Faerie Shamanism: an Ecstatic Path

Third Road Faerie Shamanism:
An Ecstatic Path

A Seven-Week Teleseminar, 2018

The Goddess proclaims,
“All acts of love and pleasure are my rite.”

The Generous Sun, Francesca De Grandis, 2013

The Generous Sun, by Francesca De Grandis, 2012

Are you trapped in gray dullness and want to break through to joy and fulfillment? Or maybe you enjoy life full-tilt but want to take it up a notch? Or perhaps you’re somewhere between trapped and already happy?

If your heart feels called by a Pagan path of joy, prosperity, beauty, self-worth, and confidence, and you want ecstatic experiences, this teleseminar (class via group phone call) provides experiential wisdom-lessons available nowhere else. Click here to enroll.

Learn the skills and rituals of a practical mysticism that increases pleasure, abundance, and peace. Gain the material satisfactions of an ecstatic practitioner and embrace wholeness, without being snared by addictions or illusions.

Be led in an adventure: an internal exploration toward your fullest self. You’ll discover—or discover new layers of—your power to celebrate life, sexuality, and sacred playfulness. During our journey, the Gods guide you safely and compassionately through life’s challenges.

Curriculum includes ecstatic ritual, Faerie cosmology, theoretical basics of Celtic Shamanism—Third Road Faerie style—and some of its more complex aspects.

The lessons also help you discover or deepen your Fey magic: Celtic Faerie Shamanism expresses itself differently in every practitioner. My job as a teacher is to help you build that personal expression, while I also provide techniques for your magical tool box.

Are you on a unique journey? This course steadies your feet.

Lessons are suitable for novices and adepts.

An Ecstatic Path is a prerequisite for advanced Third Road training.

Classes are group phone meetings: just dial the phone to participate.

SunnyDotThe group meets seven consecutive Tuesdays, 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST, starting Tues, February 6. Reserve Tues March 27, same time, for a makeup class in case I am unavailable for one of the planned sessions.

SunnyDotTuition is $250. Pay half price, if you’ve taken this class before. Your particular carrier may charge you for the calls. Click here to enroll. Upon receipt of payment, your place is reserved, and event phone #, etc., emailed to you. No refunds. For more info, or to discuss scholarship, trade, or payment plan, call me: 814-337-2490.


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The Figa: Healing the Wounded Anima

We can gain our fullest possible power to use in our careers, family, magic, and the rest of life, to create a better world for oneself and for All Our Relations.


Everyone has a female aspect, which is called the Anima. An oppressive society has wounded the Anima of almost every person, because this can disempower an individual in every arena of their life. Every arena.

Though I’ve never read it anywhere, it seems obvious that the figa, which is an Italian good luck charm, must have once symbolized having potency in all parts of life: family, career, creativity, social action, spirituality, magic, …

The figa is in the shape of a closed hand, to represent female genitals.

I had the idea of taking my recent painting of a figa and adding shafts of sunlight extending out, radiating from the closed hand, the way they would in a depiction of a Christian saint’s face, those rays of light that represent Divinity and Divine power.

My hope was such a painting would convey a sacred primacy of the feminine force. This doesn’t exclude the primacy of the male force. I’m not going from one extreme to the other here.

In other words, the painting includes the Feminine in the Divine, not as secondary, God’s little helper, but as a force unto Herself, in full power.

In this full power, she helps all genders embrace their full authority in career, family, sexuality, creativity, and any other arena of life.

Female genitalia given such primacy visually seems a healing balm, so the Anima is freed and made whole. This gives an individual more power to create a beautiful world for oneself and for All Our Relations. So mote it be.

For more of my experiences with and theories about the figa amulet, read the post The Figa: Reclaiming Women’s Power and an Italian Amulet: http://stardrenched.com/2017/09/14/the-figa/


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Our Bodies Are Sacred

All Our Bodies Are Sacred,
Exactly as They Are

Knowing our bodies are sacred can give us greater confidence in our physical, emotional, intellectual, and creative competency.

A figa is a talisman for protection, good luck, and fertility. The amulet is shaped like a closed hand to represent a woman’s genitals.

