I Become Safe

digital painting & text, Francesca De Grandis

I want utter safety. So I surrender to the will of my God. Doing this puts me in the flow of safety my God provides. My God is the World Tree, so I must surrender to all things. When I surrender to all, I become safe.

You can click on the two wee paintings to see them large and without the blurring that occurs when WordPress shrinks a pic to fit the page.

My art is on sale at http://etsy.me/6biFY9 : talismanic decorations for your body, home, and spirit.



Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Fundraiser—New Book

After Her Winged Silence in the 80s, I vowed to never self-publish again. Hah! I’m doing it once more.

This upcoming book has seen many false starts since the 80s. But they honed the book—honed in on what it was meant to be and honed its words down to the project’s essence.

An early version was even shopped around in the 90s but, right after we sent it out, Publisher’s Weekly declared this sort of book dead. They were wrong, but the article killed my book.

The right book finally emerged, bit by bit.  It will be ready to print in a few weeks. I am indie producing it because it does not fall in line with corporate media.

There will be a limited 1st edition printing, each copy numbered. It will be 50-300 copies, depending on how much money I raise. (I don’t know if I’ll manage a second printing.)

Page count being limited by printing costs caused another eye-opener about what the book was meant to be: I saw I needed to apply my gift as a wordsmith and bard to writing small rich passages, instead of the long ones I first wrote for this project. Once you see the book, you’ll know why it needs succinctness to do its job. (Heh, a little teaser there!)

My hope and vision is an unusual format: a wee saddle-stitched (center-stapled) spiritual text with old-fashioned black and white ornamentations—which I have already painted—throughout its pages.

Whether I use any of the ornamentations depends on whether I receive enough donations, because ornamentation increases page count.

Please make a contribution so this project happens. I need help to pay printing and other publishing costs.

Donate $50. You reserve a numbered copy of this limited first edition printing. Go to www.paypal.com: Use outlawbunny@outlawbunny.com as the Recipients Email.

Donate $100 to reserve two numbered copies of this limited first edition. Plus, I’ll make a talisman channeled especially for you. Go to www.paypal.com: Use outlawbunny@outlawbunny.com as the Recipients Email.

Donate $250 for two early-numbered copies of this limited first edition. Plus a talisman channeled especially for you. I will also paint a digital fantasy portrait of you, or a pet, or a friend, suitable for online viewing as well as for sending to a printer if you want a hard copy. Go to www.paypal.com: Use outlawbunny@outlawbunny.com as the Recipients Email.

Donate $500. Receive two numbered copies, starting with #1, first come first serve. Plus an amulet, digital fantasy portrait, and a copy of The Ecstatic Goddess with a painted cover. Only ten copies of The Ecstatic Goddess—a self-published limited first edition—are still available. The book has a black and white cover, but I painted the cover of four copies. Two books with painted covers are available. This page will say when two people have donated $500, AKA the painted cover option is no longer available. Go to www.paypal.com: Use outlawbunny@outlawbunny.com as the Recipients Email.

Thank you for your support, because I cannot serve my community without my community’s support, Francesca De Grandis

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Trust the Singing in Your Cells


Trust the Singing in Your Cells

 Humans are part of the earth. We too have a permaculture. We can know it authoritatively if we watch our bodies and spirits as patiently and analytically as a farmer watches sky and earth.

Food is a main way we take in nature’s healing gifts. Study your body’s needs. Study its interactions with both good food and pseudo-food. Trust the singing in your cells that wholesome food creates.

The above text is excerpted from an earlier blog, called Dandelion Blossoms: https://www.outlawbunny.com/2012/04/20/dandelion-blossoms/

Graphic: I took a snapshot while preparing dinner, took a screen shot of my typing, then combined them in Procreate. This is pretty primitive, but I believe in using what you have, until (if ever) you have better. Yay! (So I took a photo, even though I am not a photographer.) BTW, I just got Adobe Photoshop, guys. Between that and the fabulous Procreate, I am excited about what I can do now. Hey, just thought of something! Using what you have right now would be part of human permaculture. Heh!

Thanks so much for visiting!

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

I Will Act

I will take tiny action during crisis, to avoid self-pity.

