“Francesca emannates healing energy. She can’t even help it, it’s her. There’s an awesomely deep love within her that heals people.” William Michaels“My life just seems to go better when I’m taking one of your classes! <3” Shauna Farabaugh“My experience studying with you has been life-changing. I don’t have words adequate to thank you. ... One of the most deeply meaningful experiences of my life.” Melissa“She helped me through the loss of my first child and continued to help me find peace and joy in my life outside of the dream of being a mother. ... I continued to work with Francesca [which] finally led me to be able to conceive again and give birth to a healthy beautiful daughter.“ Jenn Campus“If you’ve not yet taken one of Francesca’s classes or read one of her books, do it. Do it now. Make it a priority. Even if you think you know everything, and maybe especially then. #wow #mindblown” Matt“I am truly blown away at how much I was able to resolve and heal. For me, working with Francesca is like having years and years of mucky, creative blocks just gently dissolved over a matter of weeks. ... All of my encounters with Francesca lead to expansive growth and progress. Francesca is a remarkable gift to this world.” Chad Woodward“The transmission was so good it was seriously ridiculous! Within a few days, I got a job, a new truck for the exact amount I’d wanted to pay, and sold our old truck without even trying.” Julia“The essence and heart of magic is what we’re doing whenever you are teaching.“ Rebecca Brown“It has been an amazing course. ... I will be returning to all the lessons again and again I’m certain. ... Thanks for your willingness to share things which are clearly so close to your heart.” David Moseley
“I so want the good and increasingly oppressed hearts among us to take just a step—just one—onto the path you offer and into the presence of the way you hold yourself, Francesca. That path and your essence will enfold them with not just the promise of peace but the living presence of it, deep as the inner earth, vast as the starry heavens.”—Rebecca“Huge positive repercussions. During the transmission, everything changed, nothing was the same. A lot of it can’t be verbalized. ... There are loops we get into, and your material breaks the loops. I pick up energy from you, and it gets me back into my practices. You are on a path and are moving energy and making things happen on a multileveled reality that is creative. I need help with that sometimes. You give it.”—Holly Soutar“A subtle but profound experience. ... It really helped me to re-find my spiritual center, slow down and enjoy learning to focus on things as they come into my life. The slow down was exactly what my spirit needed to process a year that had been filled with an incredible amount of chaos.”—Kestril“I suffer from seasonal affective disorder, and Jan is the worst month for me. Francesca‘s spiritual transmissions, this past Jan, really helped me to feel more energetic and enthusiastic and to be much more productive.”—Barbara“Whenever we speak I come away with a serenity and spiritual peace, regardless of what we talk about.”—Thomas Byrnes“Francesca healed my warts. What more can I say? ?”—Meaux“I have always found it difficult to get into a trance state of healing, but you have (many times) helped me via telephone, which I would not have believed possible. You are a truly magical healer; your warm, calming voice and your wisdom have helped me thru some very difficult times.”—Thomas Byrnes“I got sober. I lost 130 lbs. I am a different person. When I look back at what helped me more than anything else, it was Francesca’s Third Road training. It’s changed my life in so many beautiful ways. Thank you, Francesca, for everything!”—Stephanie McGrath“Our work together was really helpful to me, thanks for all the hard work you must have done to earn that level of skill and blessedness.”—Greg“It has been awhile since our session, and I still appreciate the work we did, because it jump started an art career. ... During our hour session, I never thought the outcome would be like this. It’s so hard to describe what you do, it is unusual, the weirdest psychic reading I’ve ever had. You are awesome.”—Meghan“Your classes sneak up on me. My husband will ask, “How did class go today?” and I’ll answer, “Oh, it was ok,” but then later I see the lesson moved a mountain. The work is so gentle I think it won’t take me anywhere, then it takes me all the way.”—Maggie Frances P.“Now I have an artist’s website that is mine, and I’ve started to make jewelry. I’m doing all kinds of creative work and it joyously surprises the heck out of me. Thank you, thank you Francesca!”—Meghan“I’ve gone to many different “spiritual advisors” and gotten lots of junk. Everything I got from you was pure quality and I truly appreciate it.”—Cathy
“Hey, Francesca! The transmission I received from you a couple of years ago helped heal a gallbladder issue I’d had for years! I was told I’d need surgery, and was in pain, but not anymore! Love you.”—Sandra“I think many people come to study with you, not because of any particular label or denomination, but because of you. I wanted to study with you because of who you are: compassionate, powerful, silly, creative, talented, and empowering. I really never cared much about what lineage your tradition came from. My work with you helped me through a pivotal time in my life and gave me personal and spiritual tools to live a good life.”—Kathleen Marshall“The transmission you did for me ... benefited me more than I expected! I am genuinely in a much more secure better-feeling place than I was in a matter of a couple of months. I went from high anxiety to a deep abiding feeling of peace, but without really understanding what happened LOL – It was like it was magic. ?” —Adam Busch“The transmission was… well… magick! I felt a boost in my emotions as well as my sense of prosperity! I experienced physical and emotional releases. My awareness moved further back and I could see a bigger picture.”—Eric DunnLoving, powerful, and most importantly, a SAFE spiritual teacher ... always turning me back to myself, to my own deep knowing.—SheaIt was an eye opener, I’ve grown in ways I didn’t know were possible and I was so grateful to be able to work with her!—Catherine MillsNewsletter
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Category Archives: Spirit
An Urban Shaman’s Walking Meditation
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Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Community, Spirit, The Whole Thing
Claiming Power Arm-in-Arm
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New Event: Ongoing Effective Magical Support
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Three Forest Paths Meet: Goddess Diana’s Trivia Crossroads
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Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing
Abundantly Well and a Tribe of Kindred Spirits
Life heals me. So does joy. A tribe instead of an outcast. Fruitful rebellion, practical Shamanism, diversity, and a review of Susun Weed’s latest book Continue reading
Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Classes, Books, and Other News, Spirit, The Whole Thing
Tagged Abundantly Well, book, community, Francesca De Grandis, goddess, goose chase, healing, Kindred Spirit, like-minded, review, Seven Medicines, shaman, shamanism, Susun Weed, tribe, wild, wild child
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Fairy Witches, Neurodiversity, and Taking Pride in Yourself
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Happy Mental Meanderings
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Wandering Holy
City Magic / Urban Nomad Ritual / Shamanic Quest / Fairy Ancestors Continue reading
Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit
Tagged ancestors, city, fairy, Francesca De Grandis, magic, nomad, quest, ritual, shamanic, Urban
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My Trickster Security Blanket
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Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Community, Spirit, The Whole Thing
Tagged chaos magic, Fool, Francesca De Grandis, harlequin, magic, prosperity, rabbit, trickster, unlimited potential