My recent post The Figa: Reclaiming Women’s Power and an Italian Amulet shares:
* my belief that the amulet also symbolizes female empowerment
* my reaction to finding a figa pendant that is feminine and elegant
* the implications of figas usually looking like a man’s hand and being coarsely rendered.

Click here if you want to see the post: http://stardrenched.com/2017/09/14/the-figa/

That new pendant and what it meant to me impelled me to paint a figa. I wanted to render one that is feminine but in a different way than the one I bought. Here is my painting:


It is based on my own hand, which is not what some people think of as feminine. But it’s my hand: strong, somewhat androgynous, a hand that does a lot of work, and has been weathered by it.

All our bodies are sacred, exactly as they are. All our bodies are sacred, each in their own individual ways. Our bodies are holy in all their phases and in every moment of the day. In these truths, we find power throughout the day and the seasons of our lives.

In knowing our bodies are sacred, we find powers that may seem unrelated to that knowledge. For example, we might find greater confidence in our reasoning or trust our hunches more. We might believe more in our overall competency when facing life’s many challenges, whether they are physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, professional, personal, creative, …

Goddess Diana, your strega thanks you. (Strega means a witch who practices traditional Italian magic. Diana is a Goddess many a strega honors.)

Check out The Figa: Reclaiming Women’s Power and an Italian Amulet: http://stardrenched.com/2017/09/14/the-figa/

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Not Postponing Joy

Enjoying the Gods’ Gifts to Me:

Not Postponing Joy

Whether building a life or a piece of art, sometimes it’s only in the process of creation that we discover exactly what we want to make, what we find beautiful and meaningful, and how to achieve it.

Bought a huge copal bead. It’s like holding sunshine and the rest of the cosmos in my hand. Was going to string it, but thought I might just use it as the best worry stone ever.

Couldn’t decide.

Then I quickly threw a temporary pendant together, using the copal, so that I’d have that beautiful sunshine on my person all day. This meant I could easily touch the copal throughout the day, enjoying its smooth, buttery, warmth against my fingers. I wasn’t crazy about the necklace, but adoring the necklace wasn’t the point. The point was to take my time deciding whether to use the copal as a worry bead, necklace, or whatever else, while enjoying the bead in the meantime.

It’s been a few weeks now. Guess what? I love the necklace, exactly as it is. Its simple design makes me happy. I’m keeping it as is.


The whole process got me thinking, and there are two lessons here for me. The first one focuses on the creative process. If an artist waits for the perfect idea before starting to create something, they might never manifest anything. Sometimes, it’s only in the process of creation that we discover exactly what we want to make, what we find beautiful and meaningful, and how to achieve it.

So if you’re stuck creatively because you lack the “right” ideas, just start making something, even if it’s not your ideal goal. The process of creating something will likely give you the exact ideas you long for.

The first lesson is fairly easy for me to apply, but the second one is something I have to really work at in some parts of my life. The second lesson is to apply the process outlined in the first lesson to all parts of my life: to create as full a life as possible, I want to work with what gifts my Gods have so generously given me, instead of putting off living until I have the perfect idea. It will come to me if I do what I can now. So mote it be.


Posted in Art, Writing, and Music, Spirit, The Whole Thing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Wood-Burning and the Faerie Queen

Aug 16, 2017:

My wood-burning pen arrived today. Here’s my first attempt at pyrography:


Everyone says you should start by practicing on some crummy wood, but I have no patience for that. Plus, I think doing a test piece might make me nervous about doing any subsequent “real” pieces.

So I plunged in, despite the fact that I’d spent so long making the wooden bead I wanted to pyrograph that most people would tell me to not risk ruining it. I’d cut down wild rose that was taking over my property last year—the wild rose here is quite invasive—seasoned some of its branches for a year, then carefully cut a small portion off a branch—the photo shows how small. I did not have the right saw for such a tiny job, so sawing was quite a project unto itself. Then I sanded and drilled a hole in that wee piece to make a bead. Just … one … bead.

But, to me, test runs usually seem like a way to avoid living. And the bead was one of the few options I had at hand for burning.

