Fairy Witches, Neurodiversity, and Taking Pride in Yourself

Fairy Witches, Neurodiversity,
and Taking Pride in Yourself

Most Fairy Witches I know are neurodiverse. That says something wonderful about autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and the like. It says something equally spectacular about Fairy Witches.

I Take Pride in My Neurodiversity

I do not consider my autism a pathology. My autism is a blessing from Fairy Gods. I celebrate it.

If someone doesn’t accept me, I still accept myself as an amazing person. I wrote two fun affirmations to help me do that:

Knowing I am fabulous is part of my autism.

Knowing I am fabulous is part of my autism and threatens oppressors.

If those affirmations do not seem powerful, I hope you try them anyway. They help me. They are tongue-in-cheek, which I think adds power but may make them appear less powerful.

If you are not neurodiverse, I hope you take pride in yourself.

Here are the affirmations adapted for everyone:

I know I am fabulous because Fairies told me so.

Knowing I am fabulous threatens oppressors.

Everyone Is Magic

Magical Gods made me. I am innately magical. Every part of me is part of my magic.

My experience is that finding the magic in me and using it well gets easier the more I accept myself as I am, take pride in who I am, and celebrate who I am.

That includes accepting, taking pride in, and celebrating my autism. I’m going to do that right now by saying the following: My neurodiversity helps me in every part of my life, including my magic.

Neurodiversity and Magic

You can find personal accounts—including my own—of how magic and art weave with neurodiversity here.

Stickers To Celebrate Neurodiversity

A few years ago, I put each of the affirmations about autism on a sticker. I painted celebratory tongue-in-cheek borders to match the sentiments of the affirmations.

Only six of each affirmation sticker were printed. I had designed them for my personal use and only wanted a few. But the smallest number I could print was six of each. I gave some away already. One of each is left. I’m raffling them off to my newsletter subscribers.

One of my lucky newsletter subscribers will receive both. Here’s what they look like:

Raffles and Giveaways for Fey-touched Pagans

The raffle is exclusively for subscribers. If you do not subscribe to my free Fairy Witch newsletter yet, it is too late to enter this raffle, but click the banner below to participate in future giveaways and raffles. I celebrate you.

Click here for newsletter. Fairy giveaways, magical events, and sparkly joy

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