Updated, Dec 2012
From your happy Yule elf who wants to give you and yours love.
Give the gift of empowerment, insight, and healing: a one-hour telephone shamanic counseling session (psychic reading).
You receive a beautiful digital gift certificate by email, to print out for your friend or forward to them. No snail mail, no muss no fuss.
It takes three quick minutes: GO TO WWW.PAYPAL.COM Use outlawbunny@outlawbunny.com as the Recipients Email. * Fill in the amount of $130. * IN THE NOTES SECTION, PUT YOUR NAME; YOUR PHONE #; AND THE WORDS “GIFT OF LOVE TO (FILL IN THE NAME OF THE GIFT’S RECIPIENT).”
Voila, I immediately email you a gorgeous personalized gift certificate, with the gift recipient’s name, and yours as gift giver.
No refund. The gift certificate explains your friend needs to call by Feb 22 to make an appointment for any time in the first four months of 2013.
Easy, peasy for you. Do it: WWW.PAYPAL.COM