Am overwhelmed bc, as a crip, I cannot manage the massive number of survival things that must be done in a very small number of days. There is no choice about doing them or not, except for the choice to survive or not. Today’s plan: I choose to survive. I will know that as a choice, rather than feeling helpless amidst my crisis. Choosing survival = being pro-active amidst crisis. So instead of succumbing to the overwhelm, I will do one tiny thing at a time, one tiny quantitative act, in compassion for self and others, one tiny thing among all the things needed for survival, then the next tiny thing. Eg make one entry on the list of things to get. Thus I am proactive rather then overwhelmed by everything there is to do. I pray for help to focus on the moment, not the overwhelm or self-pity. God is bigger than all my problems. They are big, I will allow myself my feelings. Then I will remind myself that god is even bigger. I will live in god.

Choosing to survive also means that, today, I will do what is required to be sane and as calm as possible. E.g., Posting this blog makes me happy and more serene. If I let myself be constantly upset—and life will always give you an excuse to feel awful—I will not survive. Stress kills. Besides, when I am calm, I think clearer and get way more done in half the time.

Posted in Spirit, The Whole Thing | 2 Comments

Calligraphing Phaedra

Phaedra, Detail. Calligraphy Handpainted on Silk, by Outlaw Bunny

Phaedra confessed that she has to buy anything with her name on it. I asked, “Does that mean, if I paint your name, you have to buy it?” She said, “Yes!”

So we discussed her budget, which she decided was $60, and you see the result.

I want you to see the pics at their best. When WordPress shrinks a pic to fit the page, it blurs. Please click on the small pics to see em unblurred; it makes a real difference.

Phaedra said to do it however I wanted. That’s awesome from a fellow artist, a true honor. She said she loves doings things this way because, when she give up control, the artist makes whatever they are inspired to make, and it is a surprise for her.

Phaedra, Detail. Calligraphy Handpainted on Silk, by Outlaw Bunny

I did ask for her fave colors, and whether she wanted a digital painting or a painting on cloth. I also inquired if there was anything else she wanted. She told me she likes her name elaborate, and girly in the sense of floral. Which is great for me as an artist, bc I love adding a lot of calligraphic ornamentation that is feminine or nature-oriented, as well as lots of little curlicues and the like. 

I chose to paint on a silk hoop to get maximum ornamentation.

I am happy with how this turned out. The colors I mixed came out well. And I love painting silk, colors become luminous on it.

I want to keep it, I love it, but what would I do with it? It is not my name! Or that of a deity I worship, LOL.

I’m honored by a commission from an artist. For some reason, half my commissions come from artists, which I think is really cool. 

I showed Phaedra the project in its early stages. I don’t always do that, because early stages are often misleading.


Phaedra, here are product details:

Hand painted silk on hoop, 9&1/2” across.

Phaedra, Detail. Calligraphy Handpainted on Silk, by Outlaw Bunny

My original design painted freehand, one-of-a-kind, initialed and dated by artist. 

Hang on wall. Or display a contemporary way: Lean it against a vase. Not for outdoor use. Before shipping, I’ll attach a string to hang it by.

Phaedra, if you are not 100% happy with the project, say the word. I want you to feel really good about buying this. If you do not, I am happy to paint you another or, if you prefer, drop the project.You will not lose a cent.

I even have a tiny bit of leeway in terms of redoing part of the painting. Can’t change a lot without a smeared mess developing, but I can change a bit.  

Just post your decision below. 

To my other guests, if you want to commission your calligraphed name, I would do it in a unique way, in whatever style the Muse guides me as right for you. I am virtually incapable of repeating my designs, so your painting would not look like Phaedra’s. 

Thanks for dropping by, everyone! Do comment to let me know you were here and what you think.

Phaedra, Detail. Calligraphy Handpainted on Silk, by Outlaw Bunny

Phaedra. Calligraphy Handpainted on Silk, by Outlaw Bunny

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music | 6 Comments

Nature’s Wildness Is a Mandala

Nature's Wildness Is a Mandala, detail4, Francesca De GrandisHi, Andy, This wall-hanging is a thank you for doing my taxes. And for your patience with my confusion about navigating tax season. 🙂 

I call the piece “Nature’s Wildness Is a Mandala.” I am happy with how it turned out. (Artist living alone, needing to share her process.) I wanted the spiral to really move, and the vegetation to be wild. And the pink helped make it three-dimensional. 

Nature's Wildness Is a Mandala, Francesca De GrandisIf you know floral German folk art, you’ll see a bit of its influence here. Not that I try to do that style authentically. But a glimmer of its spirit has blessed my own. I grew up with two pieces of floral German folk art in my home. They were my father’s, and among my favorite childhood items. 

I want you to see the pics at their best. When WordPress shrinks a pic to fit the page, it blurs. Please click on the small pics to see em unblurred; it makes a real difference. 

