June, 2010: I’m youtubed!!!! It’s at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tpu9WLXwdA I did it b/c want to share audio from my home recording studio. I’ve no vid experience but don’t want you to have to look at a blank screen, so gave the vid my best (which is obviously mega-limited, and makes clear that, yes, I am a screw ball). Also, I wanted to show the lyrics for the song in case they are unintelligible. My vid skill set = typing lyrics and printing them on cards to hold up in front of the camera! 🙂 Be gentle: I recorded the song after playing mando less than 2 years.
The song is “I Call My Tumor Fred.” I wrote it before I learned my tumor is benign. Not to worry: It is harmless. I only have to keep an eye on it, just in case. After an MRI showed a tumor, the song helped me thru three weeks until the doctor told me what was what. And then more weeks while I waited for a neurologist’s confirmation. When I sang the song to a friend, she told me that people who name their tumors are far more likely to survive. I bet that’s true! And I LOVE my home studio!! What I’m producing may be lo fi, but it is healing for me and fun.