Opening to Love:
A Direct Spiritual Transmission,
starting June 20, 2016.
You are held safely and securely in the branches of the World Tree, in a universe comprised of the Goddess’s Divine Love and all the gifts She wants to give you.
Receive a month-long direct spiritual transmission that supports your ability to open to Her blessings. The transmission helps you:
1) Let go of fear, ego-based goals, and other inner blocks that separate you from the Divine and Her beautiful gifts for you.
2) Live in service to the Goddess’s plan. Why do I want to help you do that? When you serve Her, you also put yourself in Her Divinely capable and immeasurably loving care.
3) Surrender to life and the Goddess. Why? Surrender allows the cosmos to make miracles for you. Surrender opens us to gifts from the Divine—love, wisdom, happiness, health, and more.
4) Trust Her love all the way down to your bones. She is a Pagan deity, so She wants you to enjoy life. Your trust helps your dreams come true.
If you don’t believe in the Goddess, the transmission will work in terms of whatever you believe is Divinely loving.
During the month, the spiritual transmission will happen five days of each week. Again, it starts June 20.
Total cost is $130. That covers the whole month.
No need to attend an event, meditate, or do anything else. Just enroll for the transmission, and go about your business, while I do the work for you.
Receive! Scroll down to enroll: enter your phone number and pay securely with PayPal.
* Upon receipt of payment, I’ll send you email confirmation of registration. No refunds.
* If you can’t afford payment, not to worry. Phone me to discuss scholarship, partial scholarship, or trade. 814-337-2490
* If you need more info, call 814-337-2490.
No experience needed. But even advanced practitioners are deeply impacted—for example, no matter how strong previous headway, it can be strengthened or regained.
A direct spiritual transmission is not a substitute for proper medical care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation. This spiritual treatment is extraordinarily effective, but may not work for some individuals.
Relax into a loving world that cherishes you and brings you goodness and delight. Enroll for your direct spiritual transmission now.
Hi Francesca,
Thank you oh so very much for the transmission. A few things I’d like to share…I’ve been much more aware of exactly a few of the things you bring up….”Divinity loves you exactly as you are.” and I have been much more loving & accepting of myself in the past month or so, specifically with my weight. Many times I’ve stayed at home due to feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. Lately, however, I’ve been much more accepting…accepting of how I am at this time. I’ve been taking more steps to eat higher quality foods….listening more to my body’s needs.
One day during work (during the transmission) I was figuring out a particular problem and I just stopped and noticed this wonderful energetic loving embrace surrounding my heart. It felt wonderful and was such a peaceful reminder of how unexpectedly love can appear to us.
Overall I’ve felt a lot more joy, happiness, gratefullness….:) I thank you immensely!
Your words make me happy, because I care about you, which makes it wonderful to hear how good you are feeling.
And it means a lot to me that I could have had a part in that.
I know you’re working hard on your spiritual and mystical path, and will continue to get rewards from it. Keep up the great work!
Thank you, your kind gratitude touches my heart.
As a followup, I’d like to add a few more things. Since the beginning of the year, during my monthly new moon & full moon rituals, I’ve been trying to manifest “Love”
I left it general on my cards I would write it on, but in my heart I really was thinking “human relationship”. I divorced over 4 years ago and that wound has finally healed and I feel I’m finally “ready” again.
Well, the night after the June New Moon, I manifested “Love”, my new dog Honey. I know in my heart your transmission had a lot to do with it because I really feel that I got a big chunk of gunk removed from my system and I’m ready for Love. Bring on the Love!!!
I love it, it is beautiful, that makes me smile big, thank you for sharing that loveliness!
Francesca, thanks this is much needed in my life, you and the Goddess always know when help is needed either through a class , a friendly word or this opening to love. Our world is in a weird place right now, definitely hard to follow my path with all this anger and hate filling up our precious world. Thanks Cindy
Hi, Cindy, thank you for your kind words. I am so glad that you’re going to be part of this. Yes, love love love is much-needed right now.
