New Event:
Ongoing Effective Magical Support
Six-Months of Blessing Ceremonies
performed for you,
starting December 23, 2024
You don’t have to attend an event, meditate, or do anything else. I do the work for you. Receiving this transmission is easy. Simply enroll. Then I perform a blessing ceremony for you every week.
If you do not receive an email confirming your payment within a few days, please check your spam. If the email is not there, or you want to discuss a scholarship, semi-scholarship, trade, or payment plan other than the subscription, or you need additional information, please call me at the number below. No refunds, but you may cancel your subscription any time.
Shamanic Magic Tailored to You
My blessing ceremonies are best described as direct spiritual transmissions. Nonetheless, I don’t know of anyone who defines spiritual transmissions the way I do:
I’m a good-luck charm. I was born generating a beneficial field of energy that adapts itself to fulfill your specific physical, spiritual, and emotional needs, even when they change from moment to moment. Examples:
* financial security
* spiritual strength to get back up after life’s knocked you down
* creativity
* safety
* joy
* soul healing
* insights
* romance
* career
* health
* numerous blessings simultaneously.
I don’t have to know what you need or want because the transmission’s energy automatically transforms to help fulfill your desires.
For example, profound spiritual healing occurs if you need it to be proactive about abundance, peace, and self-realization.
In addition, my transmissions bless you as a whole and multifaceted being and bring good luck.
Recipients usually see substantial improvements immediately, with more and more occurring. And they tend to snowball. After the six months, benefits tend to remain and continue to have a ripple effect.
Fairy Blessings for You
From birth, I was taught to hone my ability as a good luck charm. My particular transmissions are a Faerie Witch method. From my earliest memory, my mom wrapped the ancient Faery Faith around me, not as an abstract idea but as a living, loving magic. My Fey-touched mother’s maternal love provided a role model for direct spiritual transmissions.
Serving you is my privilege, joy, and sacred Fey profession. You can count on me to have your back because this is what my life is about.
I have spent decades honing my natural-born magical gifts.
A Bounty of Magic, Hope, Possibilities
Six months of weekly ceremonies is a lot of magic: a bounty of blessings for the now and the future.
Whatever’s going on in your life, major shifts can happen any moment.
Whatever you’re feeling or doing, important changes can happen.
No experience is needed to benefit from these blessing ceremonies.
If you feel powerless, the transmissions help you recognize—and use—the power in and around you. The transmissions help you survive and soar.
Adepts are deeply impacted by my work.
Even if you’re a Shaman, you deserve a constant ally.
If you have enormous power, you still profit from my services. The transmissions build on your achievements, helping you soar higher than before. If your flight hits storms, I help you remain aloft.
Reviews for Francesca De Grandis’s Shamanism
If you could compare me from last week to this week, you would swear I was a different person.—Arwen Professional Joy Seeker
Within a few days, I got a job, a new truck for the exact amount I’d wanted to pay, and sold our old truck without even trying.—Julia
I was feeling stuck. I was angry, I wanted to escape my life, I wanted help to escape. What I got was just the opposite, it made me see clearly how I wanted to run away from myself, run from my fears, my weaknesses, from my insecurities, from taking responsibility… and it gave me the strength to face myself, to take finally a fearless look. It was what I really needed. I am still amazed by it, and hey! I love my life now.—Clarisse Gagnon
I got the second transmission a couple months ago, I was doing well, I had good momentum going. Some things, concepts, ideas, I had been working towards for a few years I finally understood, within two weeks of the transmission, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good before.—Clarisse Gagnon
Embrace Magic, Hope, and Possibilities
Enrolling for these ceremonies is a way to embrace hope and possibilities.
Magic loves you. You. Magic won’t exclude you. No matter what.
My ceremonies help you.
You are the Fairy Queen’s beloved sacred child. She wants you to enjoy bounty, peace, and fulfillment. She’ll add Her enchantments to my work for you.
Choose the “impossible:” a Fairy-blessed life in which wild-hearted dreams come true.
Click the Subscribe button.
Whatever you need help with, I have your back. Always.
Francesca De Grandis is the best-selling author of “Be a Goddess!” Her work couples Goddess mysticism with practical magic and a down-to-earth philosophy. She was raised in an ancient European Witchcraft tradition that is a multicultural Faerie Shamanism. The De Grandis family tradition is a Strega (Italian Witchcraft) tradition that also has Celtic, African, and other Shamanic roots. Biased scholars insist there is no centuries-old European Shamanism. And that they could not have been multicultural. And that Shamanism and Witchcraft are never synonymous. These erroneous premises support colonizer culture.
Magic is not a substitute for psychiatric counseling or medical care. Participants are responsible for the consequences of their participation.