New Faerie Shamanism Class

Fairy Nomad Magic: A New Course in Traditional Witchcraft

Fairy Nomad Magic:
A New Course
in Traditional Witchcraft

Cast Unusual Spells
to Be a Free Spirit and Reach Life Goals

Whether you roam or stay home, this class is yours. Nomads symbolize free spirits, self-realization, and the ability to live as you choose. The nomadic spirit is part of being human.

In the Fairy Nomad Magic three-month course:

* Your sweet, sacred wildness is empowered, even if you remain a happy homebody.

* You learn nomadic mysticism that creates prosperity and all other blessings, whether you hit the road or not.

* Unusual magical spells are revealed—rituals that can make all the difference in your life.

The Powers of a Happy Wanderer
Have Been Obscured

I believe nomadic cultures embody specific strengths that are less developed in settled cultures. I have always had some of these powers, have claimed more of them, and now will teach as many of them as I can pack into these lessons.

I believe Shamanic nomadic culture fostered these powers in some ancient nomadic tribes. And that recorded history retains only remnants of Shamanic nomadic cultures that included large bodies of rituals, sophisticated wisdom, and lore.

Unusual Magic Spells
that Are Missing Pieces of the Puzzle

My heart, DNA, and common sense always told me that settled civilizations lack crucial rituals, wisdoms, and other Shamanic culture. I needed these missing pieces of Shamanism to successfully navigate life and knew they had to have been in ancient nomadic culture. I cannot prove that, but new archaeological finds usually validate beliefs that stem from inspiration.

I invoked ancient nomadic Shamans to help me channel the missing material—Fairy nomads rituals, wisdom, and other Shamanic nomad culture. This unusual material probably has the missing pieces you need for effectiveness, wholeness, prosperity, and other important goals.

Shamanic Nomadic Culture and
Baba Yaga’s Wandering Hut

There is good reason some people dream of hitting the road, living off their wits, and going with the flow.

The highways and byways symbolize untold wonders and triumphs—like the Fey enchantments you’ll learn in this course and the triumphs they will give you.

A bit of Gandalf’s adventurousness is in everyone, including people who happily remain in one place. Baba Yaga’s wandering hut resonates in many a Witch’s heart. Travel between the worlds with me to
* Discover a nomadic style of flexibility that is a magical spell for everything you desire.
* Experience visions that you need right now.
* Learn a Nomadic mindset that helps you travel light instead of carrying excess emotional, psychic, and spiritual baggage.
* Be a happy wanderer who discovers pleasure and adventure whether on the road, in a settled location, or between the worlds.

The open road symbolizes other wonders too. Keep reading.

Be Feral, Happy, and Magic like a Cat

Here are more wonders that the Fairy Nomad Magic class explores:

* Your primal, ferocious intelligence. You came into life as a wise wild child. Society often suppresses that energy. We will nurture it. The wild child’s feral wisdom, savvy joy, and simple magic free you to do what you want.

* Nomadic creativity. I believe some nomadic cultures have specific creative approaches. They help you form creative solutions to seemingly insurmountable dilemmas and brainstorm about how to be serene and prosperous in your life journey.

* Mystical adventures that lead you to your deepest truths. I will be your fellow traveler and guide.
I noticed a hidden path. It led to a Fairy realm. A dragon shared his treasure with me.

Francesca De Grandis 1997 photo by Susanne Kaspar

In addition to the benefits already described in this post, the unusual shamanic material helps you:
* Overcome stress, trauma, and oppression.
* Stop feeling stuck, befuddled, and overwhelmed as you drift in mind and spirit. Instead wander creatively and mystically to reach your goals.
* Fully battle, celebrate, and create the life you want, by unleashing your untamed spirit.

Practical Magic:
Wander to Good Purpose

I teach Shamanism that transforms you and your life. The Fairy Nomad Magic lessons are practical—not musings from an ivory tower. I do not have an idealized, misled, romanticized notion of nomadism. For decades, I have taught people how to wander to good purpose, which helps them succeed on the mundane plane.

When I began teaching, I started a tribe that continues today. Building a longstanding community of feral freethinkers required practical—yet unusual—community-building skills. I will share tips with you on building a tribe of high-functioning spiritual explorers.

Attend by Phone. It’s Easy!

We meet in group phone calls. No app needed. Simply call the event phone number to attend.

We meet in group phone calls. No app needed.
Simply call the event phone number to attend.


We meet for 13 consecutive weeks.

