Power, Wealth, Amulets, Community
We can be happy, free, prosperous, and whole
when we strive toward these goals with each other.
Money Magic
I love being a witch.
One of my longtime students had a temporary downward financial shift so couldn’t afford my upcoming Fairy Shamanism class. I asked, “If I do a spell that the money for the course comes to you, and the spell succeeds, will you enroll?”
She said yes. Within a few days I received an enrollment payment.
When I help other people succeed, it feeds my success!
If the only thing between you and my upcoming class is money, and you want me to do the spell for you that I did for the aforementioned student, call me at the number below. Before I do the spell, we need to talk briefly by phone.

Powerful Does Not Mean You Are Alone
The student for whom I did the money spell does excellent money magic. We all need help sometimes. My money magic is great, but occasionally I ask a friend to do a prosperity spell for me.
I read somewhere that a lot of people support women to become powerful until they become powerful. Truth!
I try to create Shamanic courses that not only help people find power, joy, wealth, and the ability to be of maximum service, but also help them maintain these gifts. This mindset is crucial to moving forward as a society.
To receive notice of new classes, click here for a subscription to my newsletter.
Movements to give everyone power often fail because, as soon as some community members have power, they ally with oppressors. But another reason for failure is that many community members attack anyone who has managed to get a leg up. I try to build a community that supports its members through their struggles and victories.
The American Lone Hero Archetype
Is Tailored to Isolate You
Many Americans think that no one understands them and that they’re struggling all alone. This feeling is strengthened by half of Hollywood movies. In such films, the hero is misunderstood; no one sees their strength, honor, or skills. Whether it takes place in high school or later in life, the protagonist is miserable and mocked until, at the film’s end, the protagonist saves the day for everyone. Then the entire cast recognizes that the lead character is amazing.
These films brainwash people into isolation. The scripts are so prevalent and successful because the majority of viewers identify with the sad hero. And the fact is, perhaps we were isolated as youths, mocked and otherwise punished for our unusual talents. However, the world is filled with unusual talented, brilliant people who can recognize each other if they try. Operative word try. Then, when we work together, it is joy and creates success.
Avoid Harmful Advice from
“Self-Made” Entrepreneurs
Many individuals whose parents gave them huge sums of money to start a business will insist everyone needs to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Don’t listen. They are not building power arm-and-arm with community members. They are building strength for a ruling class. Their advice is meant to shame you. Why? It is a strategy: Shame can preoccupy you, thus distracting you from noticing systemic oppression.
It is likely that everyone has to struggle and work strenuously to succeed. Life is hard (even though it’s also beautiful). Everyone probably faces awful struggles and pain. Everyone probably has to either work hard or fail at goals. However, most people raised with wealth ignore the immense obstacles that only less advantaged individuals face.
Often, supposed self-made entrepreneurs speak of their supposed challenges by appropriating stories from those who had to fight systemic oppression tooth and nail for what they got.
Fake rag-to-riches narratives reinforce systemic oppression, trying to gaslight oppressed communities into thinking that they don’t work hard enough. Don’t be shamed. Don’t be taken in by someone’s announcement that getting their amazing new gig was a great struggle, when they’re not admitting that their dad was in a fraternity with their new boss. Again, there are degrees of struggle and types of struggle. Whatever emotional, spiritual, societal, or magical struggles anyone went through, I welcome them to tell me about those struggles, yes, as long as they honor mine, including struggles I overcame that they never had to face.
False prophets are not including me in their community by sharing false teachings. They are reinforcing hierarchy.
Wealth is possible for everyone in a fair game. Here’s how I create abundance despite a rigged game:
1) My Goddess-given talent for magic helps create my financial and other success.
2) I find financial and other success by listening to wisdom from my Goddess. It often comes via advice from down-to-earth friends. My students are among those friends. We are all in this together. If you come from wealth and long for community instead of hierarchy, join us. You are truly welcome.
Mourning the Loss of Community Members
As mentioned, oppressive structures are not the only obstacles to success. Sometimes in-fighting is the problem.
For example, there is only one time that I lose a lot of newsletter subscribers. It is when I express especially unapologetic joy, hope, confidence, or power in a newsletter. Then a good number of people cancel their subscriptions.
It is an interesting phenomenon. I hope my theories about why it happens are wrong. However, I imagine that most cancellations are by oppressed people not supporting other oppressed people who get ahead.
It makes me sad because it means fewer people shoulder to shoulder with me. Less people to support me and fewer people that I can help improve their lives. But it’s not going to stop me. My Shamanic students not only work toward freedom, joy, confidence, power, and the ability to be of service, they also support each other and me when any of us reaches a new level with those goals.

