Chaos Generator

Free Divination—Inspiration, Practical Advice, & Other Guidance

Below Is a Free Fortune Telling Tool.

I jokingly called it a chaos generator, but Divine synchronicity generates it. Life’s chaos is not actually chaotic. Divine Beneficence executes highly-organized plans designed to carry us to our dearest goals. The plans are so complex that, to my limited human mind, they may seem chaotic or contrary to my needs. Chaos is synchronicity in disguise.

I’m not referring to the chaos that is actually cruel. Nope! That’s different, irrelevant to this fortune-telling tool.

The Chaos Generator randomly generates a different quote near the bottom of this page every 25 seconds.

The quote won’t actually be random but be Divine synchronicity, yay!

You might receive inspiration, guidance, connectivity, a look into the future, or a much-needed laugh.

Scroll Down
for Wisdom Generated by Divine Synchronicity!

"You're unique, just like everyone else."—Julia Swancy
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"You're unique, just like everyone else."—Julia Swancy
“I’m one step ahead of the Mad Hatter at Alice’s tea party.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“I’m one step ahead of the Mad Hatter at Alice’s tea party.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
"I believe there’s a Goddess of Chaos, The Ultimate Trickster, and from Her fingers pour currents of events that necessarily disrupt our lives. This flurry of seemingly meaningless problems, roadblocks, and maybe even insanity ends up being exactly what we need to become happier."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"I believe there’s a Goddess of Chaos, The Ultimate Trickster, and from Her fingers pour currents of events that necessarily disrupt our lives. This flurry of seemingly meaningless problems, roadblocks, and maybe even insanity ends up being exactly what we need to become happier."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
“Crazy times call for healthy madness!”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Crazy times call for healthy madness!”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Buddha has reincarnated as all the black cats in the world. —Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Buddha has reincarnated as all the black cats in the world. —Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie secrets are not dogmas, recited by ego, proclaimed like passwords. Faerie secrets are the lightest touch of the Goddess’ breath on my forehead, followed by her kiss there, utterly transforming me and my life. —Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Faerie secrets are not dogmas, recited by ego, proclaimed like passwords. Faerie secrets are the lightest touch of the Goddess’ breath on my forehead, followed by her kiss there, utterly transforming me and my life. —Francesca De Grandis
"My life is a poem, an allegory thrust upon me, a mischief by benevolent Chaos Gods, a bardic alchemy, a myth I try to decipher and try to live fully."—Francesca De Grandis, excerpt from blog post on this site
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"My life is a poem, an allegory thrust upon me, a mischief by benevolent Chaos Gods, a bardic alchemy, a myth I try to decipher and try to live fully."—Francesca De Grandis, excerpt from blog post on this site
"The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt"—Thomas Merton
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late, is that the more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt"—Thomas Merton
Our eccentricities, off-the-wall perspectives, and human peculiarities are often the urges, visions, and acts out of which we can make heroic lives.—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Our eccentricities, off-the-wall perspectives, and human peculiarities are often the urges, visions, and acts out of which we can make heroic lives.—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
"Loving yourself takes patience with those who say you can’t, kindness to those who say you shouldn’t, and forgiveness for when you didn’t."—Feline Dreamers
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"Loving yourself takes patience with those who say you can’t, kindness to those who say you shouldn’t, and forgiveness for when you didn’t."—Feline Dreamers
If life isn’t going the way you want, your creative efforts lack oomph, or you’re too afraid of living life all the way, maybe you’re not crazy enough.—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
If life isn’t going the way you want, your creative efforts lack oomph, or you’re too afraid of living life all the way, maybe you’re not crazy enough.—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
“Stardust is falling on you, every moment. Grab it.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Stardust is falling on you, every moment. Grab it.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
My Goddesses and Gods are living entities Who protect, bless, and utterly adore me. Magic is the living presence of these Deities in every rock, tree, and car. The entire universe is an enchantment, carrying me lovingly toward my dearest dreams.—Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
My Goddesses and Gods are living entities Who protect, bless, and utterly adore me. Magic is the living presence of these Deities in every rock, tree, and car. The entire universe is an enchantment, carrying me lovingly toward my dearest dreams.—Francesca De Grandis