You have two schedules to choose from:

Enroll in the class that meets Sundays
from 4:00 to 5:00 pm PST, starting August 18, 2024.

Or in the class that meets Wednesdays
from noon to 1:00 PST, starting August 21, 2024.

Reserve the usual hour on Sunday November 17 or Wednesday November 20, respectively, for a makeup session in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned meetings.


Enrollment ends Midnight Wednesday August 14.

Cost is $200 a month for three months. Your carrier might charge you for the calls. No refunds. However, if you want to drop out, cancel your subscription once it pays for your current month of classes.

Click the Subscribe button below to enroll securely through PayPal.

After I receive your enrollment, I email you to ask which of the two class schedules you choose. If you don’t receive that email within a few days, check your spam. If the email isn’t there, or you want to discuss a scholarship, semi-scholarship, trade, or payment plan other than the subscription, or you need additional information about the classes, please call me at the phone number below. A few days before our first meeting, you receive an email with the event phone number and other details.

This course can serve as one of the two qualifying electives needed before the advanced Fairy Witch (Faerie Shaman) training.

My Qualifications for Teaching Fairy Nomad Magic

I am a Shamanic guide with over 40 years’ experience helping people from all walks of life reach cherished goals.

I have lived semi-nomadically. Seventy years on this planet has given me time to be nomadic a lot and be settled in place a lot. My happy wanderings and happy times in one place inform this course.

I live head in the clouds, feet on the ground. For example, the mysticism in my book Be a Goddess! broke publishing rules; even the book’s mystically-based lesson organization was new and frowned on. But I had my feet thoroughly on the ground: got a top literary agent and turned Be a Goddess! into a best-seller.

Since then, the book’s organizational style, voice, and other mystical attributes have repeatedly been copied by people because they wanted bestselling books. They missed the point. They followed my star, not theirs. Explorers looking to celestial bodies for direction know which ones to rely on. I follow my star, so I can help you find and follow yours.

I created this course material through my visions and intuition, integrated with my more left-brain abilities. My approach resulted in lessons unavailable elsewhere. I didn’t try to create unusual material. But new—and yet ancient—magic came through me.

My left-brain approach included anthropology.

De Grandis’s insightful research in anthropology led to her innovative work in the modalities of spiritual healing. She made numerous breakthroughs.—Steven Kushner, Professor of Anthropology

To acquire my degree in Shamanic studies in the ‘80s, I created my own course of studies. My research included anthropological perspectives on Shamanism, myth, and urban environments. (Cities are settled societies. Looking at them from an anthropological perspective helped me understand nomad society.)

My father probably descended from a nomadic tribe. His DNA impels me to wander. I’ve tried to understand this through various means. For one, I drew on my love of anthropology to research traditional and modern nomadic life, from the practical to the spiritual, from the plundering nomadic hoards of Genghis Khan to traditional nomadic agricultural practices. (Agriculture does not always rely on settled civilizations.)

I have also come to understand the influence of my DNA in the way a free spirit does: My intuition, heart, and whole self taught me.

Efforts to understand how nomadic DNA influences me were in-depth experiential lessons that increased my sovereignty and autonomy. In turn, I can help you increase yours.

My Adventures
Bridge Fey and Human Realms:
An Affirmation

When I hike a mountain trail
or cross a room carrying laundry,
I walk in magic.
I am always home.
Its enchanted hearth
and well-stocked larder
keep me safe and sated
wherever I am.

Click the Subscribe button below to enroll.

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2 Responses to New Faerie Shamanism Class

  1. Adrienne Amundsen says:

    Francesca, this looks so gorgeous!
    I just know I can’t do every Sunday, just have too many schedule conflicts. I The Wed time is booked with clients. But I’ll keep my eyes peeled for other possibilities.
    Love you, Adrienne

    • Francesca De Grandis says:

      Thanks for the note, Adrienne.

      Here’s something I’ve been telling people:

      “If you think you shouldn’t enroll because you can’t give yourself fully to the lessons, please come anyway. 

      “Are you ill, overcome by crisis, always short on time, or otherwise in a position that might make you miss some classes or pay attention poorly during meetings? 

      “Camaraderie, magic, and spirituality are even more important during hard times. Show up as you are. You can even remain silent (after you let me know you might do that).

      “Magic will welcome you, accept you as you are, and help you. So will I. The meeting’s good energy will lovingly hold you and take care of you.”

      Adrienne, enrollment deadline was last night, but if you can enroll TODAY in the Sunday class, feel free. I’d love to have you in the group.

      Love you!

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