If the painting is not right for your home, no problem, I will sell it and make you another. It is about 20″ X 20.”

Or you could keep it as a possible investment. An Amazon used-book dealer just sold a chapbook I self-published in the 80s. He got $205 for it (plus S&H, LOL!). It was only 64 pages and very funky – old style photocopy! Not that I got any of that $205. My point is that the painting might be an investment. 

Nature's Wildness Is a Mandala, detail7, Francesca De GrandisIt is Initialed and dated by artist. 

An aside, I gotta say: My current art and limited edition stuff barely gets noticed, which is ironic, especially if one compares my awful financial situation with the price that dealer got. And for some reason, people will not buy at that price from the actual author or artist, usually. It is weird. I take solace from the fact that William Blake, brilliant mystic though he was, died a pauper. Despite everything – finances, poor health, etc – I manage to still serve community. My life is weird, spelled W-Y-R-D! 

If it matters to you, I would sell it for $100 or more. 

Nature's Wildness Is a Mandala, detail2, Francesca De GrandisThat is a low price for a painting but that is the market. 

More info on the piece: Some people assume that, because i paint on cloth, i use stencils, patterns, or otherwise am copying. Be clear, this is my own design. Also, it is not, like some cloth art, a variation on something I vary over and over. I am a painter. I just happen to paint my pictures on cloth. 

Frame it, or use it a wall hanging. For the latter, put three loops of thread at the top – one on each end and one in the middle – and stick a pole thru them and hang the pole. 

Here is a picture of it 1/2 way finished. (Artist living alone, needing to share her process.)

 Or hang in a window (sun shines through it. Pretty! Though I bet sun fades it). Would look beautiful stitched to a throw-pillow cover. 

It is a bit hard to let go of, but my home does not have room for all my art. Plus it is important to me that my art be in other people’s homes. For one thing, I bless my artwork, this piece carries a blessing on it. So photos of it are my way of keeping it. 

I will enclose cleaning instructions should you ever need to clean it. 

Here is a picture of it later. Still lots to do though. I was going to add metallic paints, but threw out that idea and went back to original idea: adding several more colors and a good deal more detail. It was risky but fun. I don't want to play it safe, wld rather the project fall on its ass than be only so-so from playing it safe. Besides, if it ain't fun, why bother, it is not as if I will earn big bucks on it.

You can let me know below whether you want it, or email me about it. 

Much love and thanks to you, my fellow traveler of the cosmic spiral!
These are not all great pics. I had to shoot in the shade or wait til fall for diffused light. But check out Etsy feedback: Many of my customers post that my art is way better in person than in its photographs, adding that they’d even loved the photos. (Nice folks!)

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Classes, Books, and Other News, Community, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Artful Moments of Self-Care

Artful Moments of Self-Care

I teach a class called “The Spirituality of Art and the Art of Spirituality.” The most recent group just wrapped up. At its beginning, we each chose an art project that we could finish within the 14 weeks the class ran. My project was to create and execute artful moments of self-care, such as the yummy hand cream I apply at bedtime. I love it. My skin drinks it in as if indulging in pure love. And it truly is a moment, it only takes a few seconds.

I used Procreate—an awesome app—to calligraph over a photograph of a paper cutting I made.

Many of my students take this class to, among other things, become more productive as an artist. I produce plenty of art, I needed to tweak my artful life!

You see, I’m a perfectionist. You never get rid of perfectionism. But I learned to mitigate it and take advantage of it. A trait that used to paralyze me, I learned to use well.

But spirituality and inner growth are often marked by setbacks. Recent stress caused a regression: perfectionism and its accompanying anxiety don’t paralyze me like they once did, but they’re making me push too hard.

I also regressed with self-care; it has not been as good. Thus my art project of self care.

Besides, loving actions heal. Maybe more than anything does. So I felt these moments of love would help me regain the headway I’d made regarding perfectionism.

The other part of my project was to write one single blog about this experience. You’re reading this blog. Writing one blog, and only one blog, was an important piece of the project. I’ll explain that in a bit.

Digital art and paper cutting, Francesca De GrandisOne parameter I gave myself was allowing bit by bit improvements. It was fine if the artful moments were tiny. I constantly over the years have told my students that growth sometimes happens quickly, but usually it is bit by bit, a snail’s pace that they should not think harshly of themselves for. Ah, but practicing what I preach? Perfectionist moi? This art project addressed that. Little bits of care, improving in increments the work of art that is my life, as I regain self-care and develop it better than ever.