Emma Goldman, Feminist (1869-1940): At the dances I was one of the most untiring and gayest. … A young boy, took me aside. With a grave face, as if he were about to announce the death of a dear comrade, he whispered to me that it did not behoove an agitator to dance… My frivolity would only hurt the Cause. I grew furious at the impudent interference of the boy. I told him to mind his own business, I was tired of having the Cause constantly thrown into my face. I did not believe that a Cause which stood for a beautiful ideal, for anarchism, for release and freedom from conventions and prejudice, … should demand the denial of life and joy. . . If it meant that, I did not want it. …. I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everybody’s right to beautiful, radiant things. Anarchism meant that to me, and I would live it in spite of the whole world—prisons, persecution, everything. Yes, even in spite of the condemnation of my own comrades I would live my beautiful ideal. From Dances with Feminists by Alix Kates Shulman

Mourning the Loss of Other Community Members
I also have mourned the loss of community members who are privileged and consistently chose to oppress instead of being in union with the larger whole. I experienced great sadness because their choice means fewer people to support me and fewer that I can support.
I also mourn them in compassion because I do not believe they are happy. I have seen how their greed exhausts them and fulfills only momentarily. Then it grows to become even more exhausting. Greed endlessly accelerates until it steals all of the selfish person’s time, energy, and joy
One way I heal my sadness about them is to remind myself that, in their way, they are still part of a larger whole and exactly where they need to be on their paths.
Apologies for Breathing
Back to unapologetic living:
Never apologize for joy, hope, confidence, or power. Apologizing diminishes your joy, hope, confidence, and power. People who have suffered immense oppression might apologize for even breathing.
I am trying to stop apologizing. Sometimes, apologies are subtle. For example, I might list a lot of pain that occurred en route to a victory. If I make that list because it might help someone, that’s good. But if I’m making it so that no one attacks me, no.
Self-Examination and Magic
I examine myself to see if I desert or otherwise punish a friend who gets ahead. I ask myself the following questions. Some of them address bad attitudes I used to have, and I want to avoid their return. Others were aimed at me, which was painful, and I don’t want to inflict that pain on anyone.
Am I assuming someone’s struggle wasn’t as great as mine, and that’s why they could succeed?
Do I assume they succeeded because they didn’t have to overcome the terrors that I face?
Do I assume they didn’t have to overcome the internalized oppression that haunts me?
If their struggles and depths are not apparent, do I assume they don’t exist?
Do I think their focus on hope and solutions proves they are shallow?
Checking in by asking myself these questions frees me from bitterness, self-defeating beliefs, and obsession about other people’s lives.
Thus free, I can focus on gaining power and helping others do the same. Thus free, my magic flows truer, more powerfully, and safer.
My Vow as a Fairy Witch Teacher
The following vow embodies my commitment to success for us all when it comes to my classes.
Whether a person is facing powerlessness and tragedy,
or someone is on top of the world and wants even greater success,
I provide magic lessons that help them have—and maintain—
freedom, joy, confidence, power, money,
and the ability to be of maximum service.
To adapt that vow for other parts of my life, I replace “I provide magic lessons that help them …” with “I give support that helps them …”.
Supporting Friends During Trauma
Stress can bring out our best and our worst. Considering the state of the world, more than ever I need to remain compassionate when people are not nice. I pray, “Gods, please help me remain compassionate to everyone, including me.”
Compassion and Boundaries
Compassion for myself includes making a boundary when needed. I do not have to be support every single second. Other people can pick up the slack. It takes a village!
Compassion does not mean I have to accept abuse. Compassion does mean that I don’t always have to respond in kind. Recently, I was talking to someone with whom I was mildly acquainted. It was an amiable phone call until suddenly I was attacked. It felt awful to have someone unexpectedly light into me.
I am proud that I responded kindly, while also taking care of myself because I have worked hard to be able to do that. I remained supportive while also maintaining boundaries: I said in a gentle, calm voice, “I need to get off the phone now. Bye. Take care.” And I will never get on the phone with that person again (unless they recognize the harm they did so that they can take action to not repeat it).
My Prayer to
Remain Whole, Happy, and of Service
During Hard Times
You are all things and the union of all things.
Help me create union and live in union.
You are everything and thus have all power.
So I know You can help me do anything.
You are the love at the center of the atom
and throughout the atom.
Help me find Your love in my every atom
and express love with my every atom.
So mote it be!

