What pain has dwelt in silence too long?
What muted scream of terror unheard?
What outrage ignored as, around you, life after life after life is devastated?
What pain in you? Find one such pain, right this moment.
Now, draw that pain into a different silence:
Draw it into the quiet of a mother’s loving embrace.
Draw that pain into the quiet still love of a gentle voice saying to you,
“Yes, you hurt.
You hurt because life is hurtful.
I honor your pain.
Do not shame yourself for your pain.”
Draw that pain into the quiet still love that is this moment.
Welcome your pain into the silence that is love.
Welcome your pain into your heart,
let no part of you stand apart,
rejected, mutated into “the other.”
Welcome your pain into your heart.
Instructions: 1) The fourth line says to find only one pain, because it is often best to work with just one pain throughout the ritual. Trying to deal with too much at once can be self-defeating. You can always apply the ritual to other pains other days. 2) However, when working with the pain you chose to focus on, other pains might come up, and need addressing right then and there. Welcome them into the loving silence. 3) Do each step that the poem designates, before moving onto the next step of the rite. Example: The first instruction is “Find one such pain, right this moment.” Do so before moving onto the next step, which is “Now, draw that pain into a different silence: Draw it into the quiet of a mother’s loving embrace.” 4) This is a powerful rite. You may need support after doing it. I provide professional shamanic support: https://www.outlawbunny.com/pastoral-counseling/
When I channel lessons and transmissions for others, I usually try to apply the material to my own life, too. Some shamanic lessons and transmissions (which are kind of one and the same) that I’ve been giving lately have been very effective in moving my own energy. That is not unusual, but this has been stronger even than usual. Massive shifts happened in me and caused such beauty and self-love. But then a major depression hit, like I have not had in ages. I think, and hope, it is a backlash of spirit, a healing crisis so that, when I get to the other side of it, I will be happier and fuller than ever. Today, I seem to be moving past the depression. I hope I am, depression sucks! I wrote this liturgy today, for myself. It helped both me and a depressed friend, so I share it here because I love you too.
Oh! It is the backlash I am experiencing!!! Oh Gods… thank you, Francesca!!!
I am sorry to hear it is rough, but thank you for telling me , bc it’s always difficult and risky to share personal stuff publicly, and the fact that it helped you made it worthwhile! Take good care of you. As always, lemme know if I can help further.