Heh, bit by bit improvement is challenging when the perfectionist in me thinks I should be all improved right now, right this second!

Example: I love spending time outdoors. Even a day of challenging work puts me in a great mood if I spend a lot of it outdoors—eating my meals, doing my physical therapy and meditation, working on my writing or artwork, or prepping a class. But I don’t walk out the door near as much as I might. So I gave myself permission to spend sixty seconds outside, instead of all or nothing. That made exiting the house less daunting. I also told myself I did not have to do anything special while out. Just walk out. Yay, tiny- not just small but tiny! And, lovely moments, regardless of their brevity.

Heh, once outside, I often stay out for quite a while.

I allowed myself only one single blog so that I did not get caught up in blogging about artful self-care instead of doing it. I knew it might be hard for me to refrain from ongoing blogging about my process. I love writing!! But sometimes I overdo it.

One solitary blog is also challenging because there is a whole book in this, so I want to go big big bigger, instead of just one one ONE post. But the point of this class is art combined with Spirit, not art about Spirit. At least not to the exclusion of the participant in question having Spirit. Though some people’s art (mine included) tends to be about spiritual matters, and the process of producing art is innately spiritual in itself, one must never mistake the representation of spirituality for actually having spirituality, and one must not be so busy doing art about spirituality that one has no time for spirit.

Here is an example of how preoccupation with documenting artful moments uses up the time to actually have them. I was painting a picture of myself with my cat in my lap. While I was doing this, she kept trying to get into my lap! I know she was telling me to stop depicting it and start doing it. (Mind you, we snuggle a lot. She just wants me to do it more!)

Bear with the following, it might seem a tangent, but it is relevant. I am mostly thought of as an author. People who know me realize that, as hard as I work on writing the best possible books, I’m equally—if not more!—devoted to creating the best possible oral tradition lessons.

Oral tradition is about being, not documentation. It is an invisible part of life. The material I teach orally is oath bound. In other words, it is not shared without dialogue with the teacher, and the teacher’s approval. There are many reasons for this, most of which are outside the scope of this blog. But what’s relevant is: Being oath-bound is not so you can say in a superior air, “Psst! I have a secret.” Anyone who says that loses their secret. No, one point of an oath bound tradition is that, when we move from being into documentation of being, we often lose being. (It is difficult to stick to one’s oath. For example, I’ve often been thought ignorant and lacking power, because I would not document everything I knew and am. But I figure that those who want power instead of words about power will find me. So I continue quietly teaching my small classes, as I have for many years.)

My decision to write only one blog is represents this way of doing things. Few of my artful moments of the past 14 weeks will ever be documented. Nor will the process it took me to achieve them, nor what I learned from that.

I am not naysaying my books; I think they are among the best. It’s just that some ways of being can only be conveyed by…well, by being. In other words, I have to be with my students (I do that by phone mostly, because I only teach face to face once every year or two). In our shared being, all our beings shift, we grow, we fly.

I am so tempted to run from being into writing or into otherwise discussing being. Thank Goddess for oral tradition. Because of it, my life is wonderful.

To wrap up, I will share a few more moments of the 14 week journey. The luxurious hand cream so pleasurable that I decided to wash and lotion my face one night before bed. But it became very uncomfortable physically. It too hard as a crip to maneuver in my small bathroom—I was trying to wash my face in the sink, whereas I usually do it when I’m taking a bath.

I also had to keep my turtle neck shirt on, because my (very crippled) body was not up to the combined stress of navigating the bathroom, removing the turtle neck, washing my face, then putting the turtle neck back on. Gotta tell ya, washing my face while wearing a T-neck did not feel good.

And my pierced earring caught in the middle of doing all this. Message from universe: My attempt at self-care was small, but not small enough. I needed to make the artful moments even tinier. And that was my goal, the tiniest artful moments, for me who does everything big and who pushes too hard even with self-care.

I decided I would stick with washing my face when I am in the bath, even though that is sometimes not often enough bc of illness. But washing my face in tub is doable.

And I was reminded that the tiniest delights—if I am not anxious about them being too small—often expand within me. I do not mean expand in the sense of my adding more time to the pursuit of delight (though that might happen too, yay!), but in terms of how immense the pleasure becomes, it expands within!

Finally, let me share one more victory. I made the huge effort of a making a shepherd’s pie just for myself. That is a lot of work, I’d always felt that it was too much to do just for me.

But my pie, yum, it had beef tongue, walking onions, and horseradish blossoms.

Plus, I did not take a pic or even twt about, just held the energy, instead of giving it away. I was so proud of myself for that. Okay, I am blogging about it now, but now it is part of my one single blog, so it is permitted.

I do realize that sharing about what you have done can augment your experience. But other times, it dissipates the afterglow.

I tell myself “Self care can be invisible. Be at peace with that.”

Strength (self-portrait). Available as a limited first edition print. For more info, click on the picture.

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

God, Depression, a Magic Cat

God, Depression, a Magic Cat
For me, spirituality is not a luxury, I need it to survive.

Without God, my depression would be god, as would the world, in all its awfulness determining my fate, creating the whole of my inner and outer realms.

God relieves my futility by sending me a magic cat who, when I stroke its fur, gives me the will to live. 

God gives me another world that fills me with stardust, and Faerie powers that tickle my soul.

God sends me friends whose capacity for joy matches my own, so they lift me up out of my depression into my own heights. God sends me friends whose brilliant minds match my own, so we can run around in each other’s brains, getting high and almost frantically delighted like kids on sugar in a candy shop. 

Storyteller, Francesca De Grandis. For info about a limited first-edition print of this painting, click on it.

God sends me people to serve as a shaman and human being. To do so, I must, during that time, be in the real, not subject to society’s exclusion of everything but self-serving pettiness and dominance. No, during our work, I must move into the real. There, I can fly, I get to fly with the people I am serving, we can fly together in joy and utter certainty of life’s gorgeous meaning. 

God opens my eyes to ever-present beauty and sexiness and goodness in nature and in people. God plays tricks on me, so I laugh myself out of miserable self-absorption. 

Without God, my depression would be god, as would the world’s terrible truths. Nothing I am saying is a statement that, unless you believe in God, you are doomed. I am only talking about me. And, for me, God is not a luxury, my spiritual practices cannot be something “I have no time for, I am too busy just surviving,” because without God I will not have the will to survive.

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , | 14 Comments

What Constitutes Surrender?

A Few Thoughts on What Constitutes Surrender

The World Tree Takes Care of Me, Francesca De Grandis, 2012

Even for someone on the ecstatic path, it is mistake to think that surrendering to the Divine – utter immersion in the World Tree – is always an emotive moment with mystical elements. Often, surrender to the World Tree – being fully in the moment – means taking dry quantitative action, applying one of the spiritual  disciplines that may not be appealing. I am not suggesting harmful pseudo-surrender. For example, thinking oneself bad for wanting a happy romance or good sex or a satisfying career, and trying to eradicate these healthy desires, is not surrender, it is self-abuse.

The disciplines I am suggesting are too numerous to list here, but a few are:
– Looking into oneself to see where one is not the amazingly spiritual person one identities as. No self-flagellation, no invention of errors that did not happen. Just a simple appraisal of where one, right this minute, or this very day, is falling down on the job of being the kind (or thoughtful, or generous, or otherwise good to others) person one thinks oneself to be. 
 – Asking Divinity what it wants one to do right this second. Then getting quiet enough to hear an answer. Then doing what is asked. There is also the question of what the Divine wants of you over the longterm, but surrender in the immediate moment is sometimes a less spectacular experience, and the surrender that feels less glorious is the point of this musing.   
– Allowing oneself to walk away for one minute (or one hour) from work, from worry, from crisis – no matter how serious a problem – to take care of oneself, eg by taking a nap or eating one’s lunch. 
– Allowing oneself to walk away for one minute (or one hour) from work, from worry, from crisis – no matter how serious a problem – to ask Divinity for guidance.

These are examples of quiet surrenders without which the ecstatic path becomes a drug and leads to a miserable contracted state. But with these quantitative disciplines, we move toward gut experiences of Divine beauty, we find ecstatic interconnection with all the Cosmos, we achieve self-hood and self-expression, and we are filled with power to follow our dreams.

Pursuing these disciplines does not invalidate the joyfully emotive moments of surrender I mention earlier. It is only when we mistake these moments as all the surrender needed that we find trouble. 

Nor should we think emotive moments of surrender always must feel the same to be “authentic.” These moments can greatly vary. They might be transcendent, ribald, peaceful, or ecstatic, or all four, or might be something else altogether. Do not tell yourself these moments must feel one way or another, let them be what they are, surrender to them.  Surrender means being in the moment.

Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | 8 Comments

An Economy Based in Love & Service

2015 Update: A revised version of this essay is in my new book, which is titled

A Sacred Marketplace:
Sell without Selling Out or Burning Out.
Mysticism + Marketing = Sales.


An Economy Based in Love and Service

Someone who does work they love in an alternative field—work they feel is needed in the community—should be paid fairly. Herbalist, craftsperson, psychic, shaman, doula, political activist . . . The work of choice might be in a spiritual, creative, political, or other field.

Dentalia shells were currency in ancient California. Malcolm Margolin wrote that shamans there would imagine sweeping up huge piles of dentalia earned in their shamanic “careers.” This visualization was actually part of their training.

But today many people think loving service and money are innately at odds. They scold anyone in alternative careers for not doing all their work for free or at such a low cost that they cannot live on it. However, the logical conclusion of that is frightening! Unless our economy is about doing paid work we love for people we love, we are stuck in a business world where many people do jobs they hate for people they hate. A marketplace based in paid loving service can thrive and save mother earth.

This can work if we know when to work for free, and to otherwise have love and money both honored in appropriate ways. I DO a lot for free and for low cost. I also charge high prices for other work. There is room – – and need – – to give your gift for free.  No question about it. And you may have certain things you only do for free. That may be right too. That is part of life.

As to EXCHANGING services or goods, it is wonderful. I do it when I can. But, again, some people insist people with alternative careers should always accept a trade. Fact is, trade is just another form of currency. I have a limited amount of energy. I need money to pay for things like a roof over my head. If I trade for all my services and goods, I will not have energy to earn money to pay for housing and the like. So I accept trade when I can, especially when someone cannot afford otherwise.

It seems that many folks who insist that, in a truly alternative culture, we ALWAYS accept trade, are folks with enough money to afford it. In which case, trade becomes part of a class-based economy!

Trade is not a substitute for money yet. When all the economy is trade, that will be another story. But, as I said, a trade-based marketplace could still be class-based, so trade alone is not a solution. It must go hand in hand with the idea that loving service should merit a respectable fee. The argument that, in a progressive economy, we always accept a trade lacks logic: Currently, the logical result of accepting all trade, for most folks, is to be homeless and hungry. That is not a spiritual outcome. 🙂 Folks who insist on it can often afford high prices for cars, computers, etc., but won’t pay that for spiritual support, hand-crafted goods, or other alternative services. Hmm, what altar do they worship at?  Dentalia (aka money) was a form of respect for a shaman’s help. Giving money in some situations = giving respect and love. Uh–huh.

What is a reasonable fee? That question leads to “What is a reasonable net income?,” which leads to “What income amounts to bounty?” Thorough answers are outside the bounds of this essay, but the following points are relevant. Matthew Fox says, there is enough for everyone to live bountifully, as long as no one is greedy. Some standards of living are just plain old greedy, and create an economy in which one person is wealthy while others go poor. A sane standard of living is needed by anyone who wants to earn their livelihood in an alternative service career.

Many steps along my career path, when trying to do what my Gods asked of me, I had to forsake the profitable to be of more service. I never said, “I will be poor,” but I chose to risk it to be of maximum service. I believe this risk is important. If we put money above service, we become trapped by money. And because of my risks, I have gotten to do the work I love and be of service. I can look back at a long life to say I have had an amazing adventure this lifetime.

Mind you, a risk is just that: a risk. But serious fallout can happen no matter what choices you make. Equally important, my commitment to service helped me triumph over any problems that did arise.

Let me be clear, putting service first is not the same as being a doormat or forsaking your reasonable payment because someone uses the idea of service to guilt trip or otherwise manipulate you. Service coming first is also not the same as being free of charge for every person who cannot afford you, if more approach you than you can manage. You only have so many hours in the day, so may have to learn to make difficult and perhaps painful decisions about how much you can do for free without burning out and, hence, being of no use to anyone!

Being paid = I could work full time using a gift that Spirit said I was to use full time. I was given a shamanic gift that has saved lives, made other lives worth living. I’ve helped trauma survivors. Many happy high-functioning leaders do what they do a lot better because of my lessons, and thus they are able to be of greater service, which means my being paid dominoes into yet more service being done.

We can build an economy where things done for free are honored, and where trade is pivotal because it is used appropriately. But we also need to build an economy of paid loving service. Remember the shaman’s dentalia. Money and love can be in union. We can thrive financially and spiritually. Let go of conflict. Be in the union of all things. ALL things.

copyright FDG 2010, 2015. All contents of this site are copyright FDG


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