Keep calm and let karma finish it. —the universe
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Keep calm and let karma finish it. —the universe
"A spiritual approach is no substitute for a competent psychiatrist or therapist."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"A spiritual approach is no substitute for a competent psychiatrist or therapist."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Sometimes you can't create a Sistine Chapel for the Gods. Sometimes its much more like a macaroni necklace. But that's still a good thing, because what mom doesn't love getting one of those made by her children as a pure expression of love?—Kestril Trueseeker
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Sometimes you can't create a Sistine Chapel for the Gods. Sometimes its much more like a macaroni necklace. But that's still a good thing, because what mom doesn't love getting one of those made by her children as a pure expression of love?—Kestril Trueseeker
"When my dear friend JoAnne gets asked how she maintains such a gorgeous collection of indoor house plants, she responds, "It's easy! I just don't keep the dead ones."—Katie H.
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"When my dear friend JoAnne gets asked how she maintains such a gorgeous collection of indoor house plants, she responds, "It's easy! I just don't keep the dead ones."—Katie H.
"Contrary to popular opinion, kindness and honesty are not mutually exclusive. Deliver your truths with compassion."—Feline Dreamers
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"Contrary to popular opinion, kindness and honesty are not mutually exclusive. Deliver your truths with compassion."—Feline Dreamers
“Innovative people often need to live in a world where time doesn’t matter because their work may have to develop for many years before there are visible results.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Innovative people often need to live in a world where time doesn’t matter because their work may have to develop for many years before there are visible results.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
“We are all, each and every one of us, a cosmos.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“We are all, each and every one of us, a cosmos.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
"The self-help movement’s focus on fixing what’s wrong is not always good. Sometimes, it reinforces the message that hurt us so much in the first place: 'There’s something terrible about me.' ”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"The self-help movement’s focus on fixing what’s wrong is not always good. Sometimes, it reinforces the message that hurt us so much in the first place: 'There’s something terrible about me.' ”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Art is a way to celebrate beauty.—Jenelle Leigh Campion
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Art is a way to celebrate beauty.—Jenelle Leigh Campion
Grace is the state of moving toward your desires effortlessly on the wings of the universe.—Be A Goddess!, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Grace is the state of moving toward your desires effortlessly on the wings of the universe.—Be A Goddess!, Francesca De Grandis
Color makes me feel happy.—Jenelle Leigh Campion
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Color makes me feel happy.—Jenelle Leigh Campion
"Ignore her. She's the kind of person who, if you got diamond encrusted nipples, would tell you they're not shiny enough."—Katie H.
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"Ignore her. She's the kind of person who, if you got diamond encrusted nipples, would tell you they're not shiny enough."—Katie H.
Laughing in the worst of times may be crazy, but those of us who have weathered those times know that anything even mildly amusing can keep you going.—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
Laughing in the worst of times may be crazy, but those of us who have weathered those times know that anything even mildly amusing can keep you going.—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
“Advertising treats all products with the reverence and the seriousness due to sacraments.”—Thomas Merton
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Advertising treats all products with the reverence and the seriousness due to sacraments.”—Thomas Merton
“The power to change your life is within you right now. Tap into it by focusing on the things that bring you joy."—Feline Dreamers
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“The power to change your life is within you right now. Tap into it by focusing on the things that bring you joy."—Feline Dreamers
“Art is a tool for transformation.”—Jenelle Leigh Campion
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Art is a tool for transformation.”—Jenelle Leigh Campion
"When you feel inspired to do something, go for it! Stop what you were doing and pursue your passion. Do at least a little bit every day."—Feline Dreamers
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"When you feel inspired to do something, go for it! Stop what you were doing and pursue your passion. Do at least a little bit every day."—Feline Dreamers
“Art is a way of helping people uplift their energy.”—Jenelle Leigh Campion
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Art is a way of helping people uplift their energy.”—Jenelle Leigh Campion
