lend to the spells their witches cast.

Usually, a witch doesn’t have to ask a familiar for their help. A familiar will, for example, enter the room when a witch starts a spell, then lend its magic to the spell without the witch doing anything to cause that. There are more ways familiars help magically, and I hope to write a blog about that. And with that, here’s the topic at hand:

Discovering Your Familiar’s Name

You can apply my methods to any animal, by and large. Most of my familiars have been cats, so I’ll focus on them here, but the way I’ve found their names is not specific to the feline species.

Note I’ve written “found their names,” not “decided on their names.” I believe animals I meet already have names, in the same way each one already has a distinct personality.

Or, if the animal is very young, so might not have chosen a name yet, I want to find it with them.

No one taught me that a pet telling me their name is often better than my choosing one for them. But it makes sense. Cats are independent, making choices about everything they do. So they sure would want to choose their names. Other animals make their own choices, too.

Our Pets Have Magic Power

Animals are not stupid. Far from it. They are magicians. And that’s another reason it makes sense to let them choose their names. Let me explain.

One of my favorite bits of cat lore is an Italian story about a fairy who disguised herself as a cat. The British Isles also has stories about fairies disguised as cats.

There’s real power to the idea that cats and other animals can be fairies. I want to honor that by discovering their names instead of forcing one on them.

(As a fairy who is often disguised, I get along well with fairies disguised as animals. Are you secretly magical, too, and hang out with other secret fairies?)

How to Help Your Magic Familiar Tell You Their Name

My magical kitties let me know their names.

Here are the two easy steps I take so a cat can tell me their true name.

1) I choose a tentative name. Here are a few ways I might do that. I select a name based on the cat’s personality. Or, if their personality reminds me of any magical lore, I might take a word from that lore as the name. Or perhaps a name will pop into my head. Or a friend will suggest one. Or the cat was named by a previous owner, so I use that name as my starting out point.

2) Then I say the name to the cat and watch their response. Perhaps they ignore it, or they pay attention. If they ignore the name, I look for another one.

Or perhaps they respond by walking away. That’s a pretty clear sign that they don’t like the name.

Or I say a name to them, then have a feeling that they like or dislike it.

Mind you, I did have one familiar for seven years who didn’t care what I called her. That was interesting. No reason a familiar must have a name if they don’t want one … or perhaps don’t want to let you know it.

Again, I share my above steps for naming a familiar as possibilities, not rules. I post my theories about familiars’ names as my beliefs, and I encourage you to cleave to your own if they differ from mine. If you prefer another method for naming a familiar, you should use it. If you have found it’s better to name a familiar than to let them name themselves, trust yourself. The Fairy Gods support you to do what you think is best.

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You Can Have Power, Help, and Miraculous Magic Now

New Event:
You Can Have Power, Help,
and Miraculous Magic Now

A Three-Month Shamanic Ritual
to Get What You Want and Need

with Francesca De Grandis,
Fairy Witch elder and best-selling author of Be a Goddess!

We begin Monday October 31, 2022.
Enrollment ends Wednesday October 26.

Definitions if you’re new to my work:
*Witchcraft and Shamanism are synonymous in my tradition. Ask me why if you want.
* Ditto spells, rituals, meditations, etc.
* All the magic I teach is Fey, whether described as such or not. I use different spellings of fairy, basically using them as synonymous. Ditto related words—fae, fey, fay, etc.

This event consists of weekly ceremonies that immerse you in good luck, healing, power, and other blessings. The rites foster success in finances, family matters, creativity, or your other heart’s desires.

The weekly sacred circles help you
* Conquer what life throws at you.
* Land through Divine grace into the life you want—the life you deserve.

On top of all that, these Shamanic circles will suit you if
* You want well-being, success with goals, and triumph over challenges.
* To have those blessings, you need more support, spirituality, and ritual in your life.
* But you don’t see any way to fit them in, at least not enough.

Perhaps you can’t fit them in—or fit them in enough—because you are busy pursuing a wonderful opportunity, are overwhelmed by emotional turmoil, are buried in a crisis, or have other obstacles.

To explain how the event solves this standstill, I’ll start with a question: Do you relate to any of the following remarks?

“I need support but keep putting it on hold because my plate’s full.”

“I’m afraid my project won’t do well. I wish I had time to do magic to help make it succeed. Magic for confidence, creativity, and clarity could make the difference. So could spells that smooth the path by removing roadblocks.”

“I want to cast spells to stop the crisis in my life. But my head is filled with my problems so I can’t focus enough to do magic.”

“I’m always stressed. I need spirituality more, to have serenity and clarity. But I never feel centered enough to do ritual.”

“I have so many problems that I need to do rituals for fortitude and calmness. But I’m too busy keeping my head above water.”

“I desperately want the inner power to overcome my challenges. But I am always exhausted and have no energy for rituals to empower myself.”

If you could have made any of those statements, don’t worry. You don’t have to wait for help, power and miracle-causing magic. To benefit from this three-month Shamanic rite, you can show up at our circles exactly as you are and then do exactly as you do. Magic will welcome you, accept you as you are, and help you. So will I.

If you’re distracted, unmotivated, upset, or whatever, we’ll still make important progress toward your goals.

Whether they are love, money, health, serenity, strength, self-love, or something else, I will help. Where and who you are now in your life, that’s where we begin. Examples:

Having trouble focusing? There will be spells that don’t require sharp focus to succeed. The spells that need concentration include steps to increase focus, and those spells don’t require perfect concentration to succeed. Your attempts alone feed success.

Don’t know your goals? The event includes rituals for clarity and Divine guidance. You can use one or more of them to decide on goals. I’ll give you a psychic reading about it if you need that too.

Struggling emotionally? The rituals for this event take that into account and still work.

Wondering if there’s any point in trying? The rituals we’ll do for inner power can be applied to hopelessness.

This event accommodates you rather than you accommodating it.

Another example: It’s okay to miss some sessions.

In a moment, I’ll address enrolling despite a full schedule. In the meantime:

For four decades, I’ve helped people manifest greater personal fulfillment. And I always start with where they actually are in their lives rather than their having to forgo improving their lives until they were in the “right” state of mind or “right” situation.

Patriarchal “spiritual” teachers insist we must be worthy before receiving Divine help. They say we must prepare this way or that before approaching a God.

My Gods stand by me exactly as I am in any given moment. They stand by me when I’m desolate or don’t trust Them. They stand by me in hard times. They stand by me when I cannot or will not stand by myself. This event is a way you can allow Them to stand by you.

They offer me miracle-making magic in all circumstances—not waiting until I am “worthy.” Their magic is abundant in the upcoming event..

Enroll in my new three-month Shamanic ritual—You Can Have Power, Help, and Miraculous Magic Now.

Attend Circle by Phone. It’s Easy!

The group meets by teleconference: Simply call the event phone number to attend.
The group meets by teleconference: Simply call the event phone number to attend.


We meet Mondays, 6:00 to 7:00 pm pacific time, from October 31 through Jan 30, skipping the following Mondays:
* November 28
* December 26
* January 2

Reserve Mondays February 6 and 13, 6:00 to 7:00 pm, for makeup sessions in the unlikely chance I’m unavailable for any of the planned dates.

Enrollment ends Midnight Weds October 26.


