Priest(ess) Power: A Direct Spiritual Transmission, starting March 3, 2014
You have a special gift. You might express it as an artist, a healer, or something else. Or you might not express it yet.
Receive a spiritual transmission that empowers priesthood: It will help you find and/or strengthen
* your unique gift
* self-expression
* confidence in inner wisdom
*the power to do the work you love
* an experience of self as Deity
* and gut-knowledge that self-care is a vital way to serve others.
Your selfhood will grow! However, the above benefits are just part of what you receive. I will give a highly-sophisticated, month-long spiritual transmission that goes much further.
The greater the self becomes, the more one must live in humility and surrender. In this paradox, exists ecstatic priesthood. We can serve Cosmos, its Rhythms, and its Love. So the transmission, in seeming contradiction to the benefits stated so far, also helps you:
* Stay mindful that a priest(ess) is a servant.
* Serve Divine Plan.
* Remember that Divine Plan is best implemented by the means Divinity asks, not by our short-sighted approaches or addiction to unremitting activity.
* Experience how serving others is a vital way to love oneself.
* Learn how serving others mends your wounds that cannot be healed by anything else.
* Bring peace, compassion, and empowerment to all exchanges.
Self-development is an important part of my spiritual practice. I pray it never waylays an equally important purpose: To be made immensely capable of serving. (Self-development is often part of being made capable of serving. But that is already covered in the first list of benefits.) So this far-reaching transmission also helps us strive toward:
* becoming Divinity’s finely-crafted tool, shaped to the work Divinity asks,
* while staying mindful that we are not the ultimate tool, no matter how well we are honed,
* and happily getting out of Divinity’s way when She (He, It, Them, Fred, or Whatever-Else-You-Choose-To-Call-It)—and She alone—must act.
Those are big goals. You are capable of big shifts.
The transmission adapts to your specific needs. No experience needed. But adepts are deeply impacted—for example, the strongest previous headway is strengthened even further.
The transmission is a month-long: I will send you this spiritual transmission five days a week for four weeks, then three additional days on the fifth week, wrapping up on April 2.
Again, it starts March 3.
It is easy to receive this transmission. You do not have to attend an event or do any work. Just sign up for the transmission, and I do the work for you! Scroll down to sign up. Pay what you can honestly afford, whether that is low or high.
Upon receipt of payment, I’ll send you email confirmation of registration. No refunds.

Francesca De Grandis, 2013
A shamanic treatment does not substitute for medical care by a physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatment. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation. This spiritual treatment is extraordinarily effective, but may not work for some individuals.
This spiritual empowerment is an act of self-love and love for others. Register now.
On the third day of transmissions, as I was driving I suddenly felt a surge of positive energy that put me into a mental state of glass half full instead of half empty. ( I hate driving, have a long commute — the car is the most unlikely place to suddenly feel great) My anxiety about work nonsense melted away – the fact that I can call it nonsense is in itself a leap forward. Menopause has been making me over react to stress triggers. I had never had an anxiety attack until these hormonal fluctuations; it is great to feel like my old self.