Money Luck
I believe luck is real and truly magical—not a metaphor or stupid superstition. I also believe the otherworldly and mundane planes weave together. Because the dimensions intertwine, I attract luck when I accept responsibility for my life and don’t blame the world for my problems. This post explains these ideas and details my recent attempt to amp up my money luck. I hope my theories and successes help you attract abundance.
I Believe Luck Is Real
After doing my chart, an astrologer told me I have great money luck.
He was right. The only explanation for my good finances, other than the fact that I work my behind off, is ridiculously good money luck. For one thing, my financial well-being has far surpassed what our society would’ve dictated based on my background, etc. Lady Luck must’ve intervened on my behalf. For another, plenty of folks work hard to no avail.
I’m not saying I’m wealthy. I don’t care about wealth. I’m saying I’m lucky with money.
Anyway, recently I decided to bump my money luck up a notch and wasn’t able to do it. So I brainstormed a lot because I wanted funds for a few truly important things, not trivial luxuries.
I finally thought of something: one way I create luck is by taking responsibility for my life.
I Learned to Tell Myself, “Don’t Blame the World.”
When I was much younger, I often would blame others for my problems or failures. I learned to take responsibility for my life and any problems I cause myself.
However, I realized recently that some part of me still thinks the world owes me a living. I thought I’d gotten past that, but the sentiment remained— maybe not in great measure but enough to, perhaps, interfere with increased money luck.
To be clear, I don’t loll about, expecting the world to take care of me. I’m a responsible person who runs my own business, etc., etc. However, to whatever degree I cling to the idea that the world owes me is the degree to which my money luck is hindered.
It was hard to notice an infantile sensibility was lurking, given my responsible, abundant life. I want to tell you how I nonetheless spotted it.
Someone’s Faults Can Be a Mirror to See My Own
In a society filled with addiction, whether to drugs, alcohol, gambling, overeating, or other things, over the years I’ve met my fair share of folks suffering from addiction. I noticed many of them have absurdly bad luck. One might say their addictions are the result of bad luck ruining their lives, and there is great merit in that theory, but I came to also believe addiction fosters bad luck. Here how that idea came to me:
Our society relentlessly fosters certain poor habits. Most addicts, alcoholics, etc., I’ve met share those habits: they hold on to resentments, sulk, feel like the world owes them, and blame the world for their problems instead of being accountable for their acts that contributed to those problems. I could sense those proclivities created a specific energy—a flow of bad luck. Also, I saw stuff going wrong in their lives that was light years beyond their problems caused by classism (classes delineated by race, gender, finances, or any other excuse to oppress) or sheer accident. It was also far beyond problems that result from one’s misdeeds, such as a car accident from driving when high or a divorce due to emotional abandonment by an addict gone down the rabbit hole of addiction. No, the problems I’m talking about are so bizarrely synchronistic that they must come from an otherworldly source—bad luck.
(Addicts and other individuals with the mindset I’ve described are in my heart. They suffer anguish yet may not know another way to view life yet. They are in no way “lesser” individuals; humans are all greatly flawed.)
If I dwell on a shortcoming in someone, good chance it’s one of my own faults. When my mind repeatedly returned to addicts having one of those prevalent traits I mentioned—thinking the world owes you—even though I didn’t even have any specific addicts in mind, I figured I share the trait, though to a lesser degree.
To whatever degree I think the world owes me is the degree to which I won’t step up to the plate. Since good luck goes hand-in-hand with being responsible, I want to step up to the plate as much as I can. Before saying more about that, here are a few disclaimers.
1) Don’t Beat Yourself Up When Problems Come Your Way
A string of bad luck doesn’t indicate you are lazy and unwilling to do what’s needed in life. Bad luck happens to everyone. Life happens to everyone. A farmer may tend his crops well, but a drought can occur. I try to maximize good luck and minimize bad luck.
Also, I do not blame myself for problems other people cause me.
There’s no need to go overboard when taking responsibility for your problems.
2) You Deserve Support Even During Your Good Times
There’s also no need to go overboard when taking responsibility for your life.
Though I don’t expect the world to take care of me in one sense, I do think society is obligated to take care of someone when they’re down and out.
In a healthy community, people support each other even in good times. We can accomplish great things for ourselves and others, as well as keep our spirits up and whole, if we all take care of each other on a regular basis. That’s different than the expectation that people “owe me;” I strive to be a grown-up contributing to the well-being of my community.
Back to the topic of how to attract money:
Good luck and Being Responsible Go Hand-in-Hand
The idea that taking responsibility creates good luck might seem counterintuitive. For one thing, there is a prevailing notion that luck is a free-floating energy unattached to and uninfluenced by our mundane actions. I believe luck is real and truly magical, but I also believe the otherworldly and mundane planes intertwine.
It also might seem counterintuitive since many people seek luck in lieu of taking responsibility, for example, a person who is overly choosy when looking for a job, despite an obligation to support their household, and insisting there’s a streak of luck coming, then everything will turn out great. (It hurts my heart to see them and theirs suffer.)
Counterintuitive though it may seem, I believe that when I accept responsibility for my life and needs, doing what I can to attain my goals, I attract luck. Again and again, after I stepped up to the plate, doors opened and abundance came, in ways so outrageously synchronistic that they had to be magic.
Courting Lady Luck
This paragraph revisits and expands on some themes of this post to provide immediate context for what comes next: I tried to amp up my money magic and succeeded big time in that I’m earning a living in 2020. I’m immensely grateful for that when so many cannot even buy food, and I couldn’t reach the high financial bar I’d set. I realized the shortfall of luck was caused by thinking the world owes me.
As I meditated on how to shift my attitude, an idea popped into my head: paying off the last of the medical debt I’d been paying down over the years would please Lady Luck. … It seemed less an idea and more a fact. I knew in my gut that if I shifted my perception of myself—seeing myself as a person who could afford to write a check for the last of that debt—I would be that sort of person more. In other words, I would attract more money than ever. Money luck!
I thought seriously before sending the doctor that final amount because it was a lot of money. Though I had the money to send because I am doing okay financially, who knows if the pandemic and economy will allow me to work in a month or two. I thought that, maybe, instead of sending the physician money, I should keep it as part of my emergency fund. He would’ve waited longer. He’s been very patient.
I wrote a check and mailed it, based on the experience that, if I spend on something needed regardless of what I have in the bank, money comes in to cover what I spent. (Often, completely unexpected income manifests immediately.) If I wanted to be the sort of person who can consistently afford to spend the amount I owed the physician, I had to pay him that.
By the way, I doubt this cosmic reimbursement from the universe would work if I gave way to frivolous or compulsive spending. It works if I need something or, after having been frugal, allow myself some luxury.
Despite evidence of cosmic reimbursement, it was a leap of faith to send off that check since it might keep me from maintaining an ample emergency fund. I took the leap because paying off the debt was the only thing I could think to do to move my finances forward. I was already doing everything else I could imagine—developing useful classes and other services, marketing them, performing career success magic, etc. Taking the leap felt vital; as I’ve said, my goal was to cover the cost of some things I really need in my life right now.
Something else was also operating: I am committed to joy. I’m a Pagan. Stagnate energy diminishes my joy. That outstanding debt was stagnation. I trust my Gods will have my back, and They are Pagan to the core. I mentioned having concerns about paying the doctor. They were mostly considerations, not worries. The realization that paying the debt could create greater abundance and the decision to make that payment were exciting, happy, and celebratory. I was thrilled to be moving into a new level of living fully.
Money owed the doctor was my only debt, except for my monthly mortgage. I’m wondering if being debt-free is another way I need to view myself to create bigger money luck. I look forward to finding out.
I Don’t Need a Knight in Shining Armor. I Earn My Own Way.
So there I was, all proud of myself for taking care of the last of that debt. I congratulated myself with “I am my knight in shining armor. I’m an independent woman who does just fine on her own and doesn’t want a romantic relationship. I love my home, my finances are okay,” etc., etc.
Hahahahaha, I got to rest on my laurels for maybe two hours. After a major spiritual step, I sometimes discover there is yet another big step. Argh!
The self-love of pursuing greater prosperity by wrapping up a debt despite the real possibility of needing that money later to fall back on, since the U.S.’s economic situation is terrible, felt like such a major spiritual move. I don’t want to imply that patting myself on the back about making that move was a bad. Celebration is wonderful, we all deserve to celebrate our accomplishments, and congratulating yourself on your spiritual progress is important. Also, my realization that ending the debt would create greater money luck had me giddy with delight. Following through on the realization was fun. However, the celebratory nature of it all was amusing since wrapping up the debt was still insufficient followthrough on my commitment to being responsible for my life.
The money luck I was trying to attract is so big that it apparently demanded even more action. In other words, this degree of money luck demanded more inner shifts about responsibility than I’d anticipated.
For a while, a fabulously sweet, alpha male had been kind of, maybe, oh-so-mildly courting me. (At least, that’s how it seemed to me. I don’t recognize when someone’s pursuing me romantically unless they’re completely obvious.) Suddenly, as soon as I mailed the check, he started outright, indisputably wooing. At which point, I realized he can provide the few material resources I still lack—the very things that motivated me to amp up my money luck so that I might acquire those things.
It gave me the chance to see that some part of me still longs for a man to rescue me from my obligations to myself. Ahahahaha. That old trap is a way to not accept responsibility and, thereby, ward off increased money luck.
I am working on circumventing that trap. Dreaming of a knight in shining armor would syphon off energy from the new money luck. Nope. I’ve been given a chance to affirm my choice to see myself as a person able to earn what’s needed to acquire exactly what my courtier could provide.
Should he and I pursue a relationship further, I want it to be as equals, not alpha and a needy moi. An aside, but an important one, at least to me: the latter scenario would have my head bowed in miserable meekness, lest I offend and thereby am deemed unworthy of that which I desire. No, I want to earn the money to pay for those things myself. The alpha-supplicant scenario would also have my stomach roiling.
In contrast, the idea of equals delights me with visions of riveting conversations (the guy has one of the finest minds I’ve encountered. For decades I’ve said I’d pay good money to live in his brain for an hour), fun meals, warm companionship, and the sweet courtesies we’ve always given each other. I’m 70 years old and don’t want a man in my life unless it’s on my terms. End of aside.
Down at the Crossroads to Make a Deal with the Devil? Bah!
There’s a superstition about going to the crossroads to make a deal with the Devil.
The Devil isn’t at the crossroads. The Goddess Diana is, with Her unending goodness, kindness, and love for us. By Her stands Her Equal, my good, kind, and loving Father.
I go to the crossroads,
stand at this crossroads in my life,
where loving Gods stand with me.
I vow to Them,
“I will take full responsibility for my life”
because the more I do, the better my luck gets.
When I take full responsibility, my Divine Parents are more able to do Their part in sending bounty my way. Meeting your grown-up obligations doesn’t mean going it on your own. It means doing your part and letting the Gods—and your other friends—help. Note the word letting. Part of being responsible is letting other people and the Divine support you.
Lady Luck stands there—Goddess Diana Herself.
So does a Father Who is pure love.
They are ready to grant us great money luck.
So mote it be!