Cost is $200 a month. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

If you must drop out, simply cancel your subscription, and further payments aren’t required. No refunds.

Click the Subscribe button below to enroll securely through PayPal.

If you don’t receive an email confirming payment within a few days, check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a scholarship, semi-scholarship, trade, or payment plan other than the subscription, or you need additional information about the event, please call me at the number below. Upon payment, your seat is reserved. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details.

I’m fiercely passionate in my belief that my teachings create miracles because decades of lessons have proven it.

Trained from birth in a European Shamanic family tradition, I have lived this obscure tradition of Faerie Witchcraft for 72 years. A long life of training and experience inform this three-month Shamanic ritual to get what you want and need.

I combine Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. When you work with me, we won’t spin our wheels, pie in the sky. You’ll accomplish what you need to accomplish.

I am fiercely passionate about supporting my students because I care. I commit to you, with all my cells and all my magical skills.

Just show up, and I do a lot for you. The results are big. The price for the event is a deal because so much Fairy magic will enchant your days. Here’s how:

Four Master-of-the Arts Magics
Will Fuel Your Success

Here are four Master-of-the Arts magics I bring to this event:

1) Oral Tradition Faerie Rituals

I use master-level Witchcraft techniques to create healing and empowerment ceremonies safe for beginners and substantive enough for adepts.

Enrollment is limited because we work in oral tradition, in which immense headway can happen quickly. Fairy oral tradition magic happens in small groups. A small group also allows participants to receive individualized attention.

In addition to the benefits I’ve mentioned, weekly circles help you stay on course toward your goals and maintain progress. How? The meetings provide ongoing support, are a chance to consistently apply magic toward your goals, and empower you to take the necessary mundane-plane steps toward your ideal life.

2) Every Week, I Do a Spell For Your Success

For the whole three months, I cast spells for you to achieve goals.

The spells give you good luck, add power to your efforts to improve your life, and strengthen the magic of our meetings.

Creating the life and state of mind you want can require good luck. This Shamanic circle helps you be soooooo lucky.

The magic I do for you adapts to your needs automatically (instead of me arrogantly deciding what you need), e.g., personal growth, peace, physical health, confidence.

The spells don’t focus on one benefit but bless you as a whole being and enrich your entire life.

3) Psychic Readings about Your Goals

You receive psychic readings about your goals, situations, and process regarding them.

My readings include practical advice, no matter how serious, complex, sophisticated, or unusual your circumstances are.

4) One-on-One Shamanic Support by Phone

I’m available if you have concerns that you prefer to discuss privately. Or, if you have a question that’d take too long to answer during a group ceremony, you can call.

I address your concerns with common sense, channeled information, and a blessing rite.

Each of those four magics constitutes a major power that transforms lives big time. The powers together make a whole even greater than its parts. Reviews:

Life-changing. I don’t have words adequate to thank you. … One of the most deeply meaningful experiences of my life .”—Melissa

I am truly blown away at how much I was able to resolve and heal.”—Chad Woodward

My life just seems to go better when I’m taking one of your classes!”—Shauna Farabaugh

Cost for three months of Shamanic circles, my weekly spells for you, psychic readings, and one-on-one support: $200 a month for three months. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

Click the Subscribe button below to enroll securely through PayPal.

So Busy that There’s No Time for Self-Care?

Don’t know where you’ll find time for magic? Save time by participating in this Shamanic ritual:

You can avoid going down rabbit holes. The event includes rituals in which you cut through inner and outer blocks. This streamlines your life, helps you focus on your needs and wants, and creates effective actions on the magical and mundane planes. 

Classes are only one hour per week.

You Can Have Power, Help, and Miraculous Magic Now is not a course of study. Actual classes can require endless assignments and other work. This three-month ritual consists of weekly Shamanic circles that provide ongoing spiritual and Shamanic support.

When I commit to something, the universe responds by supporting my effort, often with miracles. This includes giving me the time and energy to fulfill my commitment.

Enroll now for the time and energy to have power, help, and miraculous magic in your life now:

Don’t let anyone keep you from a happy life. Live the way you want. Enroll.

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Protected: Fairy Samhain Power Ritual 2023

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New Event: Use Fairy Magic to Reach Your Goals

Use Fairy Magic to Reach Your Goals

Achieve goals you long for,
in a six-month Shamanic circle
with Francesca De Grandis,
Fairy Witch elder and best-selling author of Be a Goddess!

We begin our shamanic journey Wednesday October 12, 2022.
Enroll by Weds Oct 5.

Table of Contents

Magical Overview of the Event

Why You Might Need This Event If You Have Goals

Reaching Heartfelt Goals Is an Enchanted Spiritual Journey

If You Think You Have No Time for Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals, Read This

Attend Circle by Phone. It’s Easy!



Four Master-of-the Arts Magics Will Fuel Your Success

Magical Overview of
Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals

Definitions if you’re new to my work:
*Witchcraft and Shamanism are synonymous in my tradition. Ask me why if you want.
* Ditto spells, rituals, ceremonies, etc.
* All the magic I teach is Fey, whether described as such or not.

Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals is a six-month shamanic process to fulfill longings. Love, money, health, serenity, self-love, or other goals.

Success in life!

Every week, I lead participants in success magic—rituals that draw good luck, healing energy, and other blessings. Imagine success in finances, family matters, creativity, or other heart desires.

Imagine a flow of good luck, healing energy, and other blessings for six months. Drawing on ancient Faerie Faith secrets, we’ll use that flow for spells that work.

I’ll show you how to use them as money magic, love magic, healing magic, success magic, and/or other spells that give you what you need and want.

I lead our circles with easy-to-understand, step-by-step magical instructions.

I also, if you need, help you figure out what your goals are.

Why You Might Need This Event If You Have Goals

The weekly circles help you maintain progress because they provide ongoing support, are a chance to consistently apply magic to fulfill your goals, and empower you to keep taking mundane-plane steps toward your ideal life.

Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals also centers you in your power. You are a Goddess or, if you prefer, a God. To be a Goddess means everything. You have everything inside you. This event includes rites in which you access your Divine power to cast successful spells.

Additionally, accomplishing important goals can require good luck in the mix. This shamanic circle helps you be lucky … and lucky … and lucky even more.

Here’s one last reason:

Reaching Heartfelt Goals
Is an Enchanted Spiritual Journey

Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals will be magical and spiritual.

Combining spirit and Fay magic creates miracles. They’ve happened in my life repeatedly, for decades.

Here’s one of the reasons a spiritual journey moves a person toward their heart’s goals. The healthier one’s spirit, the greater one’s magical powers, and the more one’s subconscious allows blessings into one’s life.

Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals includes rituals in which you can address your pressing spiritual challenges.

In those rituals, Fairy Gods add their enchantments so that our very cells shift, making our fullest potential on both the mundane and magical planes emerge. This is power to get things done.

Your major spiritual concerns may seem irrelevant to your goals. We’ll address those challenges because you are of a piece. So any of your spiritual blocks affect all parts of you and your progress toward goals.

I look forward to growing spiritually alongside you. I want to be as happy as possible so always look for opportunities to grow.

Every bit I grow spiritually moves me toward maximum prosperity, serenity, ability to be of service, and my other ideals.

If You Think You Have No Time for Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals, Read This

Whether consumed with holding your head above water or happily swamped with efforts toward fabulous goals, enroll.