I turn to the Goddess repeatedly, including saying the above prayer and acting in the spirit of it. Focusing on Her is so empowering that oppressors systematically try to erase Her, Her power, and ways to access it.
A benefit of teaching courses rooted in the Goddess spirituality is that every class I teach roots me in Her loving power, which makes me happy, free, prosperous, and whole.
However, you don’t have to teach Goddess spirituality for that to happen. Any act of service—driving an elderly neighbor to the grocery store, detangling a child’s knotted hair—roots you in Her loving empowerment.
Finding Ways to Support Each Other
I’m giving a lot of thought to more ways I can support my community members, to help keep us all gaining power together.
Looking at some ways I do this gave me ideas about more ways. Maybe it will give you ideas, too:
I mentioned my classes, but also a students in one of my courses will usually receive a digital talisman I paint, if not several. And I add my witch art to class handouts, to bless them. I am happy I can give my students detailed, high quality, digital pieces.
I bless my blogs with art I create, like the art in this post. Unfortunately, the site requires small files aka deterioration of the image to avoid a long load time for site visitors. That makes the opportunity to send high-quality art to my students all the more precious to me.
My digital books include my art, to enlarge their magic.
I offer scholarships, partial scholarships, and trades for most of my events. A community based on who can afford to join is a hierarchy, not a community.
I lead free online rituals. To receive notice, subscribe to my newsletter here.
I gift magical freebies to subscribers.
I write blogs on magic. Speaking of digital talismans: Check out the ones in my blog, Moon Mandalas, Amulets, and Talismans. The blog explains how to use them for peace, healing, power, self-acceptance, being in the moment, and other blessings.
I chose to be a professional Shaman. Earning my living as a Shaman allows me to focus on using my exceptional magical skills to be of service all week long instead of trying to cram it in during my off hours. (I am not suggesting that anyone is obligated to use their magical skills professionally. Nor am I suggesting that individuals who work in “non-service” occupations do not serve community during their workday. Nor am I suggesting that cramming in service during off hours is wrong; it is admirable.)
It is important, especially now, for me to keep questing for ways to weave my growth with other people’s. Here’s a bit more of that quest:
Contemplating Power, Peace, Wealth, and Service
The following photo shows an amulet necklace I made for myself this month (Jan 2025). I titled it Power, Peace, Wealth, Service.

Making a talisman necklace is a contemplative Shamanic journey that helps me grow. I mostly make talismanic necklaces for myself, and sometimes as gifts to friends. I do not make many to sell because I’m not set up to sell much product (aside from digital books).
However, the initial contemplation on the Power, Peace, Wealth, Service amulet led to making two necklaces simultaneously, one for me and one to sell. This is yet another way to embody us all gaining power together.
I titled both necklaces Power, Peace, Wealth, Service. It is unusual for me to give two talisman necklaces the same name.
Here they are together:

Selling this one instead of giving it away embodies claiming my power while fostering someone else’s. Mind you, when I gift someone a talisman, I claim my power while fostering someone else’s. But selling a necklace represents a balance in which I remind myself that I deserve to be paid when appropriate. And that payment helps me continue my Shamanic community work.
Weaving the two necklaces alongside each other permitted contemplation on empowering a whole tribe. Making necklaces as a meditative Shamanic practice helps make these amulets powerful.
The second necklace is for someone who, like me, is committed to gaining power alongside tribe.
A Talisman for
Power, Peace, Wealth, Honesty, and Service
Like the one I made for myself, the second necklace draws power, peace, and wealth if its owner serves community and is prone to examining themself for shortcomings and admitting them.
Otherwise, the necklace’s magic might be destructive to the wearer: I am not trying to guilt trip anyone; it is false egalitarianism to insist that all magics suit all people.
Fairytales abound with examples of amulets wreaking havoc because individuals who were not the right people to use them did so anyway. Mindset is important to magic.
However, these talismans do nurture your ability to examine yourself for shortcomings, admit them, and serve community.
The talismans will also center their wearers into the insights, inner strengths, and outer routes to power, peace, and wealth.
These Talismans’ Components
The pendants on both necklaces are the gemstone Pietersite. When I channeled information about it, the Fairy Queen showed me that it is a fierce and Fey stone. She explained it is a specific Feyness and fierceness that demand the self-honesty, etc., that I discussed above, or it causes harm to its user and others.
The two necklaces have different designs and components because they’re for two different people.

Let’s bypass the rest of the components for the necklace I’m keeping. Here are the rest of the components for the available necklace:
The necklace, with a few enchanted exceptions that I will mention momentarily, has glass designer beads. Some, if not all, are Czechoslovakian.
Another ingredient is the hours I spend hunting for perfect beads. That adds magic. Plus, when designing a talisman necklace for a particular pendant and specific magics, I often have the perfect beads at hand.
I even hunt for perfect tiny beads. Wee bits of glass that have been etched, given patinas, or are subtly multicolored can appear otherworldly. (For example, they might look weathered.) That suits my designs. Some wee beads have subtleties that are hard to see unless examined closely, but they augment my necklaces’ designs and magical energies.

There are also two carved horn beads, one about halfway up on one side, and one higher up on the other side. They invoke the fierce wild magic of Herne and Elen, God and Goddess of the forest.
The beads are woven onto waxed linen cord, and the necklace is a Boho length. While weaving, I contemplated community power.
Along with blessings that I wove into the necklace while planning and weaving it, I blessed the amulet in an additional Faerie rite.
I do not repeat my designs, possibly made only one amulet necklace to sell last year, and sold all the ones made previously (unless my recent move made me overlook a few remaining items).
This talisman is for one buyer who thinks, “This is mine.” if you’re unsure because, as I said, I am unable to post high quality images here, let me know, and I will send you beautiful versions of the talismans photos.

How to Buy This Talisman
Click the payment button below to pay securely through PayPal. The cost is $150 plus $12 shipping. I ship only to U.S. non-military addresses.
If someone buys the necklace, I will update this post to reflect that.