I Am a Dinosaur, a Fossil.
I Am the Weave of Life
I have had a dinosaur vertebrae for a few years now. It is precious to me, and I’ve kept it by my bed.
Then I made it into a necklace, to easily have it on me during the day. I wove a net around the fossil so it could be the necklace’s pendant.
I decided to attend the Western Lights Illuminated Art Festival. It was an outdoor event, featuring art installations along the streets and plazas of downtown Reno.
Before leaving my apartment, I donned my dinosaur necklace. Grr. I am a beast. Ancient wonders are in my bones. Grr. Power! Hard as stone, a fossil.
I had committed to sending a direct spiritual transmission to some clients and other friends. (A direct spiritual transmission is a spell I cast to give people good luck and other blessings. Click here for more explanations about transmissions.)
While walking to the festival, I did part of that transmission.
In fact, this post started as a note to folks for whom I am currently giving a long-term spiritual transmission. I sometimes send personal notes to transmission recipients during the process. Then I thought other individuals might enjoy the note, so here it is.
So, I’m sending the transmission while walking. The motion–step, step, balance, forward momentum, loss of balance, balance, turn the corner—adds power to the transmissions.
Movement is energy. Movement fuels energy.
So do other aspects of my walk to the festival: The churning gray river, brilliantly moist river air, barking dogs. Geese arrogant and menacing on the riverside walkways. A mom in a broad-brim hat and sundress despite the chill. She tries to photograph her toddler, who runs away faster than such small feet could ever manage, while her husband frantically tries to catch up with the wee one before he gets himself into trouble.
I arrive at the festival. Among the first exhibits I see is a dinosaur skull made of tiny pieces of mirror—the most fantastic disco mirrorball in all the cosmos.
Andrew Frank, the artist who created the mirrored dinosaur, used over 11,000 disco tiles in the sculpture.
While continuing the transmission, I tuck a political flyer into a sculpture here and there. Just a few flyers total. Careful that no one sees me. Dinosaurs are extinct, right? Would anyone trust their eyes if they do notice me?
One of my core beliefs is that everything is magic, and each thing weaves with all other things.
Another of my core beliefs: You and I are each the entire universe, each part of it woven with all the other parts.
A fossil, but not extinct, embodies the invisible magical power of connectivity.
Given my beliefs, here is how I, of course, experienced a dinosaur skull made of over 11,000 tiny mirrors: Every mirror reflected all of the universe’s light; all the mirrored pieces together, and all that light together, all of it reflected my power back to me and illuminated it, increasing it.
One might view that walk to and through the exhibit as the entire cosmos celebrating each of its parts. Or as an urban Shaman’s walking meditation. Or as a Fairy Witch dancing with the city’s magic. No difference.
for a modern fairytale book that supports your connectivity.