Here’s why:

The shamanism I teach saves you time in five(!) ways.

A) You move through inner and outer blocks, so you don’t lose time going down rabbit holes.

B) You experience remarkable mental clarity. Instead of finding neither solutions to your problems nor steps to success, you see practical actions to get what you want.

C) Your life and mind become streamlined, focused on what you need and want.

D) Celtic and Strega magic have traditionally been used to overcome hardship and oppression. Both these magics are in the ancient European witchcraft tradition in which I was raised. This heritage informs my rites.

E) The sophisticated magics to which we’ll have access are exactly what works to hit big goals. You could waste a lot of time, otherwise.

Only you know what’s right for you. But bear in mind that the shamanic methods I offer have conquered challenges that should’ve killed me, and have freed me from inner and outer limits. They can do the same for you.

These tools give you spiritual and material power to have a happy life, no matter how large, complex, or sophisticated your challenges and goals are.

I’ve never met anyone too successful materially, spiritually, or magically to not profit in major ways from my work.

This event can be applied as one of the two qualifying electives required for advanced shamanic training.

Attend Circle by Phone. It’s Easy!

The group meets by teleconference: Simply call the event phone number to attend.


We meet Wednesdays, 6:00 to 7:00 pm pacific time, October 12 through April 5, except we skip the following Wednesdays:
* November 23
* December 21
* December 28
* January 4
* February 22

Reserve Wednesdays April 12 and April 19, 6:00 to 7:00 pm, for makeup sessions in case I’m unavailable for any of the planned dates.

Enroll by Oct 5.


Cost is $200 a month. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

If you must drop out, simply cancel your subscription, and further payments aren’t required. No refunds.

Click the Subscribe button below to enroll securely through PayPal.

If you don’t receive an email confirming payment within a few days, check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a scholarship, semi-scholarship, trade, or payment plan other than the subscription, or you need additional information about the event, please call me at the number below. Upon payment, your seat is reserved. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details.

I do a lot for you, to help you achieve a lot. The price you pay is a deal because so much Fairy magic will enchant your days. Here’s how:

Four Master-of-the Arts Magics
Will Fuel Your Success

Trained from birth in a European shamanic family tradition, I have lived this obscure tradition of Faerie shamanism for 72 years. Decades of training and experience prepared me for Use Fairy Magic To Reach Your Goals.

I combine Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. When you work with me, we won’t spin our wheels, pie in the sky. You’ll get stuff accomplished.

I’ll bring my entire magical tool kit to this event. This includes four of my Master-of-the Arts magics. Here they are:

1) Oral Tradition Faerie Rituals

I use master-level shamanic techniques to create healing and empowerment ceremonies safe for beginners and substantive enough for adepts.

Enrollment is limited so we can work in oral tradition, in which immense headway can happen quickly. Fairy oral tradition magic works only in small groups. A small group also allows participants to receive individualized attention.

With the ancient Fairy Gods by us, we’re unstoppable.

2) Every Week, I Do Spells For Your Success

The whole six months, I’m casting spells for you to achieve goals. Here’s how:

You receive direct spiritual transmissions in each meeting. Spiritual transmissions are a method I use to give you good luck, add power to your efforts to improve your life, and strengthen the magic of our meetings.

My transmissions also adapt to your needs, e.g., personal growth, peace, physical health, strength to rise after life’s knocked you down. The transmissions don’t focus on one benefit but bless you as a whole being and enrich your entire life.

3) Psychic Readings about Your Goals

You receive psychic readings about your goals and process regarding them.

My readings include practical advice, no matter how serious, complex, sophisticated, or unusual your situation is.

Your readings occur during rituals that empower you to apply the material I channel for you. In other words, we’ll do magic for you to have the confidence or other strength needed to follow through on the reading.

I trained full-time to become a worthy shaman for community. A spiritual counselor for over 40 years, I still strive to improve my skills. I bring decades of experience and training to every counseling session.

4) One-on-One Shamanic Support by Phone

I’m available if you have concerns that you prefer to discuss privately. Or, if you have a question that’d take too long to answer during a group ceremony, you can call.

I address your concerns with common sense, channeled information, and a spiritual transmission.

Each of the four above magics constitutes a major power that changes lives big time. The powers weave together into a whole that is even greater than its parts. Reviews:

My experience studying with you has been life-changing. I don’t have words adequate to thank you. … One of the most deeply meaningful experiences of my life .”—Melissa

I am truly blown away at how much I was able to resolve and heal.”—Chad Woodward

My life just seems to go better when I’m taking one of your classes!”—Shauna Farabaugh

Cost for six-months of rituals and transmissions, a psychic reading, and one-on-one support: $200 a month. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

Plus you receive more magics than are listed above. For example, ten PDF Book of Shadow pages with magical instructions and my original talismanic art illuminations. The illuminations are amulets that can increase success when you apply the page’s text.

Click the Subscribe button below to enroll securely through PayPal.

The world is kind of crazy now. Recently, a great big man jumped out of his car and started yelling at me. It was frightening. A 72-year-old, I’m physically fragile. The guy was scary. Once I was well out of his sight, I almost broke into tears.

When I got home, I called a friend, talked the incident through with her, and went back to work. I don’t let anything stop me.

Don’t let anything stop you. Enroll in Use Fairy Magic to Reach Your Goals.

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Oberon Zell and Francesca De Grandis Interview

Oberon Zell and Francesca De Grandis Interview

Who is Oberon Zell?

A founding father of modern Paganism, Oberon Zell is one of its most respected Elders. In 1967 he was first to claim the identity of “Pagan,” incorporating Church of All Worlds and publishing Green Egg. His seminal work on the Gaea Thesis in the early ‘70s helped foster a global awareness of Earth as living Mother. He is Headmaster of the Grey School of Wizardry. More about him is at

Oberon Zell

Who is Francesca De Grandis?

Francesca De Grandis, best-selling author of Be a Goddess! is a full-time community shaman—classes, psychic readings, and healings. Trained from birth in a European shamanic family tradition of Celtic and Italian witchcraft, she has lived this lesser known Faerie shamanism for 72 years. Her Goddess mysticism is combined with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. Nickname: Outlaw Bunny.

Photo of Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis: I wanted to interview Oberon because we confront many of the same challenges, share a similar genius, and are remarkably alike in other ways—so many that the list would get boring to read. But, over the decades, I’ve seen a similar unflinching commitment to high standards. Our common traits are ones that help us serve the Pagan community so I want to support anyone who has them.

Fun story about that: Oberon, like me, spends much of his day serving community, Gaia, and Gods. After our interview ended, Oberon wrote me, “It just occurred to me that I needed to have said something about Service, which is really what my life and work is all about. I’m on Her Majesty’s Sacred Service! Can you add in something along those lines?” I cracked up since his unending service is obvious in the interview. The amount of work he has done, his insistence on taking responsibility, and his joy are clear earmarks.

With that:

The Ecstatic Path and Pagan Spiritual Practices

Francesca asks Oberon: Mainstream religions tend to suppress joy and self-expression. As someone who walks an ecstatic path, I reject that and admire your commitment to spreading joy and providing venues for folks to express themselves. What spiritual or mundane practices help you maintain those commitments?

