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SmPnkThank you again for your beautiful support. And be proud of you for ordering a book that embraces your dreams.

12 Responses to Thank you.

  1. Kathleen O'Reilly says:

    As an inspiring author I am happy to support your writing journey, and reap the benefits of the muse!

    I look forward to reading this and singing its praises and yours!


  2. Bill Albert says:

    Hi Francesca

    Just purchased your book and looking forward to getting it in a few days. I am most interested in your Third Road tradition of Witchcraft and would like to know more about training in that tradition if possible.

    Bright Blessings

  3. Daena Smith says:

    Hello Francesca,

    Thank you for writing this book! I’m so excited to learn and do. I can’t wait to begin! Hugs and Joy, Daena

    • Francesca De Grandis says:

      Hi, Daena, thank you so much for your purchase and your wonderfully enthusiastic note. I want to hear how the book helps you reach your goals. I hope you’ll share that with me. Love and power, Francesca

  4. Teri Henderson says:

    I am so excited to begin reading this book!

  5. Julia says:

    I bought it, I bought it! (Picture me doing a funny little up-and-down kind of happy dance) Looking forward to the lovely support I know it will give! <3

    • Francesca De Grandis says:

      Julie, now picture me doing a little happy dance, bobbing my head merrily like a fool! Your faith in my work means a great deal to me. Love and hugs.

  6. Chelo says:

    Thank You Francesca. I think my marketing sucks…so I’m really looking forward to this book. Many millions of blessings to you faery lady. xxx

    • Francesca De Grandis says:

      Chelo! I’m so excited you’re going to be using the book. I just received notice of your purchase and emailed your copy of the book to you. You’ll have a great time with this text. Blessings on your journey.

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