Plus, I think I tend to learn more when trying to actually make something than by doing test runs. And 99 times out of 100, I have beginner’s luck: the piece in question turns out fine.

Honestly, I loved the bead before the wood-burning, and now I’m not sure what I think about it. But I’m glad I plunged in; now I’m hungry for more.

When I cut the wild rose down, the Faerie Queen was definitely present, blessing the wood as I garnered it. I look forward to the guidance She gives me about how to use my
first bit of pyrography, however flawed it may be. … LOL, if She wants me to bury it as an offering, and I’ve decided I don’t like it anyway, it’s a win-win.

… When a plant in my garden shows its first bloom, I usually leave it on the plant as an offering to my Fey Gods, instead of, for example, plucking the first rose to add to my tea. They’ve made it very clear to me They want that. Hm.

Here’s the other side of the bead:


Like I said, I’m hungry for more. I’m going to find another piece of wood right now and burn it. … Ooh, I have a wooden spatula that I can’t use for cooking because it’s right handed, and I’m left-handed. That’s what I’ll burn!

Later: I decided what to do with my wood-burnt bead. I remembered that giving my old friend Kathleen Marshall my first bit of art when I’m working in a new form has become a tradition for me. So I’ve offered her the bead. It was a little hard to make the offer because it was so much work to make … one … bead …, even before I added pyrography. But my first is hers, in thanks for the support and guidance she has given me as a sister-artist.

I also see this as a way I am offering the bead to the Faerie Queen; I believe Her love of artists is expressed in anyone when they support an artist.

I love the bead now. Sometimes, when starting a new artform, I lack confidence, but all I need is a little boost. Here’s the boost I received:

Kathleen said she loves the bead. Since she’s quick to tell me when she doesn’t like something I’ve made, I trust her when she says she loves something. She also wants to make the bead into a necklace; that’s a big deal because she has impeccable taste.

It’s amazing how much just a bit of honest positive feedback can help. Her remarks gave me so much confidence in my wood-burning. Previously, I could not really see the bead’s virtue once it was wood burned, but once Kathleen said she loved it, I was able to see—actually see when I looked at it—the woodburned bead as a beautiful piece.

She made me so happy. And now I’ve mailed my bead off to the Faerie Queen aka Kathleen.


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Leather Ogham Pyrography


I made myself an Ogham alphabet set on leather, to use for amulets, contemplations, offerings, and divination. Plus, crafting the set in the first place was its own magical spell.

Thank goodness that some new wood arrived, and more is coming! I purchased a woodburning pen recently and, after doing pyrography on the few wooden items that I could reasonably consider for such a use, I am now hungrily eyeing my antiques, window frames, and every other piece of wood in—and of—the house.

Some might say I should go for it, but I know in my gut that, in my case, it … is … a … bad … idea. There are some things it’s wise to never start, because you know you’ll never stop. I don’t want a home in which every last inch is wood-burned.

Luckily, a neighbor gifted me some small maple and oak branches. I can’t adorn them yet because I’m waiting for a new saw suited to sawing wee branches into small segments. My current, mammoth saw makes the job incredibly time-consuming.

Plus my friend SnowStar is sending me some other wood. Thank you, SnowStar, Goddess bless you!

In the meantime, I thought I’d try my hand at pyrography on leather.

The photo shows the result. I think perhaps the leather is bow shot deer.

There are clearly varying degrees of skill in my leather-burning. (This is only my fourth attempt at pyrography.)

After burning some pieces, I switched to a finer point, which did a much better job. These are very small pieces of leather:LeatherOgham2

The scraps on the safety pin in the first photo are duplicates of other pieces, either “seconds” or intentional extras.

I thought I was going to send an extra to SnowStar, but since she’s sensitive to scents I’ve given up the idea. Be forewarned if you’re thinking of leather pyrography: the scent of burnt hide is so repugnant as to be almost nauseating! And the scent is not faint at all, quite the opposite.

I did wash the finished items in soap and water, and then rinsed them in water to which I added essential oils, said essential oils being also used for their magical attributes.

Then, I hung the leather bits outside to air, after which I sprayed them with an exquisite organic frankincense hydrosol, both for magical purposes and to moisten the little rumpled pieces of leather so I could safely iron them flat.

Their smell is okay now, but I suspect they would have to air outside for days to completely lose the burnt hide scent because it is strong. I brought them in after a few hours because I was impatient. I might hang them outside again.

I made them to use them as additions to amulets, amulets unto themselves, and as pieces for contemplation, offerings, divination, and more. I also felt the crafting of them in the first place would be both a contemplation and spell.

I put a hole at the top of each piece, which allows more variety of usage. The holes will also show me, when I’m tossing the leather for divination, which way is up for each figure, since many letters in the Ogham alphabet become a different letter when upside down.


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Bear Claw Talisman


This post was updated May 28, 2020 because I thought of more to add.

My Bear Claw Talisman Helps Me Speak My Truths

Have you ever told a true story about yourself, only to be met with disbelief or mockery? It can hurt badly if you’re honest and describe your real-life, and someone responds with doubt, an accusation that you’re exaggerating, or the assumption you’re outright lying.

But sometimes I pay a worse price when I choke on my stories instead of telling them.

My original post, which is below, has:

* some personal experiences about sharing my life stories

* other hopefully useful thoughts on the topic

* a bit about making a bear claw pendant

* and how that Bear Spirit talisman relates to speaking the truths about my life.

The original post is followed by an addendum about a second bear claw talisman I made later.

Bur first, let’s talk about Bear Spirit:

What does Bear mean spiritually? What does a bear symbolize?

The first Madonna and Child in recorded history is a bear and its children. Bear symbolizes the Great Mother of All Things, the Magna Mater, She who creates all and was the original God. As such, She holds all powers within Her, so we can turn to Bear Goddess for all our needs.

Bear is a symbol of complete power. This is not power in the sense of dominating anyone but in the sense of having within yourself all the power there is.

Now let’s look at Bear energy. What is the magic of Bear?

Bear magic is good for everything. Since Bear Goddess holds all powers—all energies—you can draw on Her for anything from a protection ritual to a prosperity spell. Two examples:

* Put a picture of something you want next to a picture of a bear on your altar. That simple act is a ritual.

* Pray to Bear Spirit for what you want. Don’t concern yourself with fancy words, special postures to be in, or anything else. Just use your own sincere words. Bear is Mother, so wants to take care of you instead of expecting you to ask Her for help in a formal supposedly proper manner.

What does a bear claw symbolize? What is a bear claw talisman for?

A bear claw embodies Bear Mother Goddess’ protection and ferocity. So wear a bear claw as magical protection and to have the fire to fight for yourself and others. I’ll talk more below about other shamanic powers in a bear claw.

Here’s the original post:


What story do you not share out of fear?

This bear claw was given to me by a Cherokee shaman who adopted me into his family after I helped his uncle pass over.

… Hm, my life reads like a fairytale. … That makes my stories almost unbelievable. I’ve told fortunes with Gypsies and was initiated in the dungeon of a Irish castle. My mother was a Sicilian witch—before the neopagan movement—and an Indian shaman adopted me. And that’s just for starters!

I did not set out to do unusual things simply because they were unusual. I’m not boasting or trying to appear superior when I tell my stories. They’re the only stories I have. If I hide them, they lurk ashamed.

And, if I try to hold silent out of fear of judgement, my breath stifles, choking back stories that are simply my life. So I tell my tales.

I suspect every individual needs to be able to speak the accounts of their life. And if their day to day is odd, so will be those accounts.

Sometimes, a person must speak a truth of their life not so someone else can hear it, but because the recitation allows the reciter to hear it themselves. They are, possibly unintentionally but nonetheless effectively, singing a sacred song of selfhood, spinning the melody as a powerful and unadorned ceremony of beingness, like a wolf howls at the moon.


Sure, I keep some stories private because they’re so personal. But discretion and hiding are not the same.

I did not ever try to be “the weird one.” As a child, I desperately wanted to be “normal.” There was a certain style of blouse. “Mom, all the other kids have one, please?! Please?!”

Thank Gods my mom refused me the shirt, in all her eccentric wisdom.

I feel blessed that I grew up to be a shamanic mentor for free spirits like myself. Their company helps me stay sane and continue to celebrate the wild life I’ve led and still lead.

And, as I help them fulfill their wild dreams, I become more and more able to share more of my stories.

What story do you not share out of fear? Fear can be guidance or a hindrance. Do you need to start telling that story or continue to hold silent? Do you need to share it with just one person, or a few, or many? If the latter, how many is “many”? If, on the other hand, you need to share it with one person or a few, who?

If you’re a craftsperson or anyone else who would like to know a bit of my crafting process making the talisman:

For at least a decade, I’ve worn the bear claw in a setting I’d beaded for it, but I started not liking the beading anymore, so I took it apart.

Making the new bear talisman: I spun green yarn from—if memory serves—fibers of silk, bamboo, and maybe wool. It was not my best spinning, and somehow that seemed right to weave into a wee rectangle for this pendant.

The fabric scrap to which my weaving is attached has rosebuds in one of its lower corners. That’s part of why I choose that scrap.

The hanging beads at the bottom are probably obsidian.

I called the amulet “Great Mother of All Things.” When we tell our own stories, we sing all of life into existence, as the Great Mother did and does. So mote it be.

More update:

Since the original post, I’ve made another Bear claw pendant. It is an oak amulet for ancestral work and is a modern, stylized rendition of a claw.

Along with being a charm for ancestor work, the pendant has all the magic I’ve already mentioned for Bear claw.

And a bear claw talisman has more powers. It:

* Helps connect me with ancestors because the Great Mother Goddess Creator is our original ancestor.

* Invokes power and guidance for a matriarch, whether that’s as the matriarch of a family, or a matriarch in the sense of a creator of books or social change or …

* Creates wholeness. Often, sweetness and love is overlooked in the representation of fierce Goddesses, making these Deities seem one-sided. Or only the side of a Goddess that is gentle is portrayed. But we can be multifaceted, and the amulet helps with that.

I felt Oak and Bear energy would be a good combination. Oak is my favorite tree, and, for me personally, it is similar to Bear in that Oak helps me find in myself—and use—any power.

Oak is also similar to Bear for me because, when I picture the first tree that ever existed, I picture Oak. It is one of my earliest ancestors.

I decided to try fashioning a bear claw of oak. I’m rather proud of myself. To make this claw, I sawed a mini-plank on the diagonal, with a wee, non-electric handsaw. Then I shaped the claw further by whittling and sanding, more than I’d shaped wooden pieces before. I didn’t know if I could cut at an angle with that wee saw, let alone with my disabilities. and didn’t know if my disabilities would allow the whittling and sanding. So I’m really glad with how well this turned out.

On one side, I pyrographed the Ogham letter that corresponds with oak. My pyrography is done ritually to add yet more power.

If you’d like an affirmation for speaking from the heart and letting go of what other people think, check this post out: https://outlawbunny.com/2020/01/03/do-what-you-believe-in-speak-from-your-heart-and-dont-let-judgmental-responses-stop-you/

To enjoy a community of individuals who strive to speak their truths and live their truths, subscribe to my newsletter, below, and receive notice of our upcoming classes and rituals.
Click here to subscribe to my newsletter

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Magical Activism Class


My fey-touched friend,

Does your spirit insist our wild hearts and all Gaia’s children must be free?

It can be challenging to act on that belief.

Longterm action for change can result in burn out, depression, impotence, and feelings of hopelessness.

ClassSwirlOr we might even refrain from taking any action at all because it feels overwhelming.

Do you feel deep down that it can be another way?

I’m going to facilitate an ongoing circle that will also provide lessons. I created rites so you have a way to 1) keep your spirits up and 2) make a positive difference for All Our Relations by combining your magical efforts with that of the other class participants.

You’ll have the chance for:
* ongoing support tailored to what you need as a unique individual, including self-empowering rites channeled specifically for you
* magical ceremonies with a group of wonderful people to create a better world.

SunnyDotRituals will range from protection of people at risk, to self-nurturance so we can keep fighting the good fight, to evoking Divine guidance that shows what actions on the mundane plane each of us as individuals can take to make a positive difference. During meetings, I welcome suggestions for additional issues the rites can address.

Every session, I’ll give direct spiritual transmissions that tailor themselves to what you need that week, e.g., having your hope restored or gaining confidence. (If you don’t know what a direct spiritual transmission is, you could think of it as a blessing.)

The circle will be mixed level: no prerequisites needed, but adepts will find real power here. I’m a big believer in advanced practitioners and beginners working together. I facilitate such a group in a manner that respects and empowers everyone involved, creates effective magic, and provides substantive lessons for everyone.

Right now, real change requires the collective power of different types of people who want to create a better world.

Enrollment limited to sixteen people. This way, everyone can receive individualized attention, so you get whatever you need. And we’ll be a small enough group that we can cooperate as unique individuals to make powerful magic.

Classes are group meetings by phone: just dial the phone to participate.

WeeSqr3For six months, we meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month, 6:00 to 7:00 pm EST, starting Wednesday August 2. Reserve Wednesday Jan 24, same time, for a makeup session, in case I’m unavailable for one of the planned meetings.

Six months allows real work for your well-being and the well-being of All Our Relations, instead of just temporary Band-Aids, and also facilitates powerful lessons about whatever magical, ethical, and personal issues arise. I’m committing to making a difference.

WeeSqr3Total cost for the six months is $450. As always, scholarships, partial scholarships, payment plans tailored specifically to you, and trades are available. Your particular phone carrier may charge you for the call. Charges appear on your phone bill. The event’s area code is a U.S. #.

Pay securely with PayPal. Which of the following options work for you?

1) Use the Pay Now button below to send me $450, and you’re taken care of! You don’t need a PayPal account.

2) Or use the Subscribe button to make two equal payments of $225, one now and a second one automatically three months later. Easy! Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account. This option is available if you have a PayPal account.

Upon receipt of payment, your place is reserved. You receive event phone number, etc., by email. No refunds. For more info, or to discuss scholarship, trade, or payment plan, call me: 814-337-2490.

The world needs your magic. Enroll now.

Thank you! Goddess, stay with us in the union of all things.


Posted in Classes, Books, and Other News | 2 Comments

A Two-Week Shamanic Treatment to Heal Your Body

Two-Week Healing Ceremony

Starts July 17

Do you want a powerful, effective healing for your body? I perform a shamanic ceremony for you five days each week, for two weeks!

Sigil to Bless and Empowers Physical Healing Rite #3, Francesca De Grandis.

This shamanic treatment is a distance healing. No meeting required, not even by phone. Just go about your daily life as usual, and I’ll do the work for you.

You don’t even have to tell me your health problem(s). My style shamanic treatment addresses whatever your body most needs for health.

If you’re already healthy, this ceremony builds maximum health, so you avoid illness.

Clients use words like “amazing” in their feedback:

MiniTree2“My blood pressure readings were suddenly amazing, like an athlete’s.”

“Francesca, my 2 week experience was awesome. … the first time in many years the pain from my herniated discs in my neck didn’t bother me.”

“Amazingly, I awoke yesterday totally pain free in my knees and shoulders.”

MiniTree“Helped heal a gallbladder issue I’d had for years! I was told I’d need surgery, and was in pain, but not anymore!”

“After 40+ hours labor, the contraction were not coming steadily. Then I heard a very clear voice say, ‘Call Francesca.’ … Soon after the call the contractions were coming strong, and we could all feel the magic in the air.”

MiniTree2“Francesca healed my warts. What more can I say? :-)”

“I suffer from seasonal affective disorder and Jan is the worst month for me. [Francesca] helped me to feel more energetic and enthusiastic and to be much more productive.”

Total cost for your two-week ceremony is $125.

Starts July 17.

Want this healing done for you? Scroll down, give your phone number, then click Pay Now. Easy!

Please give your phone #.

SigilMini3If you have questions, or want to discuss scholarship, semi-scholarship, payment plan, or trade, call me: 814-337-2490.

My treatments may not work for some individuals. No refunds. A shamanic treatment is not a substitute for medical care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation.

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