Oberon Zell: Well, I’m still researching the question: “Is it possible to have too much fun?” I continue to be very active in the Pagan community—as I have been for more than half a century. I attend several large festivals a year as a guest presenter; I create and participate in many rituals, both small and large; and I do many Zoom talks, conferences and meetings. I am Primate of the Church of All Worlds, Headmaster of the Grey School of Wizardry, and Publisher Emeritus of Green Egg—all of which entail extensive involvement: communications, teaching classes, doing workshops, etc. I read a lot of sci-fi, fantasy, history and science, and I’m constantly writing books—about a dozen published so far—and doing illustrations, etc. I post regularly on Facebook. I recently did a two-year Walkabout, personally visiting hundreds of people around the country. And I maintain an active sex life, with several cherished lovers. We have dinner and movie/TV dates, as well as adventures and travel (I’ve been all over the world with my longtime consort, Dona).

Magic, Pagan Books and Other Writing,
and Visual Art

Francesca De Grandis: Like me, you’re a magician, writer, and visual artist. The three pursuits weave together for me magically, enriching my spiritual experiences and adding to the depth of lessons I give. For one thing, the Fairy Queen—Great Mother Goddess—becomes a more tangible presence in all Her love, kindness, and beauty.

To help create experiential Fairy witch lessons in my books and classes, I add my paintings to book pages or classes’ handouts, much the way medieval manuscripts had illuminations in the borders. Of course, mine are my style because I’m not a repressed monk in the Middle Ages but a feisty Fey Pagan. The art supplements the enchantments of the text.

Is there a way being a magician, writer, and visual artist weave together for you?

Oberon Zell: “Magician, writer, and visual artist” sorta sums up my work as a Wizard. Everything I am and do is suffused with those three pursuits. My visual art generally supplements my writing, illustrating my books and articles—as well as my Zoom talks. And my writings and art are all expressions of my magick and wizardry. I’m never bored, and I’ve never had “writer’s block,” as I always have more ideas clamoring to be expressed than I have time to express them! I have to tell ‘em to take a number and get in line…

Plagiarism Versus Attribution of Pagan Innovations

Francesca De Grandis: Your artwork is featured in the television series, The Handmaid’s Tale. Would you like to tell my readers how that came about? 

Oberon Zell: The art director for the show came upon my representation of “Astra, the Star Goddess,” which I’d drawn for Morning Glory as a personal logo—and a logo for our family business, “Mythic Images”—back in 1990. Erroneously thinking (as many others have) that it was an ancient design and in the public domain, they appropriated it as a logo for the “Red Center” facility where fertile women are beaten into submission to become enslaved breeders for the elite rulers of the “Republic of Gilead.”

When MG’s daughter saw her late mom’s symbol on the show in that context, she contacted me, and I got hold of an attorney to pursue a case of copyright violation. This went nowhere until one of our students reached the author of the book, Margaret Atwood. Margaret went straight to the CEO of MGM, and insisted that they treat me right. Shortly we were able to work out a mutually satisfactory licensing contract. And the 2nd season featured flashbacks to a time before the coup, where my design is shown on a poster in a women’s support center (which is true in reality—as it is a representation of women’s empowerment).

We’ll see where this goes in future seasons. I’d love to see it become a symbol of the resistance!

Francesca De Grandis: What a story, and I relate to it! For one thing, pieces of my writing have often been called “traditional lore” or a “traditional expression” and made their way into the cultures of earth traditions uncredited. Ditto my innovative magical techniques and shamanic theories.

For a long time, I didn’t care when my work was used without my name on it. I didn’t want my ego to get out of hand. Ultimately, everything comes from the Gods. But I learned that lack of attribution is not healthy for anyone involved.

It is spiritual, emotional, and financial oppression, even if unintended.

Divinity and Nature—our ultimate sources of power, beauty, and all other things—are accessible to everyone. (And Nature is surely as divine as anything else, if not more so.) When intermediaries—painters, ritualists, teachers, poets, parents, etc.—empower us to access the Divine and Nature directly, those individuals are sources too.

We diminish our connection to Nature and the Divine unless we try to honor all the sources we draw on, because the cosmos is a connect-the-dots picture in which all the dots connect to all the other dots.

So you’re an important role model—a healthy example of someone who insists on taking credit for their work.

Note to reader:

I sent this interview’s questions to Oberon in 2021, possibly in August, which would be a year ago. He quickly gave his answers, but then I moved and then suffered a bad injury (I’m fine now and expect to fully recover).

Had we done the interview later, I would’ve asked Oberon to discuss Roe versus Wade in relation to his symbol and the tv show. But I didn’t want to further delay publishing an important interview.

Equally important, though we do not directly address the Roe versus Wade ruling, Oberon owning his work instead of letting it be used unacknowledged and without payment inspires me in the ongoing necessity to fight for sovereignty over my life and my work.

Someone might respond, “It’s easy for a white man to stand up for his rights.” It might be easier compared to what someone else might go through, but any innovative genius focusing more on service than on using their skills to climb up into an oppressive hierarchy has known the heartache and struggle that occurs when their work is ripped off. We creative geniuses committed to service are in this fight together. End of note.

Pagan Gossip Is Often Untrue

Francesca De Grandis: My experiences as a public figure taught me that widely-spread tales of well-known individuals are often incorrect. Is there a story or “fact” about you that you’d like to set straight? 

Oberon Zell: Hard to think of any. I’d hate to squash any scandalous rumors if they enhance my reputation. “Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!” However, if any claim that I hold prejudice against any category of people other than assholes, I would like to set that straight—I am as socially inclusive as you can get, embracing and cherishing good people across all spectra—race, gender, nationality, culture, sexual orientation and proclivities, education, status, skills and talents…even beliefs. But malicious jerks who hurt people, (i.e. bullies, abusers, victimizers, pedophiles, white supremacists, misogynists, rapists, thieves, con artists, mass murderers, tweakers, Fundamentalist Xians & Muslims, Nazis, Trump Republicans, etc.) not so much.

Pagan Practices during Challenging Times

Francesca De Grandis: How does your particular Pagan path help you through these crazy times?

Oberon Zell: Well, my Gaean vision keeps me focused on the larger picture. I view all events and goings-on in the context of Gaea—our living planet, in whose vast body we are all cells. For example, I see viral pandemics as Gaea’s immune system, marshaling antibodies to attack cancer… Also, I rather welcome the degree of isolation brought on by COVID as an extended “writer’s retreat,” during which I’ve been able to devote time to my writing and art. I’ve gotten six books out in just the past year!

(Note to reader: This interview took place 2021. That information gives you a time frame for the “past year” Oberon mentions.)

A Lifelong Mission

Francesca De Grandis:I admire you for striving toward a high moral standard. What helps you keep working toward your ideals?

Oberon Zell: Well, I just keep on keeping on. I have a lifelong Mission: “to be a catalyst for the coalescence of consciousness.” Everything I’ve done in my life over the past 60-odd years has been in furtherance of that Mission. Moreover, Morning Glory’s dying words were: “Don’t let it die!” My code is simply “Do as you would be done by.” I also believe in the 3 Rules of Wizardry: 1. Always take credit/responsibility; 2. Reputation is Power; 3. With great power comes great responsibility. True wisdom (i.e. wizardry) is all about considering the consequences. And, of course, being a hero means doing the right thing no matter how difficult.

Genius, Multifaceted Individuals, Productivity, and Service

Francesca De Grandis: You summed up a lot in very few words.

Can you name one of your role models, Pagan or not, who inspires you to keep at your goals?

Oberon Zell: Leonardo da Vinci—the greatest Wizard of all history.

Francesca De Grandis: Why is that individual inspirational for you? 

Oberon Zell: He was the quintessential “Renaissance Man” I can only aspire to emulate. Brilliant, creative, artistic, multi-talented, multi-skilled, learnéd, curious, wise, competent, productive, and all the other virtues I hold dear and strive to actualize. However, Leo wasn’t much of a ladies’ man, so that’s a whole dimension of my own life that doesn’t reflect his…

Francesca De Grandis: One of the reasons I interviewed you is my investment in supporting individuals who express their many aspects in service to community. I was once called One of Those Multi-Hyphenated Types. Trained from birth as a shaman, my many abilities were drawn forth, and I came to shamanism in my adult years as a mystic, healer, poet, humorist, trained dancer, etc., etc. More important, I believe multifaceted individuals would be the norm, but most people aren’t given the chance to recognize let alone develop their many abilities. One of my life missions is to help a person express themselves in many forms. My shamanism wakes up the cells, drawing forth the innate talents of my students, clients, and readers.

Is there anything else on your mind you want to share?

Oberon Zell: If you don’t like it, you can’t have any!

Francesca De Grandis: I like it!

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Pagans, Autism, Community, Being Safe, and Courtesy’s Magic

Pagans, Autism, Community,
Being Safe, & the Magic of Courtesy

June 9, 2022

Before getting to this post’s topic, I want to share that, as a Pagan, I honor everyone having their own path. Your right to choose the terms that describe you helps fosters that path. Deciding whether to use autistic, autism, on the spectrum, Asperger’s, neurodiverse, or other words is your choice. Words go in and out of vogue. I extend to you the courtesy of respecting your decisions. This is a safe space where you won’t be criticized for how you see you. Courtesy is magic, and I choose to live in an enchanted, mystic community. And with that, on to my post.

Autism and Being Afraid of Community

Fellow travelers on the spectrum,

Do relate to any part of this story?

You join a group—Pagan or not—on social media or IRL.

Previously, perhaps you would’ve entered with the socially acceptable—and socially enforced—“Hi, I’m new here. I hope you like me. Please don’t hurt me. Is everything I’m doing okay with you? If not, I’m sorry. I also apologize for breathing.”

There are many reasons anyone might be that nervous about entering a community. If you’re on the spectrum (or even if you’re not, and there might be a lot in this article that someone who’s neuro-typical might relate to), perhaps you’ve repeatedly been attacked and exiled from a tribe just for being you. Or you find interactions with people baffling and so become afraid you’ll do something embarrassing or offensive when you approach a group.

Whatever the case, let’s say you’ve learned to trust yourself and not bow down when you introduce yourself, so you refrain from a fearful hello. Perhaps you’re still afraid, but you don’t act like it.

Or maybe you’ve always embodied a trait I associate with my autism: I speak what I have to say. I don’t mean I’m rude (although many neuro-typical people misrepresent it as rude) or am calling people out, I just talk. So at this point in the story, whether you’ve been afraid in the past or not, you choose to participate right away in the best way possible: by being yourself.

Important aside: I don’t expect everyone in my tribe to necessarily identify with every detail of this story. I do hope that some of my tribe will experience and find relevant the overall emotional sense of the tale.

Autism and Jumping into Community

Instead of acting fearful, you enter the new group with Hi, I’m new. Here’s who I am. Here’s what I do.

That can be scary for those of us who are autistic and who have been attacked for making simple statements that are not self-abasing.

An alternative entry might happen, since you’re not going to let fear stop you: you come into a community, wanting to contribute right away, and noticing someone asks a question to which you have an answer, you chime in with it.

Ooh, feels dangerous because some petty person might be territorial about who gets to contribute know-how.

Another scenario: you say, “Hi, I’m new. Here’s a photo of what I made. It seems to fit in with this group. If you want information about it, DM me.” Simple, courteous, not self-effacing.

Attacked to Crush Your Spirit
and Make You Feel Alone

Whatever you do in this story, then a passive-aggressive person, with whom you’ve never had any contact, responds with a nasty, sideways barb.

They didn’t mean anything by it, wink wink. If confronted, they’d deny ill intent instead of being accountable for their behavior.

Their remark was meant to crush your spirit, put you in your place, make you fear, cause you to feel alone.

Perhaps they … don’t … like … your … traits.

Some individuals attack honesty, confidence, genius, or major accomplishments, all of which might be part of being on the spectrum. I try to remember that an ambush might be a sign of how fabulous I am.

Perhaps the attacker is suffering emotionally and spiritually. That thought helps me feel compassion for them. But I don’t have to let them walk on me.

Perhaps the attacker is not passive-aggressive but overtly cruel. For the sake of a few remarks I want to make further on this post, we’ll leave it at passive-aggressive.

Courtesy as Protection Magic

My response to nasty individuals varies according to the situation. When I was attacked in a version of the above-described scenario today, I recalled what my mother taught me at a young age. She said that, when met with unkindness, “Be a lady. If nothing else, it’ll drive ‘em crazy.”

I thank Gods that Mom often knew how to deal with my autism when I was a child. At age seven or eight, I read etiquette books to figure out how people are “supposed to interact,” so that I could follow suit. I’m not saying Mom had me do that or even knew I was doing it. I’m saying her advice was spot on, suiting me in more ways than one.

You can go too far with politeness. I don’t want to use it to suppress my anger. If I do that, I will be angry for a long time, mentally trapped by resentment as it constantly, painfully recycles in my mind.

And I don’t want to meet passive aggression with “polite” nastiness in return.

But Mom’s advice is perfect sometimes. I can sincerely, warmly, kill someone with honest kindness. Simple, non self-effacing, pleasant courtesy. I did that today.

It’s untrue that no autistic person can be polite, though I know etiquette and autism don’t always go hand-in-hand. And if the etiquette in question is the haughty sort meant to make people feel inferior because they don’t know what fork to use, that’s not etiquette. It’s high-handed abuse.

Real etiquette is simple, kind, non self-effacing remarks and behavior. And, as a shaman, I know that is powerful magic.

Being courteous shifts my energy as much as any incantation or formal spell could. I center into my inner power, magnificence, and confidence in those traits. Then I can deal with whatever is on the table.

A Community of Individuals with Autism
Protecting Each Other

Sometimes community is invisible. In every group, there’s a person other than me who is on the spectrum. And they might’ve seen me enter the group with my head held high. They might’ve recognized the covertly mean response, know I saw it too, know they’re not traveling on the spectrum alone, and know I just helped make the world a little safer for them. What more could I want?

… Well, there is more. To remember I’m never alone because my fellow travelers with autism and our allies are making the world safer for me too. Yes! Sometimes community is invisible.

P.S. I made up the phrases traveling on the spectrum and travelers on the spectrum, I love it, I am fabulous!

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Shamanic Retreats in Happy Fey Realms

Table of Contents
for 2022 Shamanic Retreats

If Table of Contents links don’t work, scroll down the page for any information.