"Spirituality is a complex, personal thing. You may have your own definition of God. Is your God a tree? A genderbender? There are infinite ways to define the Divine. Not all include deity. Do you see the Divine not as Deity but as the Cosmic Song? Dance? The power of love?"—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"Spirituality is a complex, personal thing. You may have your own definition of God. Is your God a tree? A genderbender? There are infinite ways to define the Divine. Not all include deity. Do you see the Divine not as Deity but as the Cosmic Song? Dance? The power of love?"—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
“God is my big toe. And your big toe. Both of them. Both of mine. And all our other toes.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“God is my big toe. And your big toe. Both of them. Both of mine. And all our other toes.”—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
“Things are the way you believe them to be until somebody tells you differently.”—Kathi Somers
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Things are the way you believe them to be until somebody tells you differently.”—Kathi Somers
We are put on this planet to be of service and have fun.—Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
We are put on this planet to be of service and have fun.—Francesca De Grandis
"The universe is like a connect-the-dots picture except each dot connects with all the other dots, making a picture that only the mad see. That picture can inspire and empower, can provide experiences so profound or loving that you’re flying."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"The universe is like a connect-the-dots picture except each dot connects with all the other dots, making a picture that only the mad see. That picture can inspire and empower, can provide experiences so profound or loving that you’re flying."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
I asked for help or an answer and you gave me sweat, unspeakable compassion, thundering strength to rise one more morning.—Silver River Hawk (Brett Stevens)
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
I asked for help or an answer and you gave me sweat, unspeakable compassion, thundering strength to rise one more morning.—Silver River Hawk (Brett Stevens)
"Breathing is always a good idea."—Julia Swancy
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"Breathing is always a good idea."—Julia Swancy
Unseelie is the term for evil Faeries. They’re highly invested in distracting us from our true selves, including our true Feyness, go to great lengths to create such distractions, and are quite skilled at it. Truly mean beings! They’ll lead a person on a wild goose chase for decades, that seeker all the time thinking they’re traveling a rare path to power but instead are on the road to complete self-destruction. Ask the Faerie Queen, also know as the Seelie Queen, to protect you from the Unseelie.”—Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
“Unseelie is the term for evil Faeries. They’re highly invested in distracting us from our true selves, including our true Feyness, go to great lengths to create such distractions, and are quite skilled at it. Truly mean beings! They’ll lead a person on a wild goose chase for decades, that seeker all the time thinking they’re traveling a rare path to power but instead are on the road to complete self-destruction. Ask the Faerie Queen, also know as the Seelie Queen, to protect you from the Unseelie.”—Francesca De Grandis
"I’m a person with disabilities—wheelchair and all. You bet I make cripple jokes. The more scary or dire a human concern—and the more pain and tragedy involved—the more it may require a seemingly ruthless humor to cope (and perhaps even triumph)."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis
"I’m a person with disabilities—wheelchair and all. You bet I make cripple jokes. The more scary or dire a human concern—and the more pain and tragedy involved—the more it may require a seemingly ruthless humor to cope (and perhaps even triumph)."—Share My Insanity, Francesca De Grandis
Faerie magic—Goddess witch spells—with Francesca De Grandis

C’mon by daily. Bookmark this page to come back to this useful, fun, thought-for-the-moment collection.

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This post was updated May 2022.

9 Responses to Chaos Generator

  1. Michaela Heil says:

    this one’s from your book “be a goddess“ chapter 6 – and it always makes me laugh: “ok, I’ll admit it, I actually have nothing else to add, but I couldn’t resist the joke.“

  2. Pam says:

    I like this one:

    “Any indication of not knowing how consistently great you are is merely a lapse into insanity.” Charles to Ray Eames, Jan. 3 1975

  3. thomas byrnes / Chicot le Fou says:

    Chaos Kahuna ! You are a scream ! All is WELL ; I have 2 quotes ( neither are mine ) that I really love . Don’t know who wrote this ; just remember reading it decades ago : “There’s always the Unexpected” . Chaos theory in 4 words . The other is by the great English writer C. S. Lewis and in checking , appears to be in the public domain : ” The pain now is the price we pay for the joy then ; that’s the deal “. He lived it , too . Bright Blessings , Chaos Kahuna ! You always make me laugh ! Thanks !

  4. Maureen says:

    Pick up acorns.

    by me!

  5. Julia Swancy says:

    THIS!!! is awesome!!!! I’ll be submitting quotes 🙂 LOVE it!

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