Survive … and Thrive … in All Ways:
A Shamanic Empowerment
Starts May 1.
Worry, fear, and resignation are not the default.
Hope, confidence, and victory can be the norm.
Are you facing immense challenges? Or want to improve an already great situation?
Want support to survive physically and spiritually, and to thrive every way possible?
Enroll in this two-month event to live abundantly and beautifully, spiritually and materially both. Receive two services combined for maximum mojo:
1) For two months, three days a week, I send you direct spiritual transmissions. They improve both your circumstances and abilities the exact ways you personally need to survive and thrive on all levels.
Your shamanic empowerment is unique to you: without you giving it a thought, the transmissions tailor themselves to you. Whether you require better skills, better luck, or a variety of improvements, the transmissions cultivate them.
You don’t have to do anything for the direct spiritual transmissions to work. I do the work for you.
2) Shamanic lessons: over the two months, receive seven lessons by email—teachings you can apply despite your busy day.
Five of the lessons strengthen your spirit, focus your energy, and create happiness. You receive instruction in shamanic wisdoms and simple, metaphysical practices. These lessons are brief, to the point, and effective. Use them at your own pace.
These five lessons are digital Book of Shadows entries adorned by my witch art. Enjoy adding them to your personal Book of Shadows and expect lifelong value. Return to them when you want power and inspiration. You receive 12 pages of ornamented metaphysical tips! This post’s two large graphics are adapted from the paintings.
Many participants are shocked and delighted when a lesson addresses exactly what they need, without them having previously told me their situation.
You also receive two lessons—in the body of an email—on how to take maximum advantage of spiritual transmissions generally speaking.
However, check this out: if you use none of the email lessons, the transmissions still work—full tilt! The transmissions stand on their own! I usually charge the price of this event just for the transmissions alone, because they’re great.
But when I reach great, I want to go further. So I offer these lessons. Most people drawn to my work are also drawn to being proactive, so they enjoy the lessons. Rock on!
If you choose to use some or all of the lessons: All seven lessons weave with the spiritual transmissions, creating a shamanic empowerment that is greater than the sum of its parts. Example: the more the transmissions center you into power, the more the lessons work for you. Another example: when the two months end, your inner shifts caused by the spiritual transmissions remain part of you, which makes the lessons remain powerful.
Pay securely with PayPal. Which of the following options work for you?
1) Pay now using the Pay Now button below, and you’re taken care of. Total fee: $250. You don’t need a PayPal account.
2) Use the Subscribe button below to make two automatic monthly payments of $125. Easy! Payments appear on the credit card associated with your PayPal account.
Shamanism was never meant to be pie in the sky. Shamanism is down-to-earth. Ancient shamans focused on keeping the tribe safe physically and spiritually, making crops and hunts bountiful, and helping the tribe live in beauty. You are my tribe. As a community shaman, my happy focus is supporting you in all of life’s basics, from the ability to earn your living to having beautiful experiences. My tribe has many shamans in it, so if you’re one yourself, I want to support you. We’re all in this together. Choose hope. So mote it be!
Magic is no substitute for medical care by a trained physician, psychiatric counseling, or other therapeutic treatments. Participants are personally responsible for the consequences of their voluntary participation. My magic may not work for some individuals. Refunds unavailable.
For more info about this event, or to discuss scholarship, partial scholarship, or trade, call 814-337-2490.