Overview: 2022 Shamanic Retreats in Happy Fey Realms
You Attend by Phone. It’s Easy!
July 2 Retreat: Faeries & Other Ancestors
July 31 Retreat: Faerie Magic and Neurodiversity
August 27: Fairy Flower Magic
Sept 24: Birch, Hazel, and Apple
You Get a Lot Because I Apply Four Shamanic Powers
A Retreat Day’s Schedule of Sessions
How to Enroll

Shamanic Retreats in Happy Fey Realms

Four daylong virtual retreats are scheduled for 2022.

Each one surrounds you with magic that frees you from inner and outer limits, while adding luck to your life. So you reach your dearest goals.

Spend the day being taken care of. Fairy Secrets lovingly hold you, centering you into your Fey self—the part of you who is relaxed, grinning, balanced, powerful, miracle-making, serenely in control, and able to achieve daily and long-term goals. That you always exists. I’ll help you be in touch with it. After a retreat, that part of you can more easily emerge regularly.

Every retreat, we draw on Faery Faith Mysteries to receive Divine guidance about our challenges and life path.

I also channel material during gatherings, to ensure the day is relevant to your needs.

The events are held by teleconference: simply call the event phone number to attend.

Each retreat has a theme and offers specific empowerments along with the above-mentioned benefits all the retreats provide.

Here Are the Four Retreats in Faerie Realms:

Saturday July 2

Faeries & Other Ancestors:
I Believe in Greatness. I Trust Fun.

Our ancestors include the Fey Gods. I believe in greatness. I feel all ancestral abilities within me; I can create as I will. This is true for you too.

During this retreat, I’ll lead ancestral rituals in which we call on ancestors—your familial line, Fairy Gods, the stars in the sky, the first cell ever created, or whatever ancestors feel right for you.

In those rites, Fey and other ancestors will guide us and help us claim our power and rights as descendants of the Old Gods, find joy, and reach life goals.

We’ll get to play in Fey magic’s quiet, subtle, robust powers with our ancestral visitors. To reach life goals, you don’t have to obey the capitalist code of work work work to the bone.

Sure, work is needed, but not endlessly. Instead, we can play with the Fey. That fun can be a significant part of achieving goals. And so it will be during the retreat.

And that’s why, my dear one, oppressors are afraid of Witches. We tell people, “Okay, enough work, you did a good job, now let’s go frolic with Faeries!”

If some people in your familial lineage were awful, no need to invite them. We’ll invoke good energy only, to affirm our beauty, glory, and strength.

Sunday July 31

Faerie Magic and Neurodiversity—
Autistic Mystic Joy

Being autistic makes me happy. Speaking only for myself, autism is not an illness. It’s a gift I’ve been given.

I was born way along the spectrum and am lucky I survived. People weren’t diagnosed much in my childhood days. (I’m in my 70s and received a diagnosis a few years ago.) However, in my childhood, because of my mom and my belief in myself, I kept on, didn’t abandon who I essentially am. And, as I grew older, I just got more and more in touch with myself. I am a happy Witch, and my neurodiversity is a magical asset.

Let’s celebrate autistic mystic happy Witchcraft in rituals especially for us!

We’ll do spells to heal from clichés and other negative messages about autism.

We will also do rituals based on my personal experience that neurodiversity can be a huge part of Faerie magic and its joy. I will lead a guided visualization for us to travel into Fey realms, the very air of which celebrates diversity. In that otherworldly land, I’ll show you how to center into your unique autism as a magical strength that helps you manifest your hearts’ desires.

I’ll also show you how to use that magical strength to be the you who is you, contentedly you, grinning with pleasure at being you, smiling with childlike pride about being you. (You are fabulous!) Expect a mystical experience of wholeness and freedom in the sense of honoring and drawing on all your aspects. This experience will help you be the fullest, free-est you on the mundane plane so that in your everyday life you can be the you who is you. (I sound like Doctor Seuss.)

Happy magic! Faerie Witch neurodiversity!

The Old Fey Gods created all. That includes diversity, so They are always aware of it and bestow power, insights, and beauty that suit the recipient. We’ll visit a mystical place that has substance, where Gods offer each neurodiverse participant gifts they need—not the same as what neuro-typical and other people might receive.

On top of everything else, all the retreats offer camaraderie. You get to be you, in the company of people who understand.

For every one of my events, I can assure anyone who attends,

This is a haven where you get to feel how fabulous are. Here, you get to shine as fabulous you—without even having to make a point of it—just by coming here. You’re innately awesome, so you don’t have to do a single thing to shine.”

If you don’t yet feel how spectacular you are, I’ll teach you how. If you cover up your shine in fear that someone may want to attack such a bright light, I can help you with that too.”

Faerie Witch diversity!

Saturday August 27

Fairy Flower Magic:
Wishes Granted in the Goddess’ Garden

We spend this daylong retreat with four flowers, getting to focus on them so your experiences and empowerment can go deep. Be utterly embraced by the loving magic of roses, dandelions, irises, and Saint John’s wort. There will probably also be time to visit a surprise flower we find in the Fey realm.

Each flower will teach us their wisdom, impart their magic and another strength to us, and grant us a wish.

In a vision, I was shown how loving nurturance from these four flowers is an antidote to the biblical myth of the garden of Eden. In it, an angry deity throws Adam and Eve out of the garden. That wrathful, brutish deity is the model of our too-often mean-spirited selfish society.

The myth also has the deity declaring that Adam and Eve must toil horribly. That part of the myth reinforces the society-wide lie that we are obligated to work too hard and forgo self-care. Even if we disbelieve the lie, it might remain in our subconscious, making it hard to slow down and take care of yourself.

The Goddess always welcome us in Her garden, and this retreat will be in that sacred space. She created gorgeous flowers there, flowers filled with Her generous magic. They offer us the wisdom and power to meet our life goals. Not only is that wonderful in itself, but experiencing it helps heal you from the nasty biblical lies so you are more able to
* Allow your generous heart to flourish instead of shrinking to protect itself from the cruelty and selfishness you encounter.
* Stop overworking.
* Nurture yourself as much as you need.

My happy Witch heart! So mote it be!

I’ll share traditional flower lore as well as material I channeled. The channeled material is unavailable elsewhere.

Saturday, Sept 24

Birch, Hazel, and Apple
Three Sacred Trees and Their Oghams

This retreat focuses on three trees historically known as sacred to Witches and Druids: Birch, Hazel, and Apple.

I will lead Fairy rituals in which we visit these three beautiful spirits of nature, who have agreed to join us as our magical allies. They’ll empower us, guide us, and restore us.

This retreat is an otherworldly festival held in a Druid grove that we will travel to in a guided visualization. We are old souls, children of Gods who will attend our festivities, bless our Fairy magic, and spin enchantments that take care of you.

The Oghams are an ancient alphabet of 20 letters, each corresponding to a tree Druids hold sacred.

I’ll email you an image of the letters that correspond to Birch, Hazel, and Apple. As part of our tree magic, you’ll learn how to use these three Oghams to bless and deepen your shamanic experience of the rites.

I not only studied traditional understandings of these three trees and Oghams, I channel material unavailable elsewhere. During our retreat, I’ll channel information directly from trees, Gods, and my past life memories as a Druid—information specifically meant for attendees.

When channeling, I’m in Fey realms, which helps ground my original material in the power of the Faerie Faith.

One of many benefits you receive from that is practical mysticism. The old Fey worldview doesn’t always divide spirit and matter into two separate things. The retreat can improve anything for you, from inner growth to great sex.

You Get a Lot Because I Apply Four Shamanic Powers Every Retreat

1) Faerie Rituals

I’ll use master-level shaman techniques to create healing and empowerment ceremonies safe for beginners and substantive enough for adepts.

Enrollment is limited in each retreat, so we can perform powerful ceremonies that can only occur in a small group, and so each participant can receive individualized attention should they want that support.

Every retreat’s rituals will include the ecstatic, the restful, the solemn, and the silly—all of them transformative.

On the day of a retreat, we meet five times to enter sacred space for ritual. You’ll see, in the meeting schedule, breaks between rituals, so you’re not overwhelmed.

Please note, this schedule is different from last year’s. We’ll meet for the same amount of time, but this schedule is easier to do. Times are Pacific time. We meet:
10:15 am to 11:15
12:15 pm to 12:45
1:45 to 2:45
3:30 to 4:30
5:15 to 5:45
Possibly 6:15 to 7:15: On the off-chance I’m unavailable for one of the day’s sessions, we’ll use the 6:15 slot.

Reserve about three minutes after each session to do a special grounding I teach.

2) A Psychic Reading about Your Life Path

I’ll channel about your life path. Your psychic reading happens in a ritual that empowers you to apply the channeled material, instead of being stuck with information that is useless because you don’t yet have the confidence or other strength needed to follow through on the reading. You receive a reading each retreat you attend, during one of the group meetings.

Whatever’s going on in your life, it is likely I can intuitively address it.

My work draws individuals who want to show up for life big-time. My intuitive readings are a way I help them achieve major accomplishments and keep doing so. I’m usually capable of reading about your specific concerns, no matter how sophisticated or unusual they are.

3) Direct Spiritual Transmissions

During our meetings, you receive direct spiritual transmissions—in other words, blessings that deepen the empowerment, healing, and pleasure you find in the rituals.

The blessing also adapts to your needs, e.g., personal growth, peace, a soul healing, physical health, safety on the mundane and etheric planes, the strength to get back up after life’s knocked you down. The transmissions don’t focus on one benefit alone but bless you as a whole being. They also add luck to anything you do to improve your life.

4) One-on-One Shamanic Support by Phone

I’m available, should you want to privately discuss anything related to the retreat material or that’d take too long to discuss during a group ceremony.

I will address your concerns not only with common sense but with a spiritual transmission while we speak. Good chance you’ll also receive some channeling from me.

Our private talk(s) must occur within a month after the retreat.

How to Enroll for So Much Happy Fairy Magic

Each of a retreat’s four aspects constitutes major power in itself. Together, even without the one-on-one work should you care to forgo it, they weave into a mind-blowing whole greater than its parts.

I do a lot for you, you get a lot from it, and the price you pay is so good.

Total for a retreat’s rituals, transmissions, psychic reading, and one-on-one support: $225. Your carrier might charge you for the calls.

Only 16 “seats” in each retreat.

Limited time offer: Select the All Four Retreats option in the dropdown menu below by June 22 and save $100.

The menu also includes a Two Retreats and a Three Retreats option. If you choose one of them, I’ll email you, so you can tell me which retreats you want.

Otherwise, select the single retreat you want in the dropdown menu.

After making your selection, click the Pay Now button to enroll securely through PayPal.

Faerie Retreat Options

Upon receipt of payment, your seat is reserved. You receive event phone number, etc., by email. Refunds unavailable. Call me at the number below if you want more information or to discuss payment plan, trade, or scholarship.

Gentle Magic Is Power.

With good-sized breaks, we can manage four hours of ritual in one day at a gentle pace. We’re less likely to become overwhelmed, exhausted, or achingly stiff from sitting on the phone for too long.

We’ll have richly enchanted experiences, not despite their gentleness but because of it. Gentleness isn’t milquetoast or weak. Fairy secrets are not phrases boasted like passwords. Fairy secrets are the lightest touch of the Goddess’ breath on my forehead, followed by Her kiss there, utterly transforming me and my life. Faerie secrets are living Mysteries, experiences that gentleness can help happen, so ritual goes deep within minutes, making these virtual daylong retreats remarkably effective.

During breaks, go rest, stretch, eat, work out, run errands, or do whatever else you need to accomplish that day.

I look forward to each retreat. It will be a Faerie sanctuary and powerhouse of magic, Spirit, and camaraderie. My happy Fairy heart!

Feedback about a Retreat
with Shaman Francesca De Grandis

I am very new to Francesca’s world, but have already been deeply touched and inspired. … Francesca’s care and pacing was magnificent. … She took the time to help me feel at ease, and throughout our time together she made sure not to leave anyone behind. … Francesca facilitates with a light and gentle touch but her magic has deep roots and power in the subtle realm. … The retreat was a special experience.”—Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs

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The Gifts of Solitude: A Seven-Week Faerie Ritual

The Gifts of Solitude:
A Seven-Week Faerie Ritual

Possess the Freedom and Joy of Solitude

Avoid the Trap of Isolation

Begins Wednesday September 7, 2022.
Enroll by Wednesday August 31.

We will do Faerie shamanism rituals that help you
* Move past anything that keeps you from the solitude you want,
whether the block is inside you or external.
* Embrace solitude and its many gifts.

Solitude and isolation are not synonymous.

In solitude, I experience deep satisfaction in simple activities and notice the small wonders of everyday life. I find joy and freedom. My trust in myself and in my wisdom is renewed. I wander on shamanic journeys led by the Fey folk. Paradoxically, solitude fosters my connection to all of Gaia’s children. The list of gifts from solitude has many more items.

I experience isolation as lonely, painful, and confining. I feel disconnected, not only from people but also from my ancestors, the cosmos, and myself. My self-esteem lowers as does my trust in myself. My awareness of Fairy Gods being right by my side diminishes. I have less willingness to go on a shamanic journey, even though I know it will improve everything radically. That only begins the litany of isolation’s harmfulness. For one thing, isolation can negatively impact your health.

Isolation can be forced on you. For example, your community, family, or significant other rejects you, withdrawing what’s required to survive physically, emotionally, or spiritually, Even when physically present, someone can reject you.

The Gifts of Solitude Seven-Week Ritual includes Faerie Shamanism ceremonies that heal wounds caused by forced isolation. This enables you to enter more fully into healthy, satisfying times of solitude.

We’ll examine how self-imposed isolation can be beneficial for healing from trauma and how to use isolation for what it’s worth.

We will do ritual to free you if you are, to any degree, stuck in self-imposed isolation when it no longer serves its purpose but instead hinders you.

Society currently portrays getting stuck in isolation not as a response to trauma but as a healthy social norm. In other words, often isolation is not being named as such but incorrectly portrayed as a perfectly normal, healthy ongoing lifestyle.

In the process, impulses to isolate can be mistaken as introvert traits, even by introverts.

Oppressors falsify the nature of trauma-induced isolation to hide it, so people won’t overcome it. Western culture is greatly one of disconnection from nature, community, and self. Thus, much that is alienating seems a given, making isolation in response to trauma all the harder to spot. Oppressors foster alienation because connectivity is power.

The Gifts of Solitude exposes the details of these misrepresentations and alienating “givens,” how they could easily have leaked deeply into your subconscious—whether you’re an introvert or not–and the full extent of their damaging impact.

We will do Faerie ritual to uncover and heal ourselves from these misrepresentations and to strengthen and free ourselves to live however we choose. Celtic and Strega magic have traditionally been used to overcome oppression. The magic of both Strega witchcraft and Celtic shamanism is Fey, in the ancient European witchcraft tradition my mother taught me from birth.

We’ll also discuss how to spot the differences between solitude, isolation as a useful response to trauma, and being stuck in isolation.

Many of us have been pressured to go without time for ourselves. For example, maybe you were shamed and called selfish when you wanted time alone.

During our ritual, you’ll have the chance to see if you’ve been pressured to deprive yourself of solitude.

We’ll look at how you might have internalized this pressure and people-please by forsaking much-needed alone time, during which you would get to, for example, rest, emotionally recover from caretaking of others, and think about your own needs.

We will perform magic that helps you be unaffected by pressure to deny yourself solitude, whether the pressure comes from someone else or is self-inflicted.

We’ll look at the lie that having boundaries negates our love for someone. We will do ritual to heal the wounds that lie has caused.

We’ll see how boundaries help maintain our love and will do ritual that empowers us to follow through on that idea.

Honoring your desire for time to yourself can help make romance, friendship, and an active social life healthy and fulfilling. Otherwise, relationships might be terribly disorienting—a loss of self and one’s core goals. Or relationships feel lonely. Loneliness despite being in a relationship is a horrible experience.

The Gifts of Solitude is a chance to join together ritually in the paradox of community honoring our needs for solitude.

Humans can be wonderfully tribal. We’ll join in sacred ritual circle to joyfully embrace and empower our solitude. Ecstasy!

Experiencing this pleasure strengthens the resolve to create happy relationships that respect solitude.

Enrollment is limited to 16 participants to allow old-style oral tradition, including magic that works powerfully and safely only in a small group. This magic helps immense headway happens quickly. A small group also allows participants to receive individualized attention, should they want that support. This tailors a lesson so you receive the exact help you need.

Instead of this event being a class, we get right down to what’s needed for a deeply transformative ceremony. I teach how to do the rituals. You receive other pivotal information because I go over the ins and outs of solitude, isolation, and related issues. There are opportunities to ask questions. You are free to discuss your situation, so I can create rituals that meet your individual needs.

You also can phone me between meetings if you have concerns that might take too long to address during meetings or that you prefer to discuss privately.

You receive direct spiritual transmissions in every meeting. In other words, you receive blessings that deepen the healing, empowerment, and pleasure you find in the rituals.

You also receive digital talismanic art: an amulet to empower your solitude and move through blocks to it. I painted a piece that I imbued with magic. You receive a digital version of it with instructions on how to use it as an amulet.

Suited to all levels of experience: accessible to newbies, yet adepts experience depth.

This event can be applied as one of the two qualifying electives required for advanced shamanic training.

We meet seven consecutive Wednesdays, 3:00 to 4:00 pacific time, starting Sept 7.

Reserve Wednesday October 26, same time, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned dates.

The class meets by phone. To attend, simply call the event’s phone number, which you receive after enrollment.

Full cost for seven weeks of ritual, direct spiritual transmissions, one-on-one private support, and an original talismanic piece of art is $400. Your carrier might charge you for phone calls into the meetings.

Pay securely with PayPal. Use the Pay Now button below.

If you prefer two monthly payments of $200 each, click the Subscribe button below:

If you do not receive an email confirming your payment within a few days, please check your spam filter and spam mailbox. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a payment plan, trade, or scholarship, or you need additional info about the event, please call me. Upon payment, your place is reserved. Refunds unavailable. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details.

Photo of Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis 2021

Francesca De Grandis is the best-selling author of “Be a Goddess!” Her work couples Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. Raised in a traditional Strega family tradition that has Celtic shamanism in its heritage—the family is originally from France—she practices an ancient European witchcraft that is a form of Fairy shamanism. She has worked professionally as a community shaman for four decades.

The ritual is likely a one-time event. Take advantage of the opportunity.

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Am Wondering Why I Make Amulets to Sell

Am Wondering
Why I Make Amulets to Sell

Making Amulets Is a Spiritual Practice

This post has photos of amulet necklaces I’ve made.

Please note: the words amulet, charm, and talisman have been synonyms for centuries. I use the words that way because it makes sense to me. Nowadays, some folks use the words differently. Long live diversity!

I’ve been wondering why I feel compelled to make amulets to sell.

Crafting them cuts substantial time from my day that I could use to make a lot more money than I make from amulets.

Much as I love—love!—the magical art of creating them, they are labor-intensive.

Each is a work of art so completely different from the others. This means planning a new design for each amulet, which might also require working out new technical challenges. Also, to bless an amulet, I am guided to create a new blessing spell. No point in making charms unless I do the best possible job I can. Part of that for me means exclusively making one-of-a-kind, so that each is the exact amulet to suit one special person. Too much is mass produced today. And I love—love!–the process of making a special, unique charm. So it being labor-intensive is not a problem in itself.

However, very few people that I know would buy one if I charged for all the time it takes to make one, bless it, and find the special components I search for endlessly. So why am I compelled to make them to sell?

Joan Didion said, “I don’t know what I think until I write it down.” So here goes:

I Craft Amulets in Meditation

Almost as soon as I said that I didn’t have time to make more amulets to sell, I started making one.

Then I remembered that making amulets is a spiritual discipline for me and part of my ongoing shamanic journey. Crafting a charm is a meditation that deepens my connection with the Divine and empowers me. So I found the time.

I Craft Amulets in Meditation aka Ritual

For me, making talismans is a spiritual practice. I’m not saying
everyone has to do it that way, or that amulets are effective only if made in a ritual process. We each have to find our own appropriate way, and far be it from me to insist that the most powerful methods for me are right for anyone else.

Crafting Amulets to Serve my Tribe

I work full-time professionally as a shamanic teacher and healer. This means I have wonderful meditative ritual time during the day, e.g., channeling a curriculum or sending someone a long-distance healing.

I find my profession to be a spiritual discipline, part of my ongoing shamanic journey. and an ongoing meditation/ritual that deepens my connection with the Divine and empowers me. So I’m wondering why I still feel compelled to make amulets to sell to people instead of just for myself.

Heh, maybe I just need a little extra money to pay for my addiction to beads.

Or maybe my Gods want me to provide this service for people. My buyers say their purchases created miracles for them. My clients say the same thing about my classes and healings, but not everyone has time for my classes, and some people are particularly drawn to using amulets. Amulets really hum for them.

So perhaps the compulsion I feel to make amulets for my community is instilled in me by my sweet Fairy Gods so that I serve my tribe in this capacity.

And maybe I should find some folks who can and will pay more. That’s something else to ask myself. … No, I like the way it is: I can make talismans for the people dear to me—my students, newsletter subscribers, etc. … and I earn enough to pay for my addiction to beads.

Since I don’t have time to craft many talismans, my newsletter subscribers often receive first shot at purchasing them. Subscribe to my newsletter by clicking the banner below.

Click here for newsletter. Fairy freebies, upcoming